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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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2 hours ago, code99 said:

When even the tiniest slither of criticism is batted away with ‘don’t question me!’ attitude, then inevitably a wedge of failures will slowly but surely creep in and eventually the whole ‘house of cards’ will ultimately collapse in on itself.

People don’t seem to grasp that the condescending ‘’if you don’t like it here – then there is a boat in the morning…” mantra is not just an idiosyncratic feature of the local culture, it is a sad philosophy that has permeated every sphere of public life. Many of our civil servants and our politicians are far too thin-skinned. Some are little more than pampered narcissists who are more concerned about protecting and massaging their egos than they are of serving their nation. They don’t want to be held accountable for anything - time and time again their begrudging admissions of mistakes are turned into the other clichéd catchphrase ‘lessons will be learnt!’ Of course, no lessons will ever be learnt until the GMP wakes up to the fact that the prevailing quip; ‘if you don’t like it, leave!’ is not conducive to fostering talent, it is not encouraging higher standards, it is not building a better future by accepting differences of opinion and thinking outside the box to find better ways forward. Instead, it is a delusional fake comfort-blanket and a recipe for ongoing mediocrity and because of that, failure.  

I have been reading comment similar to this on the forum for several years. This, and many  others state views and opinions about what is wrong with 'here'. But, importantly, there is no explanation of Why the island, and therefore us, are in this position. 

I am not saying this post and the others are in any way correct. Generally I can agree with the points made but we have further to go to understand how the island works in the way that it does, what problems are created and then try to resolve them.

Including the natural assets of the island like location, geography, heritage etc and also the inherent skills and productivity of Manx population over the years I question what events have created the attitudes that resulted in the comments noted above. And, more importantly, what continues to drive them. 

Primarily at the heart of what I am asking is exactly what it is that 'flavours' the relationships between Manx people and the 'comeovers' views of the Manx way of life that seems, underneath, to influence, or not, the way the island's systems operate. 

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8 minutes ago, Apple said:

I have been reading comment similar to this on the forum for several years. This, and many  others state views and opinions about what is wrong with 'here'. But, importantly, there is no explanation of Why the island, and therefore us, are in this position. 

I am not saying this post and the others are in any way correct. Generally I can agree with the points made but we have further to go to understand how the island works in the way that it does, what problems are created and then try to resolve them.

Including the natural assets of the island like location, geography, heritage etc and also the inherent skills and productivity of Manx population over the years I question what events have created the attitudes that resulted in the comments noted above. And, more importantly, what continues to drive them. 

Primarily at the heart of what I am asking is exactly what it is that 'flavours' the relationships between Manx people and the 'comeovers' views of the Manx way of life that seems, underneath, to influence, or not, the way the island's systems operate. 

The self serving of the few outweighs the needs of the many!

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7 hours ago, code99 said:


When even the tiniest slither of criticism is batted away with ‘don’t question me!’ attitude, then inevitably a wedge of failures will slowly but surely creep in and eventually the whole ‘house of cards’ will ultimately collapse in on itself.

People don’t seem to grasp that the condescending ‘’if you don’t like it here – then there is a boat in the morning…” mantra is not just an idiosyncratic feature of the local culture, it is a sad philosophy that has permeated every sphere of public life. Many of our civil servants and our politicians are far too thin-skinned. Some are little more than pampered narcissists who are more concerned about protecting and massaging their egos than they are of serving their nation. They don’t want to be held accountable for anything - time and time again their begrudging admissions of mistakes are turned into the other clichéd catchphrase ‘lessons will be learnt!’ Of course, no lessons will ever be learnt until the GMP wakes up to the fact that the prevailing quip; ‘if you don’t like it, leave!’ is not conducive to fostering talent, it is not encouraging higher standards, it is not building a better future by accepting differences of opinion and thinking outside the box to find better ways forward. Instead, it is a delusional fake comfort-blanket and a recipe for ongoing mediocrity and because of that, failure.  

As for G7 and the changing global political environment around the question of setting a minimum company tax rate, my view is that the impact on this Island’s ‘business model’ will be significant, and effectively dealing with that will require very different calibre of politicians and civil servants than we have today. The current crop have admitted that they are out of their depth – by deciding to leave this as an issue for the next Administration to solve. We will be ‘doomed’ if the next Administration do not do a lot better.       

The most accurate summing up of the island and its unique "Problems" - boat in the morning attitude, I have ever seen on here.

It really does go right through the whole island. 

Open your eyes Manxies, inc you piebaps, the place is falling apart and looks like crap.

Hell even your precious TT race and its milestones look like sh1t these days, they have not been cleaned or replaced since the wooden ones were removed.

Does nobody care?

It really does not look like it 😞 

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  • 7 months later...
45 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Belting evidence by Dr Glover today 


“Focussing on her social media output Dr Glover was asked if she'd tweeted, after Mr Ashford was re-elected in September, that the constituents of Douglas North were 'a bunch of right-wing grannies'.

