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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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30 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

I am currently listening to DA's evidence to the PAC with a seasoned health professional by my side. He is speaking absolute shite and talking about things way above his pay grade and completely outside of his level of understanding. He is a waffling bullshitter. 


I would suggest you employ a different seasoned health professional.

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1 hour ago, Johnny F said:

OMG, I'm half an hour into DA's evidence to the PAC, he is a fantasist, lunatic. I can't understand why no one at the PAC has punched him yet, he thinks he's a technical expert !  I'd advise everyone to listen to his interview, its a glorious self destruction.


Well, I have finished listening from where I left off last time, just before the point RG has been appointed to the EAG.   Why didn't anyone ask why that group had not been set up when Tynwald asked for it?  We now have an emergency group set up after the emergency.  

TBH,  the scales need to fall from people's eyes - DA and HQ are just politicians, doing an unenviable job in unprecedented circumstances, BUT the scales need to fall from their own eyes and there has to be some self-reflection.  They wanted the job, got it and stuff happens, pretty significant stuff as Covid has turned out to be.  What should never have happened was the unwillingness to accept a wrong decision, they are completely forgivable especially in these times.  

What is not forgivable is not owning up and taking it on the chin, not applying your mind to the advice received and to consider it critically, passing the buck because you didn't satisfy yourself on the employment status of a vital person, failed to ensure that particular situation was properly managed, using a letter to try to justify your actions, threatening (it was a threat, now possibly empty) a point by point rebuttal, accepting that others know more than you even if they contradict you, but most important of all, underestimating the intelligence of the GMP.   

If he stands again, not only is he a fool, but he is an arrogant fool because he most certainly has not learnt lessons. 


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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well we all get told by a friend on a Friday night in the pub about how rubbish the organization that they work for. So and so is a bitch and my talent isn’t recognized 

Hmmm if I could reveal who told me, it certainly wasn't in a pub and it was part of those upper echelons !

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What is not forgivable is not owning up and taking it on the chin, not applying your mind to the advice received and to consider it critically.

Agree completely - if it did not fit Ashford's narrative he would argue his point in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and then move on without reflection when a strategy changed. ie testing regimes, dosing schedules etc

accepting that others know more than you even if they contradict you, but most important of all, underestimating the intelligence of the GMP

 Major character flaw exemplified by the manner in which he gave his recent evidence.  Too much hubris and an innate inability to be accepting of his actions - the letter etc

If he stands again, not only is he a fool, but he is an arrogant fool because he most certainly has not learnt lessons

He will most definitely stand as he truly believes he has played a significant role in a masterful response to virus.  Hopefully the people of North Douglas will decide differently.  The is a simple case of a young man enjoying some perceived early success that has manifested into his ego growing exponentially to the detriment of some common sense that was needed as matters progressed.  This does not bode well going forward.

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11 hours ago, Johnny F said:

OMG, I'm half an hour into DA's evidence to the PAC, he is a fantasist, lunatic. I can't understand why no one at the PAC has punched him yet, he thinks he's a technical expert !  I'd advise everyone to listen to his interview, its a glorious self destruction.


I was surprized nobody asked him, what the computer programming codes he claimed that  he had written and precisely what they were for.  As a computer e-literate myself, who thinks he has done well, to have learnt how to do formula on a spreadsheet.  I really can't seen David Ashford having been invovled in the mars landing or the new self driving cars. But you never know. He went on to state program coding was easy, which made me think he was mixing real life with the Matrix films.

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18 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I was surprized nobody asked him, what the computer programming codes he claimed that  he had written and precisely what they were for.  As a computer e-literate myself, who thinks he has done well, to have learnt how to do formula on a spreadsheet.  I really can't seen David Ashford having been invovled in the mars landing or the new self driving cars. But you never know. He went on to state program coding was easy, which made me think he was mixing real life with the Matrix films.

Ashford is a human chameleon straight out of Woody Allen’s Zelig. He is an actor playing a role. He researches that role thoroughly then convinces himself that he can play the part such is his self belief. So today he’s a computer programmer, tomorrow he’s a genomics expert. Next week he’ll be a medical professional. His psychology and ability to buy into (and project) his own self belief actually seems to be quite dangerous. All you’re seeing at the PAC is a method actor like Al Pacino or Marlon Brando projecting what he wants to project to the audience. He literally believes that he knows programming better than anyone else and that it’s his specialist subject for that hour or so. 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Psychologists might call it wearing a mask, but you're right, it's all about playing the part.

Or a beard.

Its quite unnerving watching that as Jonny F says. But he literally believes it with absolutely no error for self doubt or self analysis being present that it borders on unhinged. It’s just a role he has gone in there and played. There will be another role next week that he will no doubt play with equal unswerving conviction as well. I’m not sure that people actually know that that have voted for someone who is basically a fantasist / human chameleon. 

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