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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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1 minute ago, Manx17 said:

I agree the government should of dropped everything for her .  Stopped testing and sorted out their own coding going forward . If it took a month it took a month . What’s a life hey?

Where did I say that at all? They could have stumped up for a license and fixed the problem in 3 minutes. But clearly they didn’t for whatever reason according to her account. You’re just making stuff up. What are you specifically taking umbrage at? The fact that other people were happy to be paid £80k a year to provide support but she should have been expected to give everything for free including donating free software as she was the only one helping? 

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5 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Your right money wasn’t the main issue . She stated that management were not listening to her and taking credit for her work , she also stated she could do ex amount of tests a day but forgot that sobbing teams are not like her robot . If it comes out to be true that Dr Glovers coding was stolen . All tax payers should pay and the government should make a briefing stating they are sorry and that they should of stopped testing and waited until they set up their own coding. Where hundreds could of ended up in hospital and dying . And the whole Manx public congratulate Dr Glover and say she is right 

But swabbing teams shouldn't be the pinch point in any testing programme.  Done properly it needs care and an ability to deal with people sympathetically, but it doesn't require much training and it doesn't require medically qualified staff.  The Army have been used a lot in the UK and no doubt there are others who would be willing to help as we have seen with the offers from many suitable people to help with the vaccination programme.

But it's already been noted that the DHSC has been unwilling to use even well-qualified people from outside their staff to help there and there seems to be an obsession that only people on the public payroll should benefit from such additional employment - even if it means a worse service. 

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

Piss off somewhere then. 

Do you know I wouldn’t have expected that response in a million years!

Somebody has to shine a light in this cesspit.

Im sure the founding fathers of this forum must be aghast at what it has become and the level of “debate” that it has been reduced to.

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It’s certainly a toxic little forum 

Only to those who believe that the general public shouldn't be able to debate and scrutinise the affairs of the Island openly on the internet.

Some local politicians have previously expressed this opinion publicly.

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Do you know I wouldn’t have expected that response in a million years!

Somebody has to shine a light in this cesspit.

Im sure the founding fathers of this forum must be aghast at what it has become and the level of “debate” that it has been reduced to.



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9 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Our health minister does not seem to be a person to play games and as a person born on the island I don’t want to be apart of a game so it puts a person in the lime light . 

Glover was born on the island too if the only qualification that matters to you is that you have been born on this island and therefore that makes you a more trustworthy person than anyone else.

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7 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Somebody has to shine a light in this cesspit.

Im sure the founding fathers of this forum must be aghast at what it has become and the level of “debate” that it has been reduced to.

Now you're just getting desperate. And as Uhtred posted, your comment is "priceless." If it's causing you so much heartache don't sign in. I’ve reminded you before, we live in a supposed 'democracy' where free-speech is a given, that's what posters on here are doing, exercising that right. You're getting frustrated because we're not toe-ing the line and hate the fact that we're reading between the lines of government's dialogue and agenda. Most of us are sick to the back teeth with the way things are run on this Island and use this platform as a vehicle to express our discontent, it's our right and don't you forget it.

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4 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

I don’t think your getting it , answer me this if you can . Why is Dr Glover putting on Twitter how she will do tests for free or work 18 hours through the night for free for the same people she went  to the police about alleging theft of coding ? 

You're ignoring the time-line, either deliberately or through just plain ignorance. She was acting altruistically before the arrangement went tit's up and felt she was being taken for a ride. 

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2 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

I don’t think your getting it , answer me this if you can . Why is Dr Glover putting on Twitter how she will do tests for free or work 18 hours through the night for free for the same people she went  to the police about alleging theft of coding ? 

Do you know what? I joined this forum because I thought the slant on some of the stuff being said in this thread was wrong and I had a view. Not to slug it out with someone who clearly has the IQ of a pencil. You do understand the legal separation between a person who has a contract for services with an entity and intellectual property owned by another company a person works for? Just because you pay a person for services does not mean that you can use all the stuff they own in the world for free. It appears she tried to sort the situation out politely and for whatever reason they didn’t want to sort it out politely according to her account. It’s her code. The correct thing to do is cover it by a license so all is legal and above board when it’s used by a third party. If people choose to use it without a license, or where consent is withdrawn, they’re stealing intellectual property. No different to buying a knock off DVD down the market.

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35 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Our health minister does not seem to be a person to play games...

You’re right; he isn’t. He shredded all the rules as soon as he read them and now can’t remember how the games are played.

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45 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

I don’t think your getting it , answer me this if you can . Why is Dr Glover putting on Twitter how she will do tests for free or work 18 hours through the night for free for the same people she went  to the police about alleging theft of coding ? 

Because she wanted to prove how much data can be extracted from genomics samples and demonstrate how it would aid to track and trace.

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