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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

Neil Down

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9 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

No. Not really.  It's a brain rotting drug.

"Current marijuana use had a negative effect on global IQ score only in subjects who smoked 5 or more joints per week. A negative effect was not observed among subjects who had previously been heavy users but were no longer using the substance. We conclude that marijuana does not have a longterm negative impact on global intelligence. Whether the absence of a residual marijuana effect would also be evident in more specific cognitive domains such as memory and attention remains to be ascertained."


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Just now, HeliX said:

Sounds scientific.

Well it's factual.  Depression.  Noticeable diminished brain function.

I don't give that much of a fuck to honest.  People can rot their heads all they want.  Id definitely like to see a more robust policy around drug driving though.

The suggestion also seems to be that it'll be a big money spinner which I suspect it won't be.

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4 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Well it's factual.  Depression.  Noticeable diminished brain function.

I don't give that much of a fuck to honest.  People can rot their heads all they want.  Id definitely like to see a more robust policy around drug driving though.

The suggestion also seems to be that it'll be a big money spinner which I suspect it won't be.

Are they depressed because the smoke too much cannabis or do they smoke too much cannabis because they're depressed?

Cannabis, of course, has many of the same drawbacks as lots of drugs. Alcohol, prescription, illegal, whatever. But it does seem to be on the whole less harmful than alcohol.

Any economic benefit is just that - a benefit. Another large benefit being that the money would no longer be funding criminal enterprises. It going to local businesses instead can only be a good thing.

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:

Are they depressed because the smoke too much cannabis or do they smoke too much cannabis because they're depressed?

Cannabis, of course, has many of the same drawbacks as lots of drugs. Alcohol, prescription, illegal, whatever. But it does seem to be on the whole less harmful than alcohol.

Any economic benefit is just that - a benefit. Another large benefit being that the money would no longer be funding criminal enterprises. It going to local businesses instead can only be a good thing.

What, you think most of the skanks who smoke weed are going to pay twice the price in the Spar?

Suddenly crime and drug dealers are going to go quiet?

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Just now, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

What, you think most of the skanks who smoke weed are going to pay twice the price in the Spar?

Suddenly crime and drug dealers are going to go quiet?

Why would it be twice the price? Besides, the price has gone up about that much over lockdown anyway as it can't be sent on the boat anymore and dealers are recouping lost value due to seizures from their clientele...

You'll notice there's been a fair old dip in bootleg alcohol activity in the states since the 30s....

And drug trafficking has gone down in the US since legalisation of cannabis.

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1 minute ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

You wouldnt expect it to be twice the price? Big wack of tax.  VAT.  Regulatory frame work to pay for.  Profit for the retailer.  Easily double that of street priced drug dealer stuff.

Bootleg alcohol laws and changes from near a century ago bear no relevance really.


Massively increased supply and reduced risk. Certainly hasn't doubled in the states.


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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=58333&headline=Drugs are the biggest threat to our island&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2020&cat=Crime

Maybe now is the time to re-think the whole cannabis situation. Let me clarify that I don't smoke. Have never used cannabis but think now is the time for the IOM to follow some of the other countries who have legalised cannabis. Nearly every week, the local paper carries stories of people being arrested for offences relating to cannabis.

The stuff is, or rather can be, a severe head fuck. Possibly long term, who knows. It's illegal for a reason.

I look at the people who smoke cannabis. They're ok I s'pose but not one of them would I hold up with any respect.

And behind every little drug dealer, there's a nasty big drug dealer dealing nastier bigger drugs. Reading today's paper it's good to see the police are bringing in some bigger drug dealers. Keep it up guys.



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