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Ramsey Boundary Extension?


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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

No I agree it’s the payroll that’s the problem in order to get minimal services in the first place. But that load should be shared. 

True. But there's been a lot of cutting back on LA services too, in the name of "savings". Try getting the weeds in your street sprayed. But there's been no shortage of administrative recruitment (certainly in my LA ;) ).

An all island rate can only be fair if all the LAs are offering the same levels of service (regulated?), and that ain't going to happen (without regulation). Plus some ratepayers may not want or even require that level of service. I can see this being argued over for a good while.

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  • 1 year later...

Thread resurrection - I see from this weekend's Indy that Ramsey Commissioners have finally decided to get tough with the owners of "ruinous" properties around the town.

Notwithstanding that the horse has long bolted in respect of much of this, with further property in Parliament St. additionally now scheduled for demolition, why has it taken so long to reach this point? There seems to have been a remarkable reluctance to stand up to property owners whose buildings are falling into disrepair within the town. The last action was against Bleak House @ 10 years ago, albeit a difficult legal case, when masonry began to fall into the pavements below.

These properties (some again in the street) didn't get to this stage overnight, it's obvious to most people still in possession of their vision that stuff is on the slide; old Ramsey is falling to bits with a sequence of recent demolitions  leaving rubble and weed infested areas in the town centre.

Why has it taken so long to get to the stage that some of the owners need chasing up, the subject must have been ignored for 20 years +?



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36 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Thread resurrection - I see from this weekend's Indy that Ramsey Commissioners have finally decided to get tough with the owners of "ruinous" properties around the town.

Notwithstanding that the horse has long bolted in respect of much of this, with further property in Parliament St. additionally now scheduled for demolition, why has it taken so long to reach this point? There seems to have been a remarkable reluctance to stand up to property owners whose buildings are falling into disrepair within the town. The last action was against Bleak House @ 10 years ago, albeit a difficult legal case, when masonry began to fall into the pavements below.

These properties (some again in the street) didn't get to this stage overnight, it's obvious to most people still in possession of their vision that stuff is on the slide; old Ramsey is falling to bits with a sequence of recent demolitions  leaving rubble and weed infested areas in the town centre.

Why has it taken so long to get to the stage that some of the owners need chasing up, the subject must have been ignored for 20 years +?



All the local authorities should be doing this regularly, there’s loads around the island. Isn’t that Bleak House still in very poor condition?

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Whilst on the RTC and dilapidated buildings subject - has anybody heard anything of the outcome of the proposed meeting between the Commissioners and H&B over the futures of their closed public houses in the town? Indeed, did anyone from H&B even turn up?

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  • 4 months later...
22 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Has it taken since 1982 for the planning to be submitted?  Dandara haven't got the resources and staff to finish one project let alone take on more.

I had to crop the screenshot to comply with MF's data limit, however one of the stated reasons for the refusal was a recently identified reduced need for housing in the North of the Island.

Now something is going on here - we have a booming, growing economy, everything that's being built is getting sold....yet there's a reduced need for housing?



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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

I had to crop the screenshot to comply with MF's data limit, however one of the stated reasons for the refusal was a recently identified reduced need for housing in the North of the Island.

Now something is going on here - we have a booming, growing economy, everything that's being built is getting sold....yet there's a reduced need for housing?



Well the population growth forecast used to justify bulldozing all the green fields has proved to be wrong so not so many houses needed 

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24 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well the population growth forecast used to justify bulldozing all the green fields has proved to be wrong so not so many houses needed 

Or maybe somebody's finally twigged that half of what's getting built is being sold to off-Island B2L investors? And that bona fide local buyers are in short supply and/or priced out of the market at least partly on account of it?

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