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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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19 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

I think all this is pretty simple and pretty basic.

Dr Glover wasn't happy with DHSC procedures and interactions and because she had no monetary reliance upon it she took to Twitter to vent and started tagging journalists.

This then resulted in questions being asked at briefings of the big cheeses and they didn't like it, it spoiled their basking in success. So instead of acting professionally and taking the high ground and getting it sorted behind the scenes they engaged in really petty and poorly executed statements in response.

The rest of it is just noise and back and forths.


And shredding of a 'letter'. You forgot that. It was that, that really set the tone and the lack of the moral high ground for how the rest of it has been played out. 

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16 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

And shredding of a 'letter'. You forgot that. It was that, that really set the tone and the lack of the moral high ground for how the rest of it has been played out. 

I would class that under not acting professionally and also petty and poorly executed statements.

I mean..... it's the sort of thing I'd expect to see on WWE programs

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1 minute ago, piebaps said:

The letter had Douglas Corpy all over it, you can see where the minister earned his spurs for sure.

Good point

It's amazing how much sway is given to one person writing a letter when the mood suits

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2 hours ago, Manx17 said:

Maybe they already had their own coding for their own machine . We have only heard allegations up to now and one side 

I think you didn't listen to Dr Glover's evidence carefully enough.  She made it quite clear that it was identifiably her code because it contained her own comments.   And that it was provably her code because dated copies exist on GitHub that preceded anything that DHSC could have written.  You might claim that two different programmers might produce an identical 100 lines of coding to do the same thing (though legal precedent is not encouraging) but comments are very specific to the writer.

Of course if "they already had their own coding" then they could have just reinstated or rewritten it, so the hand-wringing we had last night about Glover stopping testing would be so much nonsense.

it's clearly partly because it was a straw that broke the camel's back, but I wonder if Glover is making so much of this particular item because it is something where there is verifiable external proof of DHSC wrongdoing, rather than 'he said/she said' arguments.  And the DHSC and its defenders are clearly falling into the trap, not just by contesting it,  but doing so in numerous contradictory and implausible ways.

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22 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

What i don't understand is he says 2 sides to the story (about 8 times)

Didn't Ashford say that during the Moulton interview too? Maybe they've been provided with the same script?

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11 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Maybe they've been provided with the same script?

It would be necessary to speak with one voice in case they are called to PAC separately I would imagine.

May I suggest that some of the posters on here have not been employed by the DHSC or have experienced the management culture in Nobles for the past few years.

If they have, and to those that have, Dr Glovers experience is just another milestone in what to me over the past years has been a catalogue of appalling leadership and wasting the publics money on faileld and totally inappropriate appointments and promotions. I know many agree but can not post. Gagging clauses has been one of those procedures used to shut people up.

It would have been useful to walk in Dr Glovers shoes and then come back with the criticisms.  As it is, the systems are changing. So have the people (don't forget that).

Where we have been in Nobles we should not go there again. I don't think we will. Theresa Cope is a different CEO. 

And I think we have changed the COO a few weeks ago. Magson goes next I believe. 


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4 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

What i don't understand is he says 2 sides to the story (about 8 times), then says he hasn't  listened to dr glovers testimony. 

"The chief minister says he’s reluctant to get involved in the ongoing row between the government and the scientist who set up Covid-19 testing on the Island".

HQ's response to the question from PM is laughable. Covid is the biggest challenge this Island has faced in decades. Dr Glover was showing the Island an intelligent way through this crisis. HQ as the CM is supposed to be in charge of the government. The buck must stop with him, and he is trying to weasel his way out of it. This is another example why HQ should never have been 'appointed' as the CM. As a leader he should be taking responsibility, not ducking for cover.

Edited by code99
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1 hour ago, Pipsqueak said:

it appears they may have been    


Don't waste your time looking for the original...shredsville.

There are always two sides to every story. It's just that you and Davy boy seem rather slow/reluctant/unable to let us have yours Howie.

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Don't waste your time looking for the original...shredsville.

There are always two sides to every story. It's just that you and Davy boy seem rather slow/reluctant/unable to let us have yours Howie.

Nice to see it written in crayon. 

Edited by Gladys
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