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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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On 10/26/2020 at 2:26 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Probably not Public Health, who seem to be as little listened to as @rachomics, opposition is more likely to be from withing the DHSC hierarchy - especially from those with no medical or scientific qualifications of their own.  And also I suspect from those within the Cabinet Office especially Communications and External Affairs, who seem more interested in telling a 'good story' than whether it is actually true.

See CM also doubts that professionals wouldn’t give frank advice if it was made public - looking through wrong end of telescope again, it’s gov that has to be able to support its actions - surely if it was Wiser than the experts it would only be too happy to publish their ‘rubbish‘ advice? And told Speaker it would, therefore, remain confidential ! The Emergency period is over, decisions made - maybe the papers/someone would like to make FOI Request just to see what the advice actually was.... 

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=58661&headline=Quayle doubts frankness of advice&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2020&cat=Health

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8 hours ago, VinnieK said:

The comment about being a 'real' doctor was self-defeating and a bit cringe-inducing though.

I know you have a doctorate in reading stuff, but her comment was a light-hearted rebuff to the suggestion that she shouldn't be listened to since she isn't a medical doctor.

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10 hours ago, Rhumsaa said:

The only problem with this "spat" for me is you can't have your cake and eat it.

You can't tag Tim Glover in Tweets slagging off the Gov and then be surprised it becomes news stories, talk about how your position allows you to bare it all and speak your mind then delete your Twitter. 

I personally am as thankful for the public outing of poor management as I am for the excellent work undertaken to help the IOM with Covid testing. But this is just the opening salvo - the IOM needs to tackle it properly and having a fight and then silence with a few trumpet blowing comments that are easy to turn by the usual suspects doesn't help the long term progress.

I can hear it now from the exact people we need rid of "yeah did you see her say she's more of a Doctor than Doctors? the nerve of her thinking she's better than us because she was in the UK in 15 years" while you've got Ashy and the Quayle polishing their gongs and going into tortoise defence mode closing the circle against any form of criticism. 

It disappoints me completely and utterly on multiple levels.

A Health Minister with substance would be taking this opportunity to welcome outside thoughts and experience. The department he inherited has been a shit show of inefficiency and bureaucracy for as long as anyone can remember and the chance to freshen it up should have been an opportunity to push back. Sadly I fear he has his eyes on the top prize so if he plays the game he might be sat in Howie's shoes soon. Business as usual chaps.

Edited by Lxxx
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8 hours ago, VinnieK said:

Ok.  Does the cake at least taste nice?  I don't want my last moments on earth to be filled with indifference towards a bland bit of battenberg.

There is no such thing as a bland bit of battenburg, ask any pensioner in the M&S foodhall on pension day. 

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37 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

A Health Minister with substance would be taking this opportunity to welcome outside thoughts and experience. The department he inherited has been a shit show of inefficiency and bureaucracy for as long as anyone can remember and the chance to freshen it up should have been an opportunity to push back. Sadly I fear he has his eyes on the top prize so if he plays the game he might be sat in Howie's shoes soon. Business as usual chaps.

Completely agree.

After any event you have a golden opportunity to see what could be done better and improve. External views should be welcomed and never get to the stage where you're learning about it from Twitter or press conferences.

Also it shouldn't need to be Ashy it should be any number of dept heads in-between that level. 

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14 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

Completely agree.

After any event you have a golden opportunity to see what could be done better and improve. External views should be welcomed and never get to the stage where you're learning about it from Twitter or press conferences.

Also it shouldn't need to be Ashy it should be any number of dept heads in-between that level. 

Department heads have become department heads precisely by keeping their heads down. They aren't likely to pop up in a genuine crisis.

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18 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

I bet many DHSC staff members are eagerly watching this unfolding spat to see what the actual penalties are, for breaching the Gov social media code of conduct. If it turns out that the penalty is no more than a slap on the wrist, the floodgates will open methinks

What can the penalty be? Dr Glover is an outsider, she's not a government employee you keep telling us. So how can her conduct be comparable to a 'real doctor' employed by government?

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