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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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23 minutes ago, piebaps said:

The only reason we can't see the sun shining out of her arse is because most of MF has crawled up it and is blocking the light:D

don't sugar coat it there Piebaps - say it how you really feel it!

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10 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Nobody on here has considered a scenario where Dr G is not correct in her claims as presented and lost and the consequences thereof.

Silly me. That would never happen . Would it?

It's possible. The Govt's response doesn't suggest that. If someone is wrong you don't need to question their employment status or anonymous letters or weeks to provide a line by line rebuttal you just present the evidence.

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I noticed a lot of people on FB yesterday celebrating and congratulating HQ and the Government for coming out of lockdown.

I wonder sometimes if the majority of the population even know or care about Dr Glover's PAC evidence.

Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.

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2 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

I noticed a lot of people on FB yesterday celebrating and congratulating HQ and the Government for coming out of lockdown.

I wonder sometimes if the majority of the population even know or care about Dr Glover's PAC evidence.

Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.

A lot of people don't raise their eyes above their own horizon; it is only when something directly impacts them do they take any notice.  So, not surprising, but just because the majority are uninterested, it doesn't lessen the importance of getting to the bottom of these things. 

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

A lot of people don't raise their eyes above their own horizon; it is only when something directly impacts them do they take any notice.  So, not surprising, but just because the majority are uninterested, it doesn't lessen the importance of getting to the bottom of these things. 

I don't disagree that getting to the bottom of it is important.

More just musing that the government can wait it out and bury it in chip paper if they are minded to.

Twitter & MF don't seem great litmus test for public opinion even if they feel more on the nose at times

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21 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

I noticed a lot of people on FB yesterday celebrating and congratulating HQ and the Government for coming out of lockdown.

I wonder sometimes if the majority of the population even know or care about Dr Glover's PAC evidence.

Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.

Now that restrictions are being lifted it’s taken the heat & interest off Glover & steam packet,

Next week will see the announcement on borders & reduced isolation etc so this will again take headlines & glovergate will be old news.

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10 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.

Most sensible and moderate people looking at any dispute, especially one which has gone nuclear in public, will assume that difficulties exist on both sides. Because that's the typical shape of these sorts of things in general.

That doesn't mean it is always true.

I am fairly sure that most sensible people will be hoping that they all just make friends and move on.

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10 hours ago, Rhumsaa said:

don't sugar coat it there Piebaps - say it how you really feel it!

LOL. It kinda fits with the "anti-everything Government" we see on here. Had RG been the Henrietta on the podium the forum would've been digging at her hair, glasses and the rest of her physical appearance, then attacking her words, syntax and any slight speech peculiarities. MF may even have got past that and think about the message being delivered too. Because however she was criticizing, she's been elevated to folk hero status (maybe deservedly, maybe not).

I have no view on her professional services as I'm not an expert. I will await with interest the Government's side of the argument. Ultimately she provides a service which (rightly or wrongly) our dear leaders have decided they don't want. I suspect nothing will change that. The rest of the stuff so far is typical or personnel disputes we've seen involving our Health dept. Have a look through the Employment Tribunal judgement and read the Health cases and you'll see what I mean.

Still manx Care will change all that as none of the string pullers in the DHSC moved over to it..................oh wait.:whistling:


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