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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

Neil Down

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The Island is currently short of Wheat for flour production. We try, with Robinsons help, to provide a balance of fruit and veg production locally.

If the allowance of Hemp production as a cash crop were to follow its current trend of giving a better return than these vital food products, a la poppy production in Afganistan, then we end up with an inbalance of vital produce as against cash crops for the few? Is that where we want to be?

Hemp can provide an insulation material but how much agricultural land would need to be turned over to Hemp to provide, even, the Island with its needs with it's loss to the vegetable and Animal rearing needs of the Island???

Medicinal Cannabis does not relate to ' this shite music is quite good' you know!!!

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

What's a good way of taking it these days though?

I heard from a friend or something that eating it can be super trippy, whatever that means (I've no idea). And any kind of smoking is clearly dumb. So what's the answer? Suppositories?

I understand that Kinder Egg suppositories are by far the most popular import method for a wide variety of drugs. Smoking isn’t healthy I’ll grant you that. But eating it is pretty fine. Lots of cafes in Amsterdam just lace it in cakes and confectionary. I think medical licensing and licensed growing could work here on a good scale. We might be so desperate at the end of all this that the economic needs trump the Methodists and the reefer madness brigade. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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I'll say again that the the cannabis for 'medical use' is NOT the trippy type, it is for alleviation of body aches.

The loss of agricultural land for Hemp production could be at the expense of veg/animal production for the table of the many?

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2 minutes ago, Kopek said:

I'll say again that the the cannabis for 'medical use' is NOT the trippy type, it is for alleviation of body aches.

The loss of agricultural land for Hemp production could be at the expense of veg/animal production for the table of the many?

Doesn't most manx meat get exported only to be replaced by cheaper imports?

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10 hours ago, Kopek said:

I'll say again that the the cannabis for 'medical use' is NOT the trippy type, it is for alleviation of body aches.

The loss of agricultural land for Hemp production could be at the expense of veg/animal production for the table of the many?

How many farmers currently get government grants for doing f-all?

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I can understand the proposed economic benefits. But IMHO we've presently got enough smackheads and alcoholics on the Island rendering themselves of little constructive contribution to society, if not taking from it due to their problem, without opening up another avenue to the same destiny. I don't buy into this "medicinal and hemp only" line. One leads to the other and it's but a short step. And I couldn't see UK letting it go ahead.

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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I can understand the proposed economic benefits. But IMHO we've presently got enough smackheads and alcoholics on the Island rendering themselves of little constructive contribution to society, if not taking from it due to their problem, without opening up another avenue to the same destiny. I don't buy into this "medicinal and hemp only" line. One leads to the other and it's but a short step. And I couldn't see UK letting it go ahead.

Use didn't go up in the States after legislation. 

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19 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I can understand the proposed economic benefits. But IMHO we've presently got enough smackheads and alcoholics on the Island rendering themselves of little constructive contribution to society, if not taking from it due to their problem, without opening up another avenue to the same destiny. I don't buy into this "medicinal and hemp only" line. One leads to the other and it's but a short step. And I couldn't see UK letting it go ahead.

If you are going to attempt to insult somebody, have the decency to use the correct terminology. They are potheads not smackheads... :flowers:

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1 minute ago, Non-Believer said:

I can understand the proposed economic benefits. But IMHO we've presently got enough smackheads and alcoholics on the Island... ...without opening up another avenue...

Apples and pears. Decriminalisation of cannabis and the facilitation of being able to purchase quality product in a licensed outlet removes it from the criminal distribution system. There is little evidence to suggest that cannabis alone is as problematic as class 'A' drugs such as heroin and cocaine, et al, or the freely available drug that is alcohol. Nor when compared to other physician-prescribed pharmaceutical opiates and other mood-altering compounds.

1 minute ago, Non-Believer said:

I don't buy into this "medicinal and hemp only" line.

I don't either. Retailers are awash with CBD products that are about as useful as homeopathic remedies, they're a rip-off as they're not sold in medically efficacious concentrations for proper therapeutic use. Most evidence suggests that cannabis products for effective pain-relief in real terms need to be a combination of CBD and THC in equal measure. Otherwise CBD on its own provides little relief, though there is something to be said for the psycho-suggestive properties of CBD but basically it's not anywhere near as useful on its own when compared to the marketing of it.

1 minute ago, Non-Believer said:

One leads to the other and it's but a short step.

This is a much used and wholly inaccurate statement. Cannabis is not and never has been a 'gateway' drug. My own experience as a 40-year user of cannabis is that it never once encouraged me to progress to anything 'harder' and 99% of all other users I have encountered in that time, the same is true...

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21 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Use didn't go up in the States after legislation. 

And in the Netherlands cannabis use actually decreased. Once people became more informed about it, the element of esoteria and mystique was taken out of it. It became less attractive to the curious. 

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17 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

If you are going to attempt to insult somebody, have the decency to use the correct terminology. They are potheads not smackheads... :flowers:

No.....I meant smackheads as in users of substances other than pot :flowers:

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36 minutes ago, quilp said:

Apples and pears. Decriminalisation of cannabis and the facilitation of being able to purchase quality product in a licensed outlet removes it from the criminal distribution system. There is little evidence to suggest that cannabis alone is as problematic as class 'A' drugs such as heroin and cocaine, et al, or the freely available drug that is alcohol. Nor when compared to other physician-prescribed pharmaceutical opiates and other mood-altering compounds.

I don't either. Retailers are awash with CBD products that are about as useful as homeopathic remedies, they're a rip-off as they're not sold in medically efficacious concentrations for proper therapeutic use. Most evidence suggests that cannabis products for effective pain-relief in real terms need to be a combination of CBD and THC in equal measure. Otherwise CBD on its own provides little relief, though there is something to be said for the psycho-suggestive properties of CBD but basically it's not anywhere near as useful on its own when compared to the marketing of it.

This is a much used and wholly inaccurate statement. Cannabis is not and never has been a 'gateway' drug. My own experience as a 40-year user of cannabis is that it never once encouraged me to progress to anything 'harder' and 99% of all other users I have encountered in that time, the same is true...

Excellent post Mr Quilp :thumbsup:

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