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Cannabis - Time for a re-think?

Neil Down

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The way to go initially would be the issuing of permits to grow one's own. Obviously with a limit to quantity, say half a dozen plants in rotation at any one time, whether artificially under lights hydroponically or a summer crop in the greenhouse. Easy to police, big fines and revoking of the permit if found to be supplying others. No public use, age restricted and above all, proper scientific research into what level in the blood qualifies intoxication for drivers. 

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

The way to go initially would be the issuing of permits to grow one's own. Obviously with a limit to quantity, say half a dozen plants in rotation at any one time, whether artificially under lights hydroponically or a summer crop in the greenhouse. Easy to police, big fines and revoking of the permit if found to be supplying others. No public use, age restricted and above all, proper scientific research into what level in the blood qualifies intoxication for drivers. 

It's logical and sensible thinking and planning like this that should be in place but our 'tits in power' don't have the desire to rock the boat and do the right thing.

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Absolutely. Charge people £200 for home grow licence, limited by floor space, plant quantity, whatever, agree to be of good character or lose it, be aware that similar to a gun permit it should be secure and could be subject to random inspection. Totally into it. 


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Even three plants grown over summer and autumn, naturally in the greenhouse using guaranteed female seedlings would be enough to take you through a cold, dark winter. Provided one knew what one was doing that is. And secure against the theft of, as Teapot says. Thus removing a lot of the problematic criminal enterprise which exists presently. This is how the Dutch began with decriminalisation. It takes a bit of open-minded lateral thinking. Cannabis, after thousands of years of use on every continent of the world at one time or another is never going to be curtailed by out of date laws and enforcement that creates more problems than it seeks to resolve. 

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My contribution, for what it is worth, is this.  Medicinal grade cannabis is in short supply globally and commands a high price.  We live on an island (you may have noticed) so security is relatively easy to provide.  I am sure that we could also manage "good manufacturing practices".  Manx farming - other than the gentleman bull farmers like Mr Toad - is not in a good place.  So...why not allow the farming of the weed for medicinal purposes?  I honestly believe that it could be the next e-gaming for our economy.  We would need to accept the erection of some greenhouses here and there (shock, horror) but little else of any note.  Why hesitate?

The sad thing is - and I know that this for a fact - we have the law to do this, but the Boy Vampire has been sitting on the fence for over two years.  Why?

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1 minute ago, Boo Gay'n said:

My contribution, for what it is worth, is this.  Medicinal grade cannabis is in short supply globally and commands a high price.  We live on an island (you may have noticed) so security is relatively easy to provide.  I am sure that we could also manage "good manufacturing practices".  Manx farming - other than the gentleman bull farmers like Mr Toad - is not in a good place.  So...why not allow the farming of the weed for medicinal purposes?  I honestly believe that it could be the next e-gaming for our economy.  We would need to accept the erection of some greenhouses here and there (shock, horror) but little else of any note.  Why hesitate?

The sad thing is - and I know that this for a fact - we have the law to do this, but the Boy Vampire has been sitting on the fence for over two years.  Why?

Can artificial light replicate daylight? No wonder he's wary.

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6 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

My contribution, for what it is worth, is this.  Medicinal grade cannabis is in short supply globally and commands a high price.  We live on an island (you may have noticed) so security is relatively easy to provide.  I am sure that we could also manage "good manufacturing practices".  Manx farming - other than the gentleman bull farmers like Mr Toad - is not in a good place.  So...why not allow the farming of the weed for medicinal purposes?  I honestly believe that it could be the next e-gaming for our economy.  We would need to accept the erection of some greenhouses* here and there (shock, horror) but little else of any note.  Why hesitate?

The sad thing is - and I know that this for a fact - we have the law to do this, but the Boy Vampire** has been sitting on the fence for over two years.  Why?

Yeah but, medicinal cannabis . . . . maybe we should have a different thread.


*some would prefer to build houses

**He won't be there forever. Although erm, he may be a future Chief Minister

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Just now, Boo Gay'n said:

Medicinal grade cannabis is in short supply globally and commands a high price.

I'd agree with the rest of your post other than this bit. Israel, Canada, US, Australia all produce massive quantities of 'medical grade' cannabis. Or cannabis of a particular quality and strength and combination of THC and CBD for it to qualify for medicinal use. It is usually a weaker variety of weed, though it need not be, the balance between THC and CBD content is very important to be efficacious in pain relief and epilepsy. There is plenty to go around, it is unfortunate that market forces and stubborn, backward-looking governments dictate supply. 

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