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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

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10 hours ago, quilp said:

Retailers are awash with CBD products that are about as useful as homeopathic remedies, they're a rip-off as they're not sold in medically efficacious concentrations for proper therapeutic use.

Yep. Legal CBD products have been one of the biggest disappointments of recent years. No effect at all. Utterly decaf.

One the plus side - not as awful as that terrible black that people used to sometimes sell in the 80s - re pressed with motor oil and plastic or whatever the heck had been done to it. 

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Yep. Legal CBD products have been one of the biggest disappointments of recent years. No effect at all. Utterly decaf.

One the plus side - not as awful as that terrible black that people used to sometimes sell in the 80s - re pressed with motor oil and plastic or whatever the heck had been done to it. 

Are you sure it was re-pressed and not just transported to the Island in someone's petrol tank?

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25 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Are you sure it was re-pressed and not just transported to the Island in someone's petrol tank?

I would have had no experience of any of this stuff in the context of the island. But you might be on to something in general:

I Googled the really nasty smelling stuff and found this which I think relates to the 1980s:



... normally resembling bars of Moroccan "soap", but with a very hard, brittle "bakelite" texture with fragments not crumbling when heated, and forming thin slivers when broken. This appears to be resin mixed with henna or other bulking agent 

Impurities - Resin is often smuggled into the UK within fuel tanks, and contamination with diesel fuel is not uncommon, THC content is not usually affected. The most common impurity revealed by forensic analysis is "caryophyline" a constituent of oil of cloves, commonly found in Asian resin, but also occasionally in "soap bar". This appears to be a used as a perfume, but may also have a mild numbing effect on the nose and mouth. This substance would appear to be introduced during manufacture.


No way of knowing how true that is though. Whether that is from actual forensic analysis or just rumour and stoner folklore.

Re-pressing was common. Extraordinary with hindsight - people breathing this stuff into their lungs without really knowing what was in it.

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7 hours ago, pongo said:

people breathing this stuff into their lungs without really knowing what was in it.

"Man in street" has always been happy to do it with tobacco and now vapes as well though?

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On 10/16/2020 at 1:26 PM, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Best leave it as we are then.:thumbsup:

That would be a missed opportunity in my view. The problem as I see it one of image. Drugs such as cannabis have a very poor image because they're recklessly abused by damn fools. The pity is that there are literally dozens of potentially theraputic compounds in cannabis alone. All we hear about is CBN and THC, though. And the amount of ill-informed opinion surrounding the topic is staggering. The hippies of the 1960s were god's gift to the pharmaceutical industry. Anyone here seen the film Gimme Shelter? It's a fascinating insight into the height of reckless drug abuse among the young people of the day and this was kind of behaviour that made it a pushover for the drug companies to lobby for criminalisation. So with a single act of prohibition, a wealth of natural organic compounds (nature is an amazing chemist) with genuine medical benefits were placed beyond lawful use. The drug companies were then at liberty to push all their toxic, synthetic side-effect loaded junk onto the market.

Fortunately research into the rich chemistry of these plants is making a comeback in more enlightened parts of the world, in particular the science of micro-dosing where hithertofore beyond-the-pale substances such as the psychotropic/psychedelic LSD and its analogs (another promising, natural substance whose image the hippies ruined) are enjoying great success in patients with treatment-resistant depression, psychosis, and all sorts of other serious illnesses in the psychiatric realm (my GP told me this the other day and no, he's not that MHK chap from Ramsey). Sadly the Island will not be among the leaders in this new area of research, though. Shame.


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Ffs the law should just allow any adult to get stoned for whatever the fuck reason they want to and have it grown on island or imported via lawful regulated suppliers and sold through official licensed, regulated and taxed outlets which would give the Police the time resources to concentrate on tackling Class A drugs and those that illegally peddle in it and profit from it.

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Or be allowed to grow your own.  Say you're allowed a few plants for personal use.  That would probably keep most stoners 'in stock' so to speak.

If you think about it, it is crazy that if I grew a few plants for my own personal use, not selling any, not contributing in any form to the underground world of drug dealing and all that entails; I could end up with a criminal record!  

Surely the main rationale for laws are to protect others from harm.  What harm would I be doing to anyone?

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Charge £200 for a home grow licence. Put a limit on floor space/lumens/plant quantity/whatever. Agree to be of good character or you don't get to renew. Give the money straight to police to support their work at the borders. Easy. Bet at least 2000 people would sign up, £400000 would cover a new dog and handler for fun.

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38 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Charge £200 for a home grow licence. Put a limit on floor space/lumens/plant quantity/whatever. Agree to be of good character or you don't get to renew. Give the money straight to police to support their work at the borders. Easy. Bet at least 2000 people would sign up, £400000 would cover a new dog and handler for fun.

400,000 JAYSUS, what kind of wages are those guys on?

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