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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

Neil Down

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Aztecs- (sacred) mushrooms, cannabis. 

Pharaohs- hashish (cannabis) opium, cocaine, blue Lotus

Greeks and Romans- as above and 'Mad Honey', henbane, ergot and a species of Sea Bream which induced hallucinations! Belladonna.

And the rest...


Humans have pursued and cultivated substances to alter their reality and incorporate them into early religious ceremonies, for thousands and thousands of years.

Still at it... 

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The trouble with medical-only cannabis is that it ends up putting more pressure on the healthy service (which is why GPs are wary).

No it doesn't. It just becomes a POM like everything else. Pain relief and muscle relaxant. Fine to me. I would take it for those conditions, no problem.

2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The 'grow your own' types clearly don't want to break the law, they want to law to change so that they can pursue their hobby.

There are several laws that I am sure several people (including me) that would like to change or introduce. This just happens to be a "hobby" that can have potential risks for everyone else. 

Remember- what does Mr Hooper want by introducing this debate. - Duh ?

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16 minutes ago, quilp said:

Eh? What "problems" are they then?

And who is "everyone else?"

More 'Reefer Madness."

Well that's the sort of argument you are going to have to put to the majority, via their Tynwald representatives. in order to get the law changed from the status quo.

Let's see what happens next election. Now is the time to start lobbying.

Good luck.


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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

Well that's the sort of argument you are going to have to put to the majority, via their Tynwald representatives. in order to get the law changed from the status quo.

Let's see what happens next election. Now is the time to start lobbying.

Good luck.


thankfully my MHK is behind it all the way. Another 20 MHK's and we're there.

All we need is either a clean sweep and get rid of the other dinosaurs and get some forward thinking individuals in

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Eh? What "problems" are they then?

And who is "everyone else?"

More 'Reefer Madness."

These questions have already been answered in the previous posts. There is little point in reiterating them. Not going to happen here. I am all for medicinal purpose for eg muscle relaxations and pain relief. 

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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

thankfully my MHK is behind it all the way. Another 20 MHK's and we're there.

All we need is either a clean sweep and get rid of the other dinosaurs and get some forward thinking individuals in

20 is ample. You'll only need another 16 and it will be as good as done and dusted and will sail through Tynwald.

(Come election time how many hopeful candidates are going to tell their constituents that they are all for legalising cannabis?)

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On 12/4/2020 at 9:47 AM, wrighty said:

Not sure it helps to reduce everything to "X doesn't agree with my position therefore he's an idiot".  There are as many, if not more, people against legalisation of cannabis as for it.  As a politician he's going to be gauging public opinion and treading a fine line between upsetting the pro camp on the one side with the antis on the other.


Hang on a sec, by what right have the NO people got to impose tbeir wishes on the YES people? Surely this is even less important than the abortion debate ffs, a set of people who WON'T imposing their wishes on those that WILL even though every adult should be able to do whatever the fuck they like with their bodies (cannabis)...admittedly when it comes to abortion this is a lot more sensitive as there is a human life involved that doesn't get to choose.

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16 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:

Hang on a sec, by what right have the NO people got to impose tbeir wishes on the YES people? Surely this is even less important than the abortion debate ffs, a set of people who WON'T imposing their wishes on those that WILL even though every adult should be able to do whatever the fuck they like with their bodies (cannabis)...admittedly when it comes to abortion this is a lot more sensitive as there is a human life involved that doesn't get to choose.

You have to remember that we appear to be living in a society where minority rules...

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  • 1 month later...
12 minutes ago, quilp said:

Forward thinking or backward slant? Wales's PCC advocating free weed in prisons to cut crime, deaths and opioid abuse...



I thought we'd been doing that for a while... 😂

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