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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

An automatic minimum 2-year driving ban, and a fine of however much for driving under the 'influence' of cannabis. 12 months longer than the UK for the same offence. Probably includes re-taking your driving test once the ban is up also.

Going to affect a lot of people if medicinal cannabis is legislated-for across the country.

Well if you drive under influence of prescribed drugs which impact driving you get a ban so same rules if you drive under influence of prescribed cannabis 

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Is this to do with this new testing thing they've been doing? How under the influence? How do they measure it? How does anyone know what the limit is, like drink driving? Just zero? You can pick up drug traces for varying amounts of time after use. A bit of clarity might be an idea. Some people might like to smoke a joint at 7am on a Sunday morning, but be driving by lunch. They wouldn't consider themselves under the influence by then, what would a test say?

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5 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Is this to do with this new testing thing they've been doing? How under the influence? How do they measure it? How does anyone know what the limit is, like drink driving? Just zero? You can pick up drug traces for varying amounts of time after use. A bit of clarity might be an idea. Some people might like to smoke a joint at 7am on a Sunday morning, but be driving by lunch. They wouldn't consider themselves under the influence by then, what would a test say?

Have a gander at this. Unknowingly or passively absorbing cannabis makes no difference.


Scientists recommended a level of 5 and the UK government decided on 2.

All info in the link. Makes interesting reading.

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we are already going down the road to ruin on the subject of legalising cannabis , and recent tests on Island  have shown over 20 people in a  reasonably short period ,driving while impaired ,  in countries like Canada its got so bad people  will  avoid going out at night because of Stoned  drivers , and drivers  off their heads ,on skunk and other forms of Cannabis 

 Evidence shows after a while   Chrystal meths is rapidly  taking  over , and while I have no objection to the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes  , it should be a complete no .no  for drivers  or people in a circumstances  where that can cause harm or injury  to others , 

this island has already lost the war on drugs and it seems both hard and soft drugs are available every where and the police can do little to control it .


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10 minutes ago, Omobono said:

we are already going down the road to ruin on the subject of legalising cannabis , and recent tests on Island  have shown over 20 people in a  reasonably short period ,driving while impaired ,  in countries like Canada its got so bad people  will  avoid going out at night because of Stoned  drivers , and drivers  off their heads ,on skunk and other forms of Cannabis 

 Evidence shows after a while   Chrystal meths is rapidly  taking  over , and while I have no objection to the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes  , it should be a complete no .no  for drivers  or people in a circumstances  where that can cause harm or injury  to others , 

this island has already lost the war on drugs and it seems both hard and soft drugs are available every where and the police can do little to control it .


Just say no!

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13 hours ago, Omobono said:

Evidence shows after a while   Chrystal meths is rapidly  taking  over , and while I have no objection to the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes 

I've often wondered why Chrystal Meth hasn't really become a thing in the UK; when it's a massive problem in pretty much every other developed country. 

I bought some flu remedy in Canada and had to put my name on a list so they could check I wasn't stock piling it to refine the Pseudoephedrine into Meth!


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43 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

I've often wondered why Chrystal Meth hasn't really become a thing in the UK; when it's a massive problem in pretty much every other developed country. 

I bought some flu remedy in Canada and had to put my name on a list so they could check I wasn't stock piling it to refine the Pseudoephedrine into Meth!


I'll give it a go.

In the old days we had to filter Brasso through a sock or something to get a hit. It was step up from straight meths. I'm all for this sort of thing, as long as it doesn't involve marinating anything up the arse, which seems to be the druggie's thing to do these days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are folk on this forum with far more first hand knowledge than me, and certainly we have some 'functional pot-heads' here, but I wonder what are opinions regarding driving while 'a wee bit stoned'? I noticed there was a case recently where the guy had less than a gram of cannabis in his car. But if he had been stoned and that, is it possibly not dissimilar to a drunk man with a few dregs left in his half bottle of whiskey under the seat of his car?

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3 hours ago, Barlow said:

There are folk on this forum with far more first hand knowledge than me, and certainly we have some 'functional pot-heads' here, but I wonder what are opinions regarding driving while 'a wee bit stoned'? I noticed there was a case recently where the guy had less than a gram of cannabis in his car. But if he had been stoned and that, is it possibly not dissimilar to a drunk man with a few dregs left in his half bottle of whiskey under the seat of his car?

No. Firstly, this habit of comparing alcohol and cannabis. It doesn't work like that in terms of intoxication and impairment, both drugs work on different parts of the brain. Secondly, he had 0.9 grams in the car, that suggests he'd probably just purchased it.

Tolerance and the effects of cannabis, like alcohol, will vary, person to person so it's difficult to gauge how much 'influence' any person is 'under' at any one time when it comes to cannabis. There are some who can lose it on a very small amount and those whose tolerance is so pronounced that it would be difficult to spot after consuming a much larger amount, just as it is with alcohol.

When levels of cannabis in the system were being set, the UK government drug advisors recommended 5% yet the law-makers, for their own reasons settled on 2%, or something along those lines.

Let’s say you're at a dinner-party, you're not a smoker yourself but are liberally-minded and enjoy a convivial evening around the dinner-table with some people drinking and some people smoking cannabis. Some will likely be doing both. It wouldn't take long in the average dining-room- a few hours say, for those not smoking cannabis to passively inhale enough second-hand smoke to put them over the 2% limit. Possibly without them even feeling the effects of slow, indirect inhalation. Dinner-party ends, on the drive home the non-smoker gets pulled-over, is swabbed for Cannabis and is just over, unknowingly, the 2% limit. That's how low that limit has been set. Automatic 2 year ban and fine. Re-take the test too, probably. There's no defence to be had, saying no joint was ever smoked, or consumable ever eaten makes little difference if one is over that 2% knowingly or not. Refusing the swab-test would result in it being perceived in law the same as when someone refuses the breathalyser. Failing to provide.

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On 2/24/2022 at 8:35 PM, Omobono said:

we are already going down the road to ruin on the subject of legalising cannabis , and recent tests on Island  have shown over 20 people in a  reasonably short period ,driving while impaired ,  in countries like Canada its got so bad people  will  avoid going out at night because of Stoned  drivers , and drivers  off their heads ,on skunk and other forms of Cannabis 

 Evidence shows after a while   Chrystal meths is rapidly  taking  over , and while I have no objection to the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes  , it should be a complete no .no  for drivers  or people in a circumstances  where that can cause harm or injury  to others , 

this island has already lost the war on drugs and it seems both hard and soft drugs are available every where and the police can do little to control it .


Is there any wonder the Police have lost the war on drugs when

"and what officers described as a wind turbine which later turned out to be a fan."

What level of intelligence is required to be a PC now? If you cant spot the difference between a fan and wind turbine I think you should not really be going outdoors on your own, let alone working for a living in the Police.

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