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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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Sometimes people need to say what they think and support those who have to make decisions we would not want to or be capable of. It is so easy to sit in the armchair with a tin of Stella and preach about how the isle should be run. Good luck to you changing things from home. 

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3 hours ago, Itsmeee said:

I am abiding by the regulations. And I know they are for the common good. I’m just saying it’s hard. And I’m a bit sick of the vaguely racist attitude displayed by a minority towards ‘come overs’


I was not getting at 'come overs', and I apologize if I gave that impression.

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42 minutes ago, Scotty said:

When was that ? 

It were just a few month ago.

He hasn't been around for a while. He must be in prison/hospital/the pub or discovered Facebook/Twitter 

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3 hours ago, Scotty said:

Surely the letter did not go through official channels as in to his official address, so in my view that is a private letter. It was read out as a private letter with consent I’d the author, which in my view does not make it official. The fact the author was respectful enough to address DA as “Minister”, does not alter things.

It was sent to him as "Minister", so hard to argue it was not sent to him in his "official" capacity. 

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6 hours ago, Gladys said:

It was sent to him as "Minister", so hard to argue it was not sent to him in his "official" capacity. 

Yes I think most people think that way to be honest. It was sent by an employee to someone who regarded him as their superior in a work setting. It wasn’t a personal letter at all. 

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I have huge respect for Dr Glover, but I'm a little bit torn here.

Id argue that COVID tests for people departing the Island isn't just about people who want to go on holiday but an essential to make elements of business traffic that may need to take place and that it is to the Islands economic and mental health benefit to facilitate such a test to Island results.

Rachel: With everything that's happened and probably still happening, please just realise that no matter what... Lord Quayle and His Almightyness Ashford MBE are going to keep doing stupid stuff. Either accept it and knuckle down or tell them to piss off altogether? This yoyo on social media is only going to keep compounding the damn thing.

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59 minutes ago, All Right said:

Yes I think most people think that way to be honest. It was sent by an employee to someone who regarded him as their superior in a work setting. It wasn’t a personal letter at all. 

But if say Doctor Glover joined the AA and selected her title from the drop down list as “Dr” (which is an option) the AA would correspond with her as Dr Glover. This would not be in her capacity as a doctor but would be a personal letter.

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6 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But if say Doctor Glover joined the AA and selected her title from the drop down list as “Dr” (which is an option) the AA would correspond with her as Dr Glover. This would not be in her capacity as a doctor but would be a personal letter.

Dr is a qualified title.

You can't select Minister as a title. It's an official address of Ashfords role, NOT a title. Bit like in the House of Commons in the UK you'll hear 'my right honourable friend the minister for incompetence' it's a way of addressing the individual in their official capacity, but not a formal title.

It was addressed to the Minister by someone who works for DHSC. No matter how you try to skin the thing, it was a letter from a departmental member of staff to the minister of said department, otherwise... why send it to him?

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

More than that, the subject matter was to do with the Minister's role.  It was not about, say, his next Tesco delivery. 

I literally don't know how many more fuckups its gonna take before these people see sense at the true characters of the almighty pair.

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14 minutes ago, Gladys said:

More than that, the subject matter was to do with the Minister's role.  It was not about, say, his next Tesco delivery. 

If the minister read his shopping list at Government Press Conference it would become an official document.

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1 hour ago, joebean said:

True. He is merely a run-of-the-mill liar.

Bit harsh I feel. I think he has been forced well into that corner by others.

However, he is trying to fight this storm with at least one hand tied behind his back. Lost my respect.

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