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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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27 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was an odd thing for a serving MHK to say (quoted from his Blog):

Rob Callister MHK - https://www.facebook.com/Onchan.MHK/posts/2889084611333979
Some of the evidence given by Dr. Glover was damning and I haven't heard a public evidence session like that before, especially with the DHSC being accused of copying software and coding etc. If nothing else Dr.Glover is one very brave lady to give that level of evidence, and in public.

Why? Why is it 'brave' to give evidence in public? You mean she should be scared? What of?


Of what the state could do. What the civil servants and service could do. What the law enforcement agencies could do. What the medical profession and professional standards body could do. 

It’s Endless. 

Perhaps Mr Callister is privy to information that us normal mortals are privy to? Perhaps he has seen the civil servants press release with a line by line rebuttal?


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27 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was an odd thing for a serving MHK to say (quoted from his Blog):

Rob Callister MHK - https://www.facebook.com/Onchan.MHK/posts/2889084611333979
Some of the evidence given by Dr. Glover was damning and I haven't heard a public evidence session like that before, especially with the DHSC being accused of copying software and coding etc. If nothing else Dr.Glover is one very brave lady to give that level of evidence, and in public.

Why? Why is it 'brave' to give evidence in public? You mean she should be scared? What of?


Because they have deeper pockets than most, they can normally delay proceedings until someone either runs of money and settle out of court or wait for them to give up entirely, it’s ordinarily fighting a losing battle before it’s even begun. Dr Glover has already said it’s costing an absolute fortune at the moment and she’s fortunate enough to be in the position to afford it. Makes you wonder how much money they’ll actually waste trying to desperately protect their public image.


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23 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Because they have deeper pockets than most, they can normally delay proceedings until someone either runs of money and settle out of court or wait for them to give up entirely, it’s ordinarily fighting a losing battle before it’s even begun. Dr Glover has already said it’s costing an absolute fortune at the moment and she’s fortunate enough to be in the position to afford it. Makes you wonder how much money they’ll actually waste trying to desperately protect their public image.


That’s a very good point and question you raise.

As an aside, the new Steam Packet Ferry Terminal is supposed to be costing £53m+ and costs are rising. Yes IOMG can end its pointless and bullying feud, come up with a face saving compromise, even if in realty they are judged to be wrong. Also IOMG are in a position to control the costs, as compared to any major capital projects.

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7 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was an odd thing for a serving MHK to say (quoted from his Blog):

Rob Callister MHK - https://www.facebook.com/Onchan.MHK/posts/2889084611333979
Some of the evidence given by Dr. Glover was damning and I haven't heard a public evidence session like that before, especially with the DHSC being accused of copying software and coding etc. If nothing else Dr.Glover is one very brave lady to give that level of evidence, and in public.

Why? Why is it 'brave' to give evidence in public? You mean she should be scared? What of?


The fear of orchestrated negative press, perhaps? Rob's familiar with the ignominy of that. 

It was a silly thing to say.

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7 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was an odd thing for a serving MHK to say (quoted from his Blog):

Rob Callister MHK - https://www.facebook.com/Onchan.MHK/posts/2889084611333979
Some of the evidence given by Dr. Glover was damning and I haven't heard a public evidence session like that before, especially with the DHSC being accused of copying software and coding etc. If nothing else Dr.Glover is one very brave lady to give that level of evidence, and in public.

Why? Why is it 'brave' to give evidence in public? You mean she should be scared? What of?


To me, it would come across as another threat from Government.

It is " that level of evidence" as it is meaningless, there are no levels of evidence?

And the "Very brave lady " is another civil servants way to stop members with policy

Callister must watch too much "Yes Minister".

or he is just another misogynistic member of the boys club in Howards Tynwald.



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32 minutes ago, Holte End said:

To me, it would come across as another threat from Government.

It is " that level of evidence" as it is meaningless, there are no levels of evidence?

And the "Very brave lady " is another civil servants way to stop members with policy

Callister must watch too much "Yes Minister".

or he is just another misogynistic member of the boys club in Howards Tynwald.



Or is he simply an idiot who routinely says stupid things?

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1 hour ago, Holte End said:

To me, it would come across as another threat from Government.

It does carry an air of implied consequence but it's difficult to know whether it's out of genuine concern or just a veiled, how-very-dare-she.

I'm up to page 55 reading back through this thread. The timeline of Ashford's receipt of the 'letter', as some posters have pointed out (Roger M, et al), is crucial and doesn't really tally. Moulton made a point of it initially in the first interview after the fact but it faded from question due to excessive chumminess, manic hand-waving, lack of pursuance and stilted commentary from the minister. 

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9 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Makes you wonder how much money they’ll actually waste trying to desperately protect their public image.

Bearing in mind that it's "our" money.

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4 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Rob Callister has absolutely zero influence or ability to threaten anything.


This is true, but it is very likely that he has had a few 'stern talkings to' behind the scenes, so maybe that's what he means. Like being sent to the headmasters office.

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