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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

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15 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It just shows that with mitigations it works. However, and it’s a big however, Maltese, Portuguese, and Dutch young people show little remembrance to their British counterparts. And that’s a real stumbling block to decriminalisation here I think. 

Actually judging by their local papers, I'd say the Maltese Yoof are at least as bad as their British (or Manx) counterparts, probably worse.  

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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

In the old days, round about the time of the hippy bells or maybe a bit later, the dealer used to come to your house with a little case with a selection of different weeds, resins, oil and pollen. It was tradition that once you’d had a sample or two, and made your purchase, that the dealer would stay for a while and share a joint or two.

We we’re more progressive then than now where it’s all got a bit sleazy  

According to my brother  


It sounds all very amenable and friendly. Not that I'm making any sort of knee jerk reaction or anything, but do these types 'jack-up' with the heroin customers too?

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12 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Odd how Imperial measures (ie an ounce) are continued over into metric-using countries.  Malta (who have a more Imperial past) allow you to have 7 g on you and will fine you if you have between 7 g and 28 g (though it's not a criminal offence).  Over that it becomes dealing.  I think you're allowed up to 50 g at home.

I always wonder this.  Why is weed still in ounces and yet everything else, including other drugs is in grams?

11 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I think the idea is that it would be the harvest from your four permitted plants.  Presumably you wouldn't smoke it all at once.

Indeed, harvesting, drying and curing one plant if it's a big one could end you up with quite a bit of weed all at once.  You could then store it for about 6 months.   If you planted a few plants at the same time and then harvested around the same time, it could get a bit tricky with with your 'home allowance'. 

It takes about 3 months to grow and harvest one plant.  So in theory a user/grower would need to consider budgeting/consumption and the home allowance.  

A friend of mine grew about 10 plants in first lockdown.  Turned out he was a more skilled horticulturist than he thought.  We worked it out and he 'accidentally' grew about £3000 worth, when all he really wanted was enough to get him through lockdown. 😅

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5 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Do you know my brother? 

I don't think his sister knows.... 

2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

You can buy a gram of weed in Southern Europe for five euros. 

I accidentally bought a carrier bag full in Mexico for USD 50.  Had no idea how much it cost there.  Gave the local beach dealer at lifeguard tower 3 the money and was rather suprised when he returned! 

Ended up giving most of it away at hostel I was staying at. 

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Growing under lights, an idea would be to germinate and raise seedlings at 8 to 12 week intervals, rotating that way keeps the crop on the go all year round and help with the 50g limit, no pothead would relish the idea of having to dispose of any 'live' excess and turning the product into consumables might get past the limitations. The 50g limit is equal to approx. 3/4 of an ounce, probably what a regular user would get through in a month, though for some, consumption will be greater. At £20 a gram, that's £560 per month though I've heard that some people over here are desperate enough to pay £30-£35 a gram which is astonishing. It appears that when someone gets lifted on possesion over here the cops are using the £30 per gram as the baseline, probably because it looks better in the media, the reality is usually different.

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49 minutes ago, Declan said:

Probably a generation thing.

Yes, I think this is right.
25 years ago, although it was generally accepted there was this cannabis stuff around, the vast majority of the Isle of Man believed there would never be heroin on the Isle of Man. Really. Cocaine more-or-less too.

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On 5/6/2021 at 7:07 AM, P.K. said:

In Spain you are allowed to cultivate cannabis for personal use and I couldn't help noticing that aficionados carried theirs in a small baggie around the neck. Presumably to avoid being sussed.

However you are only permitted two plants per household thusly:



Who lives here?


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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

Is this even remotely funny? How do images of paedophile sex-traffickers relate in a debate about cannabis?


7 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

No, it isn’t but I thought it was better to laugh than to rise to his bait. 

The jokes on you.

It was a simple google images "drug dealers UK" or similar



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