She said she 'didn't recall' tweeting such a remark and had made around 7-8,000 tweets - mostly retweeting other scientists.

She also claimed she'd had her account hacked recently and had been impersonated a number of times online in the past”

😂😂 False hacking claims again - when in a hole just keep on digging! 

So little droplets of Glovers characteristics are ‘finally’ being exposed. I can’t honestly tell you how bad this vendetta of hers towards DA has been but mainly his partner. Job, livelihood, outside hobbies, reputation, mental health, all potentially effected by this one women through sheer maliciousness.  I am sure that the droplets will become greater in time. Forget Twitter, this vendetta has gone ‘way beyond’ social media. 

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16 minutes ago, FookADoodleDoo said:

So little droplets of Glovers characteristics are ‘finally’ being exposed. I can’t honestly tell you how bad this vendetta of hers towards DA has been but mainly his partner. Job, livelihood, outside hobbies, reputation, mental health, all potentially effected by this one women through sheer maliciousness.  I am sure that the droplets will become greater in time. Forget Twitter, this vendetta has gone ‘way beyond’ social media. 

ash hole started it all, still no sign of a  point by point rebuttal, but you can't really rebut the truth can you,,  if you kick something  expect it to bite back . Glover was dismissed by the know all's and shit on and quite rightly is still snapping her way along.

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28 minutes ago, FookADoodleDoo said:

So little droplets of Glovers characteristics are ‘finally’ being exposed. I can’t honestly tell you how bad this vendetta of hers towards DA has been but mainly his partner. Job, livelihood, outside hobbies, reputation, mental health, all potentially effected by this one women through sheer maliciousness.  I am sure that the droplets will become greater in time. Forget Twitter, this vendetta has gone ‘way beyond’ social media. 

Internet impostor-ship happens all the time. You really have no idea how everyone but Dr Rachel Glover is doing all of this stuff all of the time. It is clear that there is a conspiracy on behalf of Ashford and others high up in government to pretend that she is unhinged and is constantly pursuing some sort of vendetta. They even hacked her Twitter account and said such awful things that Dr Glover would never possibly say as she is a very nice lady who breeds fluffy bunnies. They’re CRIMINALS. 

Edited by Shirty Gerty Glover
Thumbs & straitjacket got caught.
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3 minutes ago, WTF said:

ash hole started it all, still no sign of a  point by point rebuttal, but you can't really rebut the truth can you,,  if you kick something  expect it to bite back . Glover was dismissed by the know all's and shit on and quite rightly is still snapping her way along.

Since when was she sacked? There was no sacking. You need to read up on the facts. As for kicking something, does that include the livelihoods of innocent people who cannot help that they are associated/a relative of a Minister? If you can support such a creature who can be capable of such atrocities, then that says more about you than any of them. 

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1 minute ago, Shirty Gerty Glover said:

Internet impostor-ship happens all the time. You really have no idea how everyone but Dr Rachel Glover is doing all of this stuff all of the time. It is clear that there is a conspiracy on behalf of Ashford and others high up in government to pretend that she is unhinged and is constantly toy perusing some sort of vendetta. They even hacked her Twitter account and said such awful things that Dr Glover would never possibly say. They’re CRIMINALS. 

I’m going to take this as an off the wall joke 😂

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14 minutes ago, WTF said:

ash hole started it all, still no sign of a  point by point rebuttal, but you can't really rebut the truth can you,,  if you kick something  expect it to bite back . Glover was dismissed by the know all's and shit on and quite rightly is still snapping her way along.

He said after the PAC there would be no rebuttal. He felt that he had given all the evidence.

Like it or not that’s what he said. 

No point still bringing it up 6 months later. Same strategy as Dr G. 

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8 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m not so sure with hindsight. Neither of them acted like grown ups but I think I now believe Ashford (who is weak let’s face it) was tricked into reading the letter by someone high up in the DHSC and then bottled it and destroyed it when he realized he’d been had. But that let the genie out of the bottle and she is clearly the type who goes on the rampage when threatened. Whoever set it up was quite clever though. And I’d guess it’s one of the three main ladies who are now behaving like tramps fighting over a bag of chips.

Everytime I heard Ms Magson speak she really drilled the team work culture they wanted to instill. 

The letter was very much on that theme. 

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

Belting evidence by Dr Glover today 


“Focussing on her social media output Dr Glover was asked if she'd tweeted, after Mr Ashford was re-elected in September, that the constituents of Douglas North were 'a bunch of right-wing grannies'.

She said she 'didn't recall' tweeting such a remark and had made around 7-8,000 tweets - mostly retweeting other scientists.

She also claimed she'd had her account hacked recently and had been impersonated a number of times online in the past”

😂😂 False hacking claims again - when in a hole just keep on digging! 

All credibility long gone, the chickens are coming home to roost.

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