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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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2 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

The IoM Govt, like other small jurisdictions 'automatically' promotes too many people from within, based in many instances on length of service/dead mans shoes, as opposed to actively seeking better qualified applicants who are suitable for the job. A number of Govt senior managers are in positions they could only dream of occupying in a corporate environment, and get by through daily bluff and bluster. When someone who is capable, intelligent and articulate threatens their delicate self esteem, they turn on them, as I suspect is the case with Dr Glover. It is a sad indictment on the civil service in general. 

It does sometimes feel like we're stuck in a Simon Pegg film set in Gloucestershire where it's all about the greater good. The greater good.

The real challenge though is how on earth you move away from it, when rocking the boat just gets you tipped off, and everyone else is comfy enough to plod along.

I think the Island in a lot of areas is the sort of place you can get by, and not just in politics, by not being so awful you're dangerous.

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23 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

It's probably all down to how you define an "employee". I suspect she was not "on the books" and being paid a salary with ITIP and NIC deductions, which would make it correct that she was not an "employee".

A lot of people work for entities as "self employed", such Manx Radio presenters. Some of these people might say (for instance - not saying they do in reality) that they "work for the Radio station", or wherever, and they may even say that they are "employed", when it is their company that is employed (contracted).

Just surmising that Rachel's company may have been contracted to the DHSC, but that she was not, as an individual, subject to DHSC employment rules, terms and conditions.

What's in a word?

There's a lot in a word and people who provide their services through a company do confuse the real contractual position.   If "she " has resigned, but in fact it is the company that has withdrawn its services, then there may be breach of contract issues.  

It will all come out in the wash, probably. 

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1 hour ago, Rhumsaa said:

I see it as the politicians being unable to deviate from speaking in absolutes and always wanting to be right

In the scheme of things it's such a nothing point whether she's directly employed or contract or bank staff or whatever - bottom line is she was working with the health dept and being paid by IOM Gov so that's a dead easy general press conference answer - the contractual nuances are only important if you're wanting to be pricks about it all

I agree that in the specifics of getting the Lab up and running the employment status is mostly a 'nothing point' as you state - but in many other areas such as Professional Indemnity insurance, General litigation, Intellectual property rights etc.  it is absolutely vital that the correct status is known and accepted by both sides from the off. It's such a basic and vital question that I am astonished that the two sides are seemingly at odds over this.

Human medical negligence claims and Coroner's courts are a quantum leap from animal testing.

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2 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I agree that in the specifics of getting the Lab up and running the employment status is mostly a 'nothing point' as you state - but in many other areas such as Professional Indemnity insurance, General litigation, Intellectual property rights etc.  it is absolutely vital that the correct status is known and accepted by both sides from the off. It's such a basic and vital question that I am astonished that the two sides are seemingly at odds over this.

Human medical negligence claims and Coroner's courts are a quantum leap from animal testing.

Yeah but all that side of thing is going to be sorted and signed off - this is press conference semantics and a ridiculous flabbering around because people are trying to give "political answers" like they're wannabe Boris Johnson's going up against Paxman

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15 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I agree that in the specifics of getting the Lab up and running the employment status is mostly a 'nothing point' as you state - but in many other areas such as Professional Indemnity insurance, General litigation, Intellectual property rights etc.  it is absolutely vital that the correct status is known and accepted by both sides from the off. It's such a basic and vital question that I am astonished that the two sides are seemingly at odds over this.

Human medical negligence claims and Coroner's courts are a quantum leap from animal testing.

Compliance. That's what I was alluding to earlier in the thread. 

Edited by Andy Onchan
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9 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

You might be surprised how that sort of stuff doesn't get sorted right from day one. I witnessed it.

No I can very much believe that that sort of thing isn't sorted but.... it wasn't brought up because there were insurance issues with it all - it was all to cover up a load of easily avoidable communication issues

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Having watched the glorious nations station clip with an ashy morphing into the guy from the hamlet cigar ads I kind of got the impression ashy wont be losing any sleep over the whole matter. Saddened is a bit of a weird word to use even though he doesn't seem to mean it. Also, he said he'd had a conversation with rach. Via email. Could he not have gone to the trouble of at least phoning her up? The guy is an arse, MBE or not. Strikes me as a bit of a slimeball. It's obvious Rachel has been working all hours all through this, I expect she's exhausted. These idiots have no people skills 

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

The press conference was delayed last week because of over running so no big issue about it being delayed this week.

It seems to have been delayed as most of IOM Government were attending the launch of the new IQ Apple Store in Victory House.

Free booze and canapés! Wouldn’t want to miss that!

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