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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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36 minutes ago, piebaps said:

The rest of the stuff so far is typical or personnel disputes we've seen involving our Health dept. Have a look through the Employment Tribunal judgement and read the Health cases and you'll see what I mean.

Some people's views will also be based on their individual experiences with the DHSC over several years. 


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26 minutes ago, piebaps said:

LOL. It kinda fits with the "anti-everything Government" we see on here. Had RG been the Henrietta on the podium the forum would've been digging at her hair, glasses and the rest of her physical appearance, then attacking her words, syntax and any slight speech peculiarities. MF may even have got past that and think about the message being delivered too. Because however she was criticizing, she's been elevated to folk hero status (maybe deservedly, maybe not).



There were very few attacks on Henrietta's personal appearance on here.  Plenty on FB in the comments at the briefings, one of the reasons I gave up watching rather than listening. 

Most of the comments on here have indeed gone past the superficial, but sometimes the superficial signals are very telling, vis the lovely smile comment.  The comments about HQ's fumbling speech delivery belie a doubt that he actually understands what he is saying.  One of the key points in effective presentation skills is knowing your subject and being able to know your limits when you go off piste. He appears not to have a grasp on either. 

Personal attacks are never great in an intelligent debate, but some are indicative of a more fundamental issue rather than the superficial observation of the colour of someone's tie.  That is where RG wins hands down; she delivers knowledgeably, accessibly and keeps to what she knows. 

The level of general scrutiny and criticism has to go beyond that of performance at a school nativity play - he did very well, so brave, bless him he was nervous, its all a bit much for him, never mind there is always next time.  We have to set the bar higher than that. 

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28 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Most of the comments on here have indeed gone past the superficial, but sometimes the superficial signals are very telling, vis the lovely smile comment.  The comments about HQ's fumbling speech delivery belie a doubt that he actually understands what he is saying.  One of the key points in effective presentation skills is knowing your subject and being able to know your limits when you go off piste. He appears not to have a grasp on either. 

I thought this last year when I was avidly watching the briefings, I thought it odd that considering they were living the issues every minute of every day they could just talk naturally and do a better job - the poor script reading did them no favours

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3 hours ago, Rhumsaa said:

I noticed a lot of people on FB yesterday celebrating and congratulating HQ and the Government for coming out of lockdown.

I wonder sometimes if the majority of the population even know or care about Dr Glover's PAC evidence.

Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.

You can fool some of the people all of the time.

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4 minutes ago, Banker said:

They just shoot their mouths off...she’s expert at the real thing.

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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:


I don't think it is possible that Dr G made up, lied, embellished, invented any single part of her evidence. As she stated on here she is on the spectrum and individuals with Asperger find it almost impossible to lie - it's just not in their psyche.  They tell it like it is, often even when they shouldn't.

A spectrum exists of many opposites. At one is the Asperger truth teller who is concerned only with facts, and at the opposite sits the lying, ass-covering, duplicitous, conniving, manipulating, gaslighting, disordered, ego driven individual.


The above sounds like you read the Daily Mail and believe it.

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The thing with saying you will issue a "point by point rebuttal" is that it kind of implies to myself and the other stupid/half disinterested people that make up the vast percentage of this great nation, that basically, apart from the science bit, which was acknowledged voluminously to give further  implied credence to the rebuttal promise, everything else dr glover said was false. How many spin doctors do we employ, roughly? 10? 20? 30? 

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8 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The thing with saying you will issue a "point by point rebuttal" is that it kind of implies to myself and the other stupid/half disinterested people that make up the vast percentage of this great nation, that basically, apart from the science bit, which was acknowledged voluminously to give further  implied credence to the rebuttal promise, everything else dr glover said was false. How many spin doctors do we employ, roughly? 10? 20? 30? 

I suspect the current answer is "Not enough...."

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12 hours ago, piebaps said:

LOL. It kinda fits with the "anti-everything Government" we see on here. Had RG been the Henrietta on the podium the forum would've been digging at her hair, glasses and the rest of her physical appearance, then attacking her words, syntax and any slight speech peculiarities. MF may even have got past that and think about the message being delivered too. Because however she was criticizing, she's been elevated to folk hero status (maybe deservedly, maybe not).

You have passed Go, please collect your £200 in your salary this month. 

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On 4/16/2021 at 10:31 AM, piebaps said:

LOL. It kinda fits with the "anti-everything Government" we see on here. Had RG been the Henrietta on the podium the forum would've been digging at her hair, glasses and the rest of her physical appearance, then attacking her words, syntax and any slight speech peculiarities. MF may even have got past that and think about the message being delivered too. Because however she was criticizing, she's been elevated to folk hero status (maybe deservedly, maybe not).

I have no view on her professional services as I'm not an expert. I will await with interest the Government's side of the argument. Ultimately she provides a service which (rightly or wrongly) our dear leaders have decided they don't want. I suspect nothing will change that. The rest of the stuff so far is typical or personnel disputes we've seen involving our Health dept. Have a look through the Employment Tribunal judgement and read the Health cases and you'll see what I mean.


Up to a point you might be right but I think RG would have been right on top of the situation and would not be a puppet of the Government - and that is the crucial bit.

She is in an expert in her field and all relevant to this pandemic. 

I have little doubt we would now still be enjoying the Covid-free status and freedom that we lost in December.

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45 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Up to a point you might be right but I think RG would have been right on top of the situation and would not be a puppet of the Government - and that is the crucial bit.

She is in an expert in her field and all relevant to this pandemic. 

I have little doubt we would now still be enjoying the Covid-free status and freedom that we lost in December.

It's a hell of a claim to suggest that RG could have stopped the last two lockdowns

I'm not saying the IOM Gov is right in all of this but also I don't think RG's services are that powerful?

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4 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

It's a hell of a claim to suggest that RG could have stopped the last two lockdowns

I'm not saying the IOM Gov is right in all of this but also I don't think RG's services are that powerful?

i tend to agree, i don't think it would have been her job to check the steamracket staff were isolating as government  'understood'

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