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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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42 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

25 pages in but.... does anyone else keep misreading the title of this thread as spaff not spat?

The word was hardly known until Boris introduced it into the wider English lexicon. Apart from this virus thingy, it will be what Boris will be most known and remembered for.

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4 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

He certainly hasn't covered himself with glory in this instance.

Whatever the rights or wrongs about this issue with Rachel it should not have got as far as it did.

It was undignified to slug it out in the public domain like that but to be honest most people could see the likely outcome of her Tweeting weeks ago. She was always going to lose and it was only ever going to go one way as she seems to have a bit of an attitude and we all know how monstrous some of the egos are inside the DHSC are so whatever she did they were always going to go one better just to spread more shit around. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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25 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Why do you think that will close down and make us go back to shipping samples off island, to Manchester, or anywhere else?

Just seeking clarity, posting off samples to Manchester is an option, but maybe other options now exist I just do not know. [That why we need people like Dr Glover and Dr Khan advising government.] Genetic diagnosis testing is a specialist area, and at present tests in same family such as identify HLA-B27 proteins on the surface of white blood cells to detect autoimmune disease are not under taken on Island. As said before just do not have demand on island to justify in normal times having people with background in genetic diagnosis in DHSC. Now with COVID the entire world has huge demand for such tests which require specialist skills. Practically as it stands Dr Glover firm buys in reactive agents, she as I understand mixes then using inhouse techniques she developed and passes on "tubes" to pathology lab. From what I read on BMJ site (posted earlier) she or someone else needs to then model outcomes against prevalence..... i.e. even data produced my machine is not black and white. If Dr Glover walks away, then we need to know:

i) Who now obtains reactive agents?

ii) Who mixes them into "tubes" which go into machine?

iii) Who models data coming out of machine?

MHKs should be asking same questions to themselves, and proverbial with hit fan if get community outbreak before can put three names against (i), (ii), (iii).

As side note, I have a weak connection in this matter in that my mother in law used to (before died) run a private pathology lab. At least every year she used to request poo, urine, blood, saliva (thankfully not sperm) to run all sorts of tests for various conditions. Just checked with wife and she never did any genetic testing and she we very competent. Also as another science PhD I find is concerning that specialists in area of genetic diagnosis testing (i.e. PhD in this area) views are not reflected in policy. Dr Glover is not really representing herself, she represents a scientific tradition, community and method. Science works by peer review and in short the regulation of that community essentially ensures good judgment. The choices will need to be calibrated against other interests but at least principles for scientific domain she embodies should be presented.   

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17 minutes ago, Barlow said:

The word was hardly known until Boris introduced it into the wider English lexicon. Apart from this virus thingy, it will be what Boris will be most known and remembered for.

quietly confident it was pretty well known before Bojo uttered it

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5 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

quietly confident it was pretty well known before Bojo uttered it

Oh indeed, in the corridors and dorms of Eton and whatever university he went to.

The EOD puts it about 1990s. So quite new.

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8 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I think that’s an unfair judgement call. Without her ‘attitude’ we, as an island wouldn’t be looking harder at government and their tactics.  

I didn't say I disapproved of her tactics. I said it was bloody obvious how it was all going to end weeks ago and that she wasn’t ever going to win. Even whatever next move she makes makes she won’t win. That letter act was a shitty trick but that’s nothing really given what some are capable of. 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

That’s right, you didn’t, but you did say, “She seems to have a bit of an attitude”, and that’s the bit I took issue with. 

sounds like you've got an attitude too

bloody wimmin an' their ideas above their stashun

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

That’s right, you didn’t, but you did say, “She seems to have a bit of an attitude”, and that’s the bit I took issue with. 

She does. She seems to be a right stroppy bint. But I’m not saying that’s negative either. Just probably another factor in why it escalated how it did. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

 She seems to be a right stroppy bint. But I’m not saying that’s negative either. 

I often consider "stroppy bint" to be quite a positive term of endearment

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55 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

She seems to be a right stroppy bint.

I'm trying to figure out what the male equivalent of "a right stroppy bint" would be. And whether I'd be accused of it if my name was Richard, not Rachel. A big part of this whole issue seems to be that I'm female.

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