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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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Not long after the procurement of this infamous machine a couple of friends of mine ,and their new business , were contracted by DBC , approx year after ,to jet wash a sample area in Strand street to remove muck and gum from the paviours . They had a really effective machine and all the gear. Says it all you needed to know about the Corpy's purchase . Ohhhh a footnote , machine cost just shy of £800 

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39 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Have you taken the many years depreciation charge into account?

You don't depreciate a useless asset,  you write it off immediately as prudent and conservative accounting practice.  

However, that is just accounting.  The fact of the matter is £120k was paid for something that didn't work and has now been sold for repair or spares,  £120K that could have been spent on other more worthwhile things to the benefit of Douglas.

I am sure DA was not the prime mover in the purchase, but he was a Councillor at the time.


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12 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I'm sure there's a photo somewhere...



The stuff at the auction looks like accessories for this. I don't think the machine itself was included

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54 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Also it's not just Assface who deserves the stick, that dickhead education minister who said 'schools are perfectly safe go to school' only to shut them 2 days later with 100 odd infections deserves a beating. In fact the whole fucking lot of them who MET VIRTUALLY while saying everything is fine 2 days before LD3 should be dumped out immediately.

the one people say might be next CM?

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

Saw that , her accusations seem to be that he’s on the payroll of IOM advertising, not sure that makes it for government propaganda 

It would, if true, raise questions about impartiality and conflicts of interest surely? It would certainly explain the apparent 'chumminess' in the recent video.

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9 hours ago, finlo said:

Just as he was getting under their skin he's been bought off!

In just the same way as eager but newbie politicians are. A former MHK has explained that the buy off can be by ego, vanity, money or a mix thereof.


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Manx politics doesn't work if people start asking difficult questions or rocking the boat. That's why opposition never gets off the ground. The whole shebang works on consensus, patronage, cosy deals and arrangements, lack of proper scrutiny etc. The real decision making and policy is not directed by the politicians. People like Moulton asking awkward questions are either 'subsumed' or squashed (Like Roly was).  

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