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See If The Us Gov't Thinks You Are Fat!


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wooo i'm 'Government Approved'


Your BMI = 20.67


Congratulations, the government considers you in the "normal" range...for now. They've changed the rules before, and could do it again. And being government-certified doesn't exempt you from the bloated "fat-taxes" on soda, snack food, and restaurant meals that groups like the Centre for Science in the Public Intrest are publishing.

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Well now - there's a surprise! Here in the UK i'm morbidly obese, but in the US i'm only obese - whoopiee :D


Although according to the US Gvt I now seem to have changed sexes and look like Matt Le Blanc! :unsure:

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MMMMmmmmm...... Mel Gibson :-)


Same category eh? Are you going to the forum meet up????


Yeah... just picture him standing in front of you... slowly taking off his clothes and, then, when he looks into your eyes, simply melting.

Then picture that molten mass being reformed into an older, barrel-shaped man with short legs and white hair.


Yeah... I'll be going! See you there?

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