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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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26 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Courtney Heading is hilarious. I've not heard much of him recently, is he being censored by big tech and big pharma?

No. He’s got smallpox.

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Following posts on MF is sometimes like  watching a pin ball machine as if the ball pings  randomly from one topic to another.

After many posts, I am still unclear about the “spat” was/ is , as titled and  having failed to glean what it was really all about , I am just hopeful that “normal service has been resumed” - in everyone’s interest.

Meanwhile, the frenetic silver  ball   has being pinging  wildly and randomly, now off on another trajectory about vaccines, and “Ping - ping “ .. Oh no ..not  the anti vaxxers..

If the “Spat” is resolved,  honour satisfied etc., etc.  perhaps  it is time to draw this topic to a conclusion.

Edited by hampsterkahn
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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Courtney Heading is hilarious. I've not heard much of him recently, is he being censored by big tech and big pharma?

He definitely a (dangerous) nutter who now has a criminal record. Imagine at least now will not get much air time at Manx Radio. He sort of entertaining, until listen carefully to views he holds. He believes Autism is caused by MMR vaccine and encourages parents to refuse all vaccination programs. Autism by its own definition is a developmental disorder, who diagnosis requires evidence of certain behaviors from earlier childhood (i.e. before any vaccinations). Idea that 3rd party is coercing parents to refuse medical treatment in form of vaccinations for their kids is just dangerous. He is in the offensive, ignorant and dangerous bucket; I was thinking of much more your plain old little bit odd bucket nutter.

2 hours ago, rachomics said:

There doesn't seem to be any way I can stop them though.

There is, try not to say anything of any interest to the vast bulk of population, for example, anything in science above undergraduate level will definitely not appear in press. Personal attacks ensures clicks for press, along with anything on border policy, and more binary view/event the more clicks. In this crisis I think been ideal if press tried to present a balanced view, with rational debate, but this does not get clicks, and clicks puts food on the table. The Director of Health and MHKs knew (I imagine) they signed up for jobs listening to people moaning all day. And I would let them just get on with it. Anyone in media appearing round COVID policy will attract their allocation of moaners.   

With press now Jersey is blowing up, Jersey Press views are rocketing and been winning the jackpot with appearances on national TV news. Their business is booming. The IoM Press, by comparison because of competent, coherent policies followed here, has to live off scraps of internal departmental bitching.



Edited by BenFairfax
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23 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Courtney Heading is hilarious. I've not heard much of him recently, is he being censored by big tech and big pharma?

We need to be really careful about how we react to people like Courtney Headcase.  He is dangerous, not hilarious, and that should set how government and anyone else receives the tripe that he comes out with.  This may sound like Mr Toad's famous hyperbowl, but Courtney is the island's answer to David Icke.

IMHO, everything that he says should simply be ignored.  Even discussing his one man shitstorm gives him credibility that he doesn't deserve.

Rant over.

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On 12/3/2020 at 12:19 AM, hampsterkahn said:

Following posts on MF is sometimes like  watching a pin ball machine as if the ball pings  randomly from one topic to another.

Agreed, it's not as though any posters need to inflame or exacerbate a situation for their own amusement or to score their own social or political points though is it. Or even to demonstrate how much in the know they are.  No chance. 

Manxforums is not like Facebook and their pitchfork brigades as someone pointed out recently. This here is real grown up debate. Yessir.

Dr Glover appears to me that she is no bodies fool.  Ashford has handled this very badly and needs to get it back on track. Quickly. 

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15 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, this is only going to bite them in the bottom. We'll be back to a 48 hour minimum turnaround, with a higher rate of false positives for good measure. I wonder how that 50 quid private testing will go for them now.

It'll take a while for that to become apparent. Likely 4-6 weeks or so, would be my prediction. But, as usual, if it's not immediate then it can't be attributed to any single action. Hopefully at least a few people will remember this come election time. This is an issue entirely made from the Health Minister's actions and the ego's of senior management at Nobles, who absolutely can't bear that the private sector had to sort out on-Island testing for them to get it going. 

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22 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, this is only going to bite them in the bottom.

No, it's the people that will suffer. We really need to hear more from our hospital's clinical staff about this and what they see is the potential outcome / impact and if there any changes to risk management because of the loss of this service. 


4 minutes ago, rachomics said:

This is an issue entirely made from the Health Minister's actions and the ego's of senior management at Nobles,

Hear, hear. Time the whole lot went. Another clear out needed now more than ever.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Well,  we aren't testing anyway, so its fine. (She said provocatively.)

Is there going to be an enquiry into the handling of covid here, like the UK?

There should be. 

The genomics alone suggests that if they had closed the borders a few days earlier (rather than keep hinting at it for a week) then Abbotswood wouldn't have happened. 

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