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MER sign coming down


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The MER sign is about to be taken down (tomorrow apparently). Been up since 1993 and apparently fallen into a state of disrepair. Makes you wonder what the maintenance arrangements are for this and other structures like the TT scoreboard? Did a wander up there yesterday to get some last pics before it's gone, including of the corrosion: https://frankdrives.com/manx-electric-railway-sign-demolition-isle-of-man/ 

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That corrosion isn't bad. A blob of grease would have helped each year though. I would doubt that same scaffold structure has been up for too many of those years.

The sign has become iconic, pity it couldn't stay.

Well done Frank for the photos. Good for posterity and all that.

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58 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

The MER sign is about to be taken down (tomorrow apparently). Been up since 1993 and apparently fallen into a state of disrepair. Makes you wonder what the maintenance arrangements are for this and other structures like the TT scoreboard? Did a wander up there yesterday to get some last pics before it's gone, including of the corrosion: https://frankdrives.com/manx-electric-railway-sign-demolition-isle-of-man/ 

There is no regular maintenance arrangements in the public sector they wait till the particular structure is falling apart before they move.

Apart from the TT which is inspected by an outside party and if it is not too standard the event will be cancelled.

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22 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

Damn. How am I going to know where the Electric Railway is now?

There was a lovely sort of mock 'HOLLYWOOD' air about it. I'm not sure if there was any tongue in cheek intended. Probably just unwitting grandiosement

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26 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Does anybody know what it's being replaced with? A heritage-compliant neon sign maybe? A statue of IL?

A Mount Rushmore style sculpture of Howard, Ashford, Alf, and The Peoples Prince (it is on Robs patch after all)...........

Exit through the Gift Shop for your Govt Licenced fridge magnet.

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Well it is supposed to be replaced, but by what is another matter.  From last week:

Work will begin next week on removing the Electric Railway sign at Derby Castle.

The frame supporting the sign has become corroded and the opportunity is being taken to remove it for safety purposes ahead of winter.

The operation will involve the use of two large cranes - one situated in the Manx Electric Railway yard and another on Hague Crescent in Onchan.

In 2016, we reported that the existing sign, which was about 25 years old, was due to be replaced and LED lighting installed.

A DoI spokesman said: The intention is to source a replacement which will be installed to coincide with the start of the 2021 railway season next spring. The current Electric Railway sign has been in place since 1993 when the MER celebrated its centenary.

’Some time ago it showed ’MER for scenery’ but was damaged by a gorse fire and was missing from its familiar position for a number of years.’

Presumably, like most Longworth 'improvements' to the heritage railways, the emphasis will be on maximising the expense while minimising the authenticity and attractiveness of the result.  It also shows the usual organisational skills of the DoI that they are only now looking to 'source' something that is supposed to be in place in about six months time.  It will probably need planning as well, though the DoI has always believed that laws are for other people.

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