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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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1 hour ago, Hmmmm said:

What is not forgivable is not owning up and taking it on the chin, not applying your mind to the advice received and to consider it critically.

Agree completely - if it did not fit Ashford's narrative he would argue his point in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and then move on without reflection when a strategy changed. ie testing regimes, dosing schedules etc

accepting that others know more than you even if they contradict you, but most important of all, underestimating the intelligence of the GMP

 Major character flaw exemplified by the manner in which he gave his recent evidence.  Too much hubris and an innate inability to be accepting of his actions - the letter etc

If he stands again, not only is he a fool, but he is an arrogant fool because he most certainly has not learnt lessons

He will most definitely stand as he truly believes he has played a significant role in a masterful response to virus.  Hopefully the people of North Douglas will decide differently.  The is a simple case of a young man enjoying some perceived early success that has manifested into his ego growing exponentially to the detriment of some common sense that was needed as matters progressed.  This does not bode well going forward.

We need to steel ourselves that Trump (very, very, lite) will be returned in North Douglas. We must hope that the new CM - and we trust that isn't DA - is sufficiently alert and has enough backbone to exclude the lunatic from CoMin.

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12 hours ago, Johnny F said:

OMG, I'm half an hour into DA's evidence to the PAC, he is a fantasist, lunatic. I can't understand why no one at the PAC has punched him yet, he thinks he's a technical expert !  I'd advise everyone to listen to his interview, its a glorious self destruction.


Those responses would have been rehearsed over and over again (probably in front of a mirror or coach) before that sort of credible performance with no hint of self doubt would have been created. Worrying.

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19 hours ago, Fluffy123 said:

Just saw on Gef - apparently Ashey confirmed Glover has been appointed to the new EAG 

Let’s hope Dr Glover takes this opportunity to show she can be a team player .She obviously has a lot she can contribute.

Lets hope all the accusations and insults can be left behind and we can move on ( excepting some contributors on Manx Forums obviously)


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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:

Grandiose sense of self importance.

Preoccupation of fantasies about their levels of greatness, power, brilliance and intelligence.

The belief that they are special, superior, unique.

Requiring special admiration.

Sense of entitlement.

Exploitation of others.

Arrogant and haughty behaviours.

Sensitivity to criticism.

Just a tad narcissistic....

Edited by P.K.
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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Let’s hope Dr Glover takes this opportunity to show she can be a team player .She obviously has a lot she can contribute.

Lets hope all the accusations and insults can be left behind and we can move on ( excepting some contributors on Manx Forums obviously)


Was the radio interview Davids point by point rebutal.



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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Let’s hope Dr Glover takes this opportunity to show she can be a team player .She obviously has a lot she can contribute.

Lets hope all the accusations and insults can be left behind and we can move on ( excepting some contributors on Manx Forums obviously)


I worked in the same small team in the UK scientific civil service for 14 years and Taxa wouldn't have survived more than a few months if I wasn't able to lead a team successfully (we're going to be 4 years in October). I spent 7 months in the small path lab team last year before my resignation. If I wasn't a team player they'd have gotten rid of me within a week or two, given I was on the bank. 

Yet more smoke, mirrors and hints to try to put doubt in people's minds. I notice that DA's girlfriend (the DBC girl, as Gladys called her) is doing the same too these days on Facebook and Twitter. She's an amateur actress so that might be who is coaching DA in his "roles" of which technical specialist he is this week. 

Edited by rachomics
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The role of the DHSC Minister is partly to deliver and to exude confidence in the systems. It is hard when they are being constantly battered by events outside of their control.

The problems were there before DA took it on and those who were managing that have since left the building. But even with a new team, his choosing, have not fully been able to grapple with the systemic problems which have been well highlighted here. This has for me negatively reflected and impacted on his position for which he ultimately pays the price. 

He tried desperately hard to project an image of competence and control but anyone who has had to walk in his shoes for the last few years must need a break now. He would do himself a big favour to not be any part of the next administration, recharge the batteries, and come back having reflected and prepared himself more for what good government, and good governance is all about.

He would become a better politician for it. The people egging him on after what he has experienced are not doing him any favours, but perhaps probably just looking to the 'benefits' for having their man back in again.

Let someone else take the strain for a while.

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5 hours ago, rachomics said:

I worked in the same small team in the UK scientific civil service for 14 years and Taxa wouldn't have survived more than a few months if I wasn't able to lead a team successfully (we're going to be 4 years in October). I spent 7 months in the small path lab team last year before my resignation. If I wasn't a team player they'd have gotten rid of me within a week or two, given I was on the bank. 

I think you're confusing what makes a good team member with what they actually want, which is being a 'good team player'.   They see this as being like a member of a sporting team who will always do what the manager wants, not have any ideas of their own, never criticise or put forward their own ideas (or if they do be happy for the boss to take the credit) and be prepared to 'take one for the team'. 

You hear this sort of 'team' rhetoric all the time and it is always about having someone who will 'fit in' (and that usually means from the same background as them) and not rock the boat.  What they are really looking for is obedience - competence is is optional but acquiescence compulsory.  Of course this sort of team produces mediocre results at best and frequent disasters, but then the real purpose isn't to produce results, but to make those in charge feel good.

Of course Ashford is a perfect example of this sort of 'team player'.  He's basically got to where he is by doing what he's told and repeating what he's been told to say.  He doesn't really bother to consider if what he does is good for the country or if what he says is true because he doesn't really have much concept of those things.

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2 hours ago, Apple said:

The role of the DHSC Minister is partly to deliver and to exude confidence in the systems. It is hard when they are being constantly battered by events outside of their control.

The problems were there before DA took it on and those who were managing that have since left the building. But even with a new team, his choosing, have not fully been able to grapple with the systemic problems which have been well highlighted here. This has for me negatively reflected and impacted on his position for which he ultimately pays the price. 

He tried desperately hard to project an image of competence and control but anyone who has had to walk in his shoes for the last few years must need a break now. He would do himself a big favour to not be any part of the next administration, recharge the batteries, and come back having reflected and prepared himself more for what good government, and good governance is all about.

He would become a better politician for it. The people egging him on after what he has experienced are not doing him any favours, but perhaps probably just looking to the 'benefits' for having their man back in again.

Let someone else take the strain for a while.

You say a lot of sensible things here.  Sadly, I am sure that the Boy Vampire's ego will sweep away any common sense, and a bid for CM is almost inevitable.

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57 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

You say a lot of sensible things here.  Sadly, I am sure that the Boy Vampire's ego will sweep away any common sense, and a bid for CM is almost inevitable.

Well, he said he was not interested in CM on the Mannin Line on Wednesday, but also said he had not decided whether he would stand at all.  

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