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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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5 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Here's your Government folks telling you that you've no right to know what happens in your name:



Well it’s not telling me that. It’s telling me that certain information can’t be released at the moment. That’s sometimes the way these things work. It may be frustrating but that’s the way these things work for good reason.

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3 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

At the start of the video watch Ashford's knuckles he's not happy. 

Knuckle interpretation. Now there’s a whole new industry to be mined and qualifications to be established. 

“ Do you know I have a diploma from the IKRA (The International Knuckle Reading Association)”?

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Improvement on the original
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12 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well it’s not telling me that. It’s telling me that certain information can’t be released at the moment. That’s sometimes the way these things work. It may be frustrating but that’s the way these things work for good reason.



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15 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Public enquiry in 2022 will sort all this out. Inevitable...and with new MHKs.



Which would achieve absolutely nothing. Even if any blame was apportioned there would have been departures, slates wiped clean and accountability rendered passé. The establishment looks after itself and its childer.

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So, something is being worked on at the lab to allow identification of the variant at the same time as testing.

I thought the variant was irrelevant because our response would be the same and it was important to feed into the UK data?



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Ashford’s obfuscation, half-truths, avoidance of honesty, manipulation and answering a question other than the one actually asked are straight out of the Tory ‘Media Interview Playbook 2021’ but delivered much more amateurishly. It’s as if Conservative Central Office have deliberately made this video for aspirant parliamentary candidates - ‘How not to do it - he’s read the book, but hasn’t grasped how to perform’.


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5 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Ashford’s obfuscation, half-truths, avoidance of honesty, manipulation and answering a question other than the one actually asked are straight out of the Tory ‘Media Interview Playbook 2021’ but delivered much more amateurishly. It’s as if Conservative Central Office have deliberately made this video for aspirant parliamentary candidates - ‘How not to do it - he’s read the book, but hasn’t grasped how to perform’.

These are serious matters. Some one will be impacted somewhere along the line when it comes to health. It is so serious it can not be made public - yet. 

And these two are guffawing like a couple of drunken mates down the pub talking about say football.

Serious matters need serious people to deal with them. It's a joke, but one only shared between DA and PM. 

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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

Here we go again.

The problem is that many MHKs think the GMP are as stupid as them so will swallow any old tripe. 


1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Perhaps the real problem is that most of them do, Gladys.

Very thought-provoking observations.

A quote from ‘Chris Thomas’ from their post on IOM Today website: ”Every MHK has worked tirelessly for constituents and better law and policy through the pandemic”. Really? My view is that this is just electioneering claptrap and that it means nothing. Unfortunately, MHKs have every reason to believe that the GMP will accept the nonsence that has been dished out by them in the past. IMHO, the GMP are may not be stupid, but at this stage most of them are simply just not interested. But why are they so accepting?

IMHO, because a sizeable proportion of the GMP are either civil servants, farmers or elderly, they want things to stay as they are – they don’t want change. The incompetence of senior civil servants, whether it’s in Health, Education, Infrastructure, and the inability of Tynwald to get a grip on what is happening is absolutely staggering, but no one seems to care. Therefore, it is allowed to continue to fester with impunity. However, as I have said on this forum before, ‘fateful events” may soon be coming here to roost.

The G7’s decision to implement an international minimum corporations tax rate (probably 15%) is imminent and, according to the Manx Radio and The Times, this agreement may be reached as soon as next week. The GMP can deride this decision to their hearts content, but we are mere tiny players on the global political stage and we will also need to adapt to this changing reality. If our politicians/civil servants are unable to put a fancy strip of concrete on a road on time and on budget, what hope do they have to master something as complex and difficult as a new international tax regime?

The culture of mediocracy in both the civil service and general life has been cultivated on this Island for years. This must change. The future of the Island depends on it.

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2 minutes ago, code99 said:


Very thought-provoking observations.

A quote from ‘Chris Thomas’ from their post on IOM Today website: ”Every MHK has worked tirelessly for constituents and better law and policy through the pandemic”. Really? My view is that this is just electioneering claptrap and that it means nothing. Unfortunately, MHKs have every reason to believe that the GMP will accept the nonsence that has been dished out by them in the past. IMHO, the GMP are may not be stupid, but at this stage most of them are simply just not interested. But why are they so accepting?

IMHO, because a sizeable proportion of the GMP are either civil servants, farmers or elderly, they want things to stay as they are – they don’t want change. The incompetence of senior civil servants, whether it’s in Health, Education, Infrastructure, and the inability of Tynwald to get a grip on what is happening is absolutely staggering, but no one seems to care. Therefore, it is allowed to continue to fester with impunity. However, as I have said on this forum before, ‘fateful events” may soon be coming here to roost.

The G7’s decision to implement an international minimum corporations tax rate (probably 15%) is imminent and, according to the Manx Radio and The Times, this agreement may be reached as soon as next week. The GMP can deride this decision to their hearts content, but we are mere tiny players on the global political stage and we will also need to adapt to this changing reality. If our politicians/civil servants are unable to put a fancy strip of concrete on a road on time and on budget, what hope do they have to master something as complex and difficult as a new international tax regime?

The culture of mediocracy in both the civil service and general life has been cultivated on this Island for years. This must change. The future of the Island depends on it.

Add to that a political system that discourages scrutiny, opposition and clear policy commitments for the public to vote for and you have a recipe for more of the same and mediocrity. Whilst the Island has prospered large despite of our politics, more of the same in a changing global environment is not going to work well.

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