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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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2 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Early this year I made an FoI request for a copy of the "viable" plan that had been submitted. I got a response that said that, naturally,  I could not have a copy for the usual reasons - commercial confidentiality etc.

But the FoI response has not appeared in their on-line list.

Haven't they had some issues with the publishing of FOI's?

I would expect it to have been published though

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The issue of providing basic information on line by the Government was raised in the HoK recently. The DHSC sites are a mess frankly, with old stuff still shown and new stuff not entered. That is a problem obtaining even rudimentary information on which then to base FOI requests on. 

In addition, policies and procedures are held steadfastly by the DHSC  and not routinely shared on their websites. Its as if the public are not encouraged or deemed entitled to know how the systems work and the processes followed. The arrogance I determine from some of this is embedded in several aspects of the health service. 

Take the recently published complaints for example - the categories they are listed under tend to be vague. Usually people's complaints take place against organisational changes and / or failings which may have an effect on the circumstance of the complaint.- ie short staff, staff sickness, locus, equipment shortages or failures, etc. In addition the information on Datix is not published (yeah, go on, if it was people wouldn't use it honestly -yawn). There is also no published evidence to show that Information from complaints is either shared or used for any learning points across the organisation.

Frankly, the issue of information sharing, engagement with the public and sharing policies and procedures by our health and social services denotes to me fear, defensive practices, arrogance, mutual back covering and communication disorganisation for a purpose.

Of course, if you are 'in the know' then it is much easier to 'phone a friend'. 

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9 hours ago, quilp said:

He is implying just that. I wonder which past or present politico the Voice of Reason is? The whole post smacks of an old-school aloof and superior attitude.

I was just saying that the answer to a particular question may not be in the public domain for no particular or sinister reason. You have the option to ask in the form of a FOI request. 
Should it not be celebrated that you have that option rather than your request be ignored or denied ( subject to issues of confidentiality)

Not sure how that indicates an old school aloof or superior attitude!

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15 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

All online apparently.  No doubt to the relief of all those politicians who spend the time trying to avoid being photo-bombed by the strange little man with the terrible shirts.

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1 hour ago, NoTailT said:

Bloody hilarious.

i hope @rachomicsframes it.

The Courier should run it, even after event Minister of Health gave no indication veiled or otherwise that reading out letter was a bad call. We can all have a bad day and we can all snap, which is clear to all happened on his letter reading day.

Edited by BenFairfax
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The Hansard for Edge's Keys Urgent Question on Tuesday[1] If [the Chief Minister] will make a statement on the resignation of Dr Rachel Glover from the Department for Health and Social Care? is worth reading if only to confirm the characteristic mixture of spit and incompetence with which Quayle is dealing with the topic[2].

This exchange was particularly telling:

Mr Robertshaw:  Would the Chief Minister simply take this opportunity presented this morning to him to give particular named praise to the doctor who has provided such exceptional service to the Island and has resulted in a first-class, gold-standard provision?

Would he like to particularly and personally address that matter, rather than a generality?

The Chief Minister: I have always said, I do not know the doctor in question, I think we have met once at an awards ceremony, other than that I cannot comment on them.

But I am told they have done a fantastic job and I am more than happy to confirm that to this Hon. Court. But I think we fall into a trap, Hon. Members, that there are 56 people doing a similar job helping day to day. So, yes, an individual has done a good job, I have got no doubt about that, we have had that reassured by the Health Minister, who does know the hon. doctor and has clearly  stated that they have done a good job. I have no doubt that that is the situation and they have done a good job. 

So I am more than happy with that. Thank you.

Which is about as grudging and graceless as you can get.  Interesting that he can't even bring himself to refer to @rachomics by name or even as 'she'.

Ashford did make much more of an effort to thank her both for her work and the presentation she gave the previous week.  So it looks as if he at least realises the mess they are in here and most of the hostility is coming from Quayle and those in the civil service he listens to.


[1]  As ever with temporary Hansards if that has vanished due to a later version being produced, you will need to go the Recent Hansard page and look for the latest version of the Keys for 3 November, starting page 5.

[2]  Edge replied by saying "I thank the Chief Minister for that minimum response", which was bitchy but accurate.


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