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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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2 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

The last part of Roger Toxic's post said that the Chief Secretary was basically doing what he liked.    If you cannot see how ridiculous that statement is then I cant help you.

What I actually said was:

20 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

There's actually another point here, which is "Who does advise CoMin directly?".  And the answer appears to be the Chief Secretary and only the Chief Secretary.  Any other advice always gets channelled through him, to be ignored or modified as he sees fit.

And if you look at the Government's own organisation chart:


you'll see that everything does go through the Chief Secretary.  Technically it goes via the National Strategy Group, but as that includes four members of CoMin (CM, Treasury, DHSC, DfE) [1], effectively that's where decisions will be taken.  And the Chief Secretary controls what goes to it.


[1]  Rather oddly it includes five CEOs including the Chief Secretary because the DHA CEO is on it but not the Minister.  Which tells you what they think of Cregeen.  Even for a Committee that also includes Skelly.

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23 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

What I actually said was:

And if you look at the Government's own organisation chart:


you'll see that everything does go through the Chief Secretary.  Technically it goes via the National Strategy Group, but as that includes four members of CoMin (CM, Treasury, DHSC, DfE) [1], effectively that's where decisions will be taken.  And the Chief Secretary controls what goes to it.


[1]  Rather oddly it includes five CEOs including the Chief Secretary because the DHA CEO is on it but not the Minister.  Which tells you what they think of Cregeen.  Even for a Committee that also includes Skelly.

Where does it say on thay structure chart that the Chief Secrstary "ignores or modifies as he sees fit"?

That's something you  are making up Roger.

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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

What else would he do? Pass up every single piece of advice rather than sift through, delete or modify? Isn’t it his job to do just that? Just because RM used different words you’ve jumped on him. You’ll do anything for a scrap, you will.  

Not at all.  Although people like you will take everything he writes as gospel.

It is being presented by Roger that the  Chief Secretary is basically singularly deciding what happens in relation to covid etc.  Which simply isn't true.

It's a stupid as saying Howard Quayle walks in and tells CoMin what the decisions are.  People actually believe that sort of shit.

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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

Looks like you are well out of your depth again mr fuchwit. My advice, though i don't expect you to take it, would be to stop embarrassing yourself.

That's a bit hypocritical of you to be fair.  Issuing that sort of advice.   If it's good enough for you to constantly embarrass yourself don't advise others.

That aside, you asked me to give you one rebuttal to Roger's original post. Which I did.

I can't be held responsible if you don't understand. 



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1 hour ago, Holte End said:

And here is the final paragraph of that journalistic tour de force:

It had promised a complete rebuttal of Dr Glover's claims, including a timeline of events, but that hasn't been published publicily any yet.

Well, when it is published publicly any yet, I’ll be interestedly interested any yet in what it sayingly says publicly published, that’s for sure...any yet.

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20 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

And here is the final paragraph of that journalistic tour de force:

It had promised a complete rebuttal of Dr Glover's claims, including a timeline of events, but that hasn't been published publicily any yet.

Well, when it is published publicly any yet, I’ll be interestedly interested any yet in what it sayingly says publicly published, that’s for sure...any yet.

Waiting with baited breath !! 

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2 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

That's a bit hypocritical of you to be fair.  Issuing that sort of advice.   If it's good enough for you to constantly embarrass yourself don't advise others.

That aside, you asked me to give you one rebuttal to Roger's original post. Which I did.

I can't be held responsible if you don't understand. 



I was also going to add, stop always trying to have the last word too. It makes you look a bit childish

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12 hours ago, Uhtred said:

And here is the final paragraph of that journalistic tour de force:

It had promised a complete rebuttal of Dr Glover's claims, including a timeline of events, but that hasn't been published publicily any yet.

Well, when it is published publicly any yet, I’ll be interestedly interested any yet in what it sayingly says publicly published, that’s for sure...any yet.

Haha. They've corrected the ninth-rate spelling, but the published publicly remains to sing to the mountains the glory of Manx journalism.

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