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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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9 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, given the ossification of absolutely any governmental policy here, what other options do people have?

"I'm alright Jack" means we move at the pace of continental drift at the best of times. Maybe a kick up the rear is what Tynwald needs.

I was referring to this specific thread title and the very public spat.

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

What we see here is the part that luck has played in our good fortune. Luck that we happened to have someone with Rachel’s expertise on Island when we did. 

Has anyone given a thought to where we might be right now if she hadn’t been here?


This. All day long.

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11 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

And then there are millions who use it reasonably, including politicians and quote 'famous people'.

Of course you wouldn't understand, because you've 'never touched it', just read the tabloid stories.

Speaking of Twitter accounts, what happened to the good doctor's? Twitter says 'this account doesn't exist'. Hope it's just a glitch

Edited by Dr. Grumpy
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13 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Account deleted by the looks of it.

Hmm. Yes. I was wondering by whom. There's a Twitter account I follow who got hacked earlier this year. His tweets were deleted. 

I can't help thinking she's been silenced either by hack or by pressure from the-powers-that-be to self-censor. Either way, it's not a good development.

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9 hours ago, Apple said:

If you listen to to the clip on that, the praise is rather grudging and Ashford continues to maintain that the way in which government is reaching their decisions is the right one.  He is misleading in implying that @rachomics is demanding that her advice be the only one that is listened to, whereas all she has been complaining about is that it wasn't asked for at all.  And neither was advice from other sources such as Public Health it appears.  Effectively Ashford is confirming this 

As so often this is more revealing than intended.  What is important in determining policy is clearly not not the arguments and evidence put forward or the experience and knowledge or track record of those contributing.  All that matters is whether you are one of the 'right' people - a member of the correct club.  And then long rigmaroles  and endless committee meetings have to be gone through to make sure that responsibility can never be pinned on anyone if things go wrong.

Then in reality the actual decisions are made on a whim by an uninformed and bullying individual.  But they know they can get away with it because the whole system is actually designed to cover everything up and if things go wrong no one will ever be held responsible.  In practice the purpose of these elaborate charades of policy-making  is to keep all those involved employed and feeling important rather than coming to the right decisions.


[1]  He's also misleading in suggesting that she was a contractor.  That might be the situation now, but she was employed on 'bank' terms initially at least (I think she tweeted about this a while back) and these are technically employees, though not with permanent contracts.  Though why being a contractor should mean that your advice ought to be ignored is another mystery - the whole point of contractors is that you are paying them for their expertise.

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

If you listen to to the clip on that, the praise is rather grudging and Ashford continues to maintain that the way in which government is reaching their decisions is the right one.  He is misleading in implying that @rachomics is demanding that her advice be the only one that is listened to, whereas all she has been complaining about is that it wasn't asked for at all.  And neither was advice from other sources such as Public Health it appears.  Effectively Ashford is confirming this 

As so often this is more revealing than intended.  What is important in determining policy is clearly not not the arguments and evidence put forward or the experience and knowledge or track record of those contributing.  All that matters is whether you are one of the 'right' people - a member of the correct club.  And then long rigmaroles  and endless committee meetings have to be gone through to make sure that responsibility can never be pinned on anyone if things go wrong.

Then in reality the actual decisions are made on a whim by an uninformed and bullying individual.  But they know they can get away with it because the whole system is actually designed to cover everything up and if things go wrong no one will ever be held responsible.  In practice the purpose of these elaborate charades of policy-making  is to keep all those involved employed and feeling important rather than coming to the right decisions.


[1]  He's also misleading in suggesting that she was a contractor.  That might be the situation now, but she was employed on 'bank' terms initially at least (I think she tweeted about this a while back) and these are technically employees, though not with permanent contracts.  Though why being a contractor should mean that your advice ought to be ignored is another mystery - the whole point of contractors is that you are paying them for their expertise.

Well you kept your face straight there Roger because throughout that post you wrote as if it was likely that logic, reason and common sense would emanate from IOMG. 

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The only problem with this "spat" for me is you can't have your cake and eat it.

You can't tag Tim Glover in Tweets slagging off the Gov and then be surprised it becomes news stories, talk about how your position allows you to bare it all and speak your mind then delete your Twitter. 

I personally am as thankful for the public outing of poor management as I am for the excellent work undertaken to help the IOM with Covid testing. But this is just the opening salvo - the IOM needs to tackle it properly and having a fight and then silence with a few trumpet blowing comments that are easy to turn by the usual suspects doesn't help the long term progress.

I can hear it now from the exact people we need rid of "yeah did you see her say she's more of a Doctor than Doctors? the nerve of her thinking she's better than us because she was in the UK in 15 years" while you've got Ashy and the Quayle polishing their gongs and going into tortoise defence mode closing the circle against any form of criticism. 

It disappoints me completely and utterly on multiple levels.

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17 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

The only problem with this "spat" for me is you can't have your cake and eat it.

You can't tag Tim Glover in Tweets slagging off the Gov and then be surprised it becomes news stories, talk about how your position allows you to bare it all and speak your mind then delete your Twitter. 

Last I read, Rachel Glover was also receiving a fair bit of abuse online from those who don't believe in the seriousness of the pandemic or have an axe to grind concerning the measures taken to contain it, which may be responsible or play a part in the disappearance of her twitter account.

The comment about being a 'real' doctor was self-defeating and a bit cringe-inducing though.

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2 minutes ago, VinnieK said:

Last I read, Rachel Glover was also receiving a fair bit of abuse online from those who don't believe in the seriousness of the pandemic or have an axe to grind concerning the measures taken to contain it, which may be responsible or play a part in the disappearance of her twitter account.

I hadn't considered that other people would start harassing her but I should have because that's obviously what horrible idiotic people would do to someone who's been helping the island massively.

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13 minutes ago, VinnieK said:

Last I read, Rachel Glover was also receiving a fair bit of abuse online from those who don't believe in the seriousness of the pandemic or have an axe to grind concerning the measures taken to contain it, which may be responsible or play a part in the disappearance of her twitter account.

The comment about being a 'real' doctor was self-defeating and a bit cringe-inducing though.

Not at all a Ph. D is a real Doctor ask any Medic

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