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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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15 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

I bet many DHSC staff members are eagerly watching this unfolding spat to see what the actual penalties are, for breaching the Gov social media code of conduct. If it turns out that the penalty is no more than a slap on the wrist, the floodgates will open methinks

This Government sound's very dictatorial if you are silenced for being honest and forthright with how you express an opinion, I would be very concerned to allow this to continue in the future. Are we heading for a dictatorship where your opinion only count's if it fit's with the agenda? I would recommend anyone to come out if there are wrongdoing's and mistake's being covered up.

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25 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

This Government sound's very dictatorial if you are silenced for being honest and forthright with how you express an opinion, I would be very concerned to allow this to continue in the future. Are we heading for a dictatorship where your opinion only count's if it fit's with the agenda? I would recommend anyone to come out if there are wrongdoing's and mistake's being covered up.

I might be wrong here so am open to correction but, Dr Glover didn't reveal wrongdoings or cover ups on Twitter she just stated that she didn't feel her advice was being listened to and felt "dissed" in press conferences. She also expressed (on here I think) that the culture within DHSC was toxic (that's my lazy paraphrasing).

The issues to me are that I absolutely believe that and that is a failing within the management structure which needs to be addressed and dealt with. Also Dr Glover should have been able to raise these issues and concerns through channels and whistleblow internally up to a point where things start to be taken seriously and listened to without having to resort to tagging Manx Radio journalists into Tweets to get a response. I don't know if every avenue was exhausted to a reasonable degree or the interactions held.

If you take this into the private sector if you took to social media slagging off your MD and board and management which somehow resulted in Manx Radio phoning up the place asking questions I'm not convinced you'd be welcomed back into work on Monday morning with a fresh coffee and a hug.

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1 minute ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Oh? I thought Dr Glover said that she IS a DHSC employee

No-one likes a coward, sniping anonymously from the sidelines. Be the bigger person and out yourself like the other medical professionals. 

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

What makes you think that I am a 'medical professional'?

I don't know how anyone would be able to reel off the names of all the doctors involved in the government testing unit without being on the inside track. 

No-one likes a smart arse.

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