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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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10 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

Just seen this going for sale on ebay:


Stultus est Sicut Stultus Facit - et hoc est quod habeo dicere

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Yes of course that would be such an appropriate tribute for those who have provided the conditions for us to live such a relatively untroubled life compared with other jurisdictions in this pandemic.

The key to us leading a "relatively untroubled life" is the moat which surrounds us and the entirely sensible move to close the borders. Any fool could've come up with these conditions, seems you're suggesting that it was some sort of eureka event on the part of the Dynamic Duo. There are suggestions of dithering, that the border restrictions didn't happen soon enough and had they been closed earlier at the beginnings of this pandemic, well, who knows? You're also not giving congratulation where it matters most; to the compliance of the people, us. Apart from the isolated occurrences of disobedience and wilful ignorance, we've done our bit and continue to do so, there's been no real outcry, "compared to other jurisdictions" we've complied mostly to the letter. An un-shreddable letter at that.

It's obvious where your uncritical swooning is directed, you're painting a picture of magnificence, of nigh-on heroic deeds performed by but a small cohort of individuals with a firm hand on the covid tiller. Whereas, it was common sense and compliance that has won the day so far not the vainglorious parroting of PHE directives.

"Why not stand outside Nobles Hospital and similarly abuse the doctors, nurses, cleaning staff etc., who work there?"

You mean the people who've consistently carried out the real work? The front line workers? And the back line, path lab, Dr. Glover and her attention to detail. That's not where the criticism in the post you responded to with that crass remark was directed and well you know it.

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43 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Yes of course that would be such an appropriate tribute for those who have provided the conditions for us to live such a relatively untroubled life compared with other jurisdictions in this pandemic.

Why not stand outside Nobles hospital and similarly abuse the doctors, nurses, cleaning staff etc who work there?

As others have regularly pointed out, and as has been common knowledge even for the Egyptians, a moat keeps bad things out.

The real puzzler is how you then open the drawbridge in a controlled manner, which is the bit that they haven't yet figured out. Even with quite a long time, and hundreds of other countries figuring it out beforehand.

What has really kept us in the state we are in is being a small island where you don't want to be the one who brings it out into the community.

But at the same time, we're a small island, and you can't keep the drawbridge up forever.

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^ ^ to be fair, the IoM has done well compared to the other 100+ moated places around the British Isles.


17 minutes ago, quilp said:

 we've complied mostly to the letter. An un-shreddable letter at that.


There was some young studenty type guy on Paul Moulton's Isle of Man TV (wth Bernie Moffat and Daphne Caine) whinging about the fuss made over 'a letter'.

Clearly he had little or no idea of the implications of this episode. Plus I think he must hold Quayle and Ashie in godlike adulation.

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I wouldn't say that interviewee was whinging about the letter. In a previous interview with Ashford he did apply a scintilla of pressure on the minister and responded with a quip about how being the minister in charge at least got him "more letters". You had to be quick to appreciate it.

Also, he's a media graduate so maybe he is actually aware of the "implications" of the episode and I can't agree with the suggestion that he "must hold Quayle and Ashie in godlike adulation." Give the boy a chance. At least he displayed less of the sycophantic chumminess we've seen on previous occasions with Paul Moulton, though Moulton's approach is improving, he did worry Baker in a previous interview re the prom.

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The word trivialises a  very serious situation.

I am still unclear about the”Spat” .Perhaps I’ve missed something.It is possible with my aged  neurones.

0n the one hand, clumsy, defensive,  cringeworthy, amateurishly  written Departmental rhetoric ; on the other a speedy recourse to twitter and  brief, but uninformative personal affirmatives   such as “ I don’t do failure” , or some such. and  bewildering comments about the relative metallurgy of gonads, but no real,  er, “nuts and bolts” about why things aren’t working.

These times are too dangerous for all of this stuff.

Not a time for  “Spats”, egos or vanity on anyone’s part .

Somehow, please just do the  job - even if you hate each others guts.

Please feel free to eviscerate each other at a place of your choosing afterwards, if you really must.We can buy tickets.

Grow up.Start working together.



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2 hours ago, rachomics said:

That’s an interesting stance seeing as you seem intent on giving me grief in this thread.

It’s not a stance. I’m not intent on giving you grief, it’s a forum for discussion. If you feel aggrieved it’s an unfortunate by product of healthy debate. I’m actually beginning to develop a grudging respect for you.

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59 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:


The word trivialise  a  very seriuous situation.

I am still unclear about the”Spat” .Perhaps I’ve missed something.It is possible with my aged  neurones.

0n the one hand, clumsy, defensive,  cringeworthy, amateurishly  written Departmental rhetoric ; on the other a speedy recourse to twitter and  brief, but uninformative personal affirmatives   such as “ I don’t do failure” , or some such. and  bewildering comments about the relative metallurgy of gonads, but no real,  er, “nuts and bolts” about why things aren’t working.

These times are too dangerous for all of this stuff.

Not a time for  “Spats”, egos or vanity on anyone’s part .

Somehow, please just do the  job - even if you hate each others guts.

Please feel free to eviscerate each other at a place of your choosing afterwards, if you really must.We can buy tickets.

Grow up.Start working together.



I don't think it's on Dr Glover that the situation is at this point.

Yes, she stuck her head above the parapet after exhausting all avenues, and that is a Bad Thing in the land of I'm Alright Jack.

But since that, there has been a clear disdain and begrudging cooperation at best from DHSC, with silly hurdles to jump through. Though the Dr kept going through this, feeling that she had a social responsibility and wanting to help.

However, understandably, anyone can only take so much fuss before reaching breaking point. Dr Glover is not responsible for the decisions that led to the current situation, and I highly imagine that a certain duo will try and argue it totally differently.

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