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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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A minor detail maybe but just for the record, the reply to the Freedom of Information request incorrectly dates the transcribed Youtube as being 12th October 2020. 


The actual transcript is dated 12th November 2020:



The two inaudible parts are acknowledged (although Paul Moulton's recording managed to pick up the first one)

I'm not sure if it is churlish to expect better than this.

Edited by Barlow
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42 minutes ago, PaulJ said:

I rather like your use of "too thick" and then proceed to generalise on who I may like,or dislike,based purely on an assumption that because I don't agree with everything Rachael might say or publish,does not mean I have a hatred for her or any other woman for that matter,nor do I state that I don't believe in her work. I do however feel she'd be best served by being magnanimous about her achievements and carry on. 

She asked you to call her Dr Glover, but you call her by her first name.  

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