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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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4 hours ago, Barlow said:

 Aside from all the usual social media commentary at the time, so did a number of letters to the newspaper (well before actual lockdown)

A somewhat sharper brain may have been required in charge.

I would hope they review the actual time line to lockdown. The messages coming from China and Italy at the time and from the WHO iirc indicated that something serious was going on but whether or not is was being taken seriously is another matter. I do believe there was a touch of "this will not affect us'" typical arrogance floating around at the time.

Trump himself was quite frivolous about it and that's where most countries perhaps to their lead from.


4 hours ago, Barlow said:

I don't doubt that. I'm just making the point that there were some loud voices making the point that the borders should be closed. Decisions were needed quickly but when letters in the newspaper - slower than even 'snail mail' - were shouting the point then it makes you wonder who and what were the powers of persuasion to keep them open.

Again I was aware at the time that here several key staff and their family members were being given time to get back to avoid the periods of isolation. (Its reported that even Boris hesitated to impose lockdowns to enable his fiancees already planned gathering to go ahead).


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52 minutes ago, Barlow said:

...and then there was the racing at Cheltenham. One last fling type thing. Which affected the island in no small way.

...and some sort of football match in , was it, Liverpool ?

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5 hours ago, John Wright said:

However the borders were effectively shut a week earlier than 26/3  in that anyone arriving after 23.59 on 17/3 had to self isolate. Would physical closure on 20th have made a difference, assuming everyone arriving did the self isolation?

There was definitely a rush when that was announced. It was announced on the Sunday to take effect at midnight on the Tuesday, so a lot of people with kids at private schools and so on got them on the boat on the Monday.

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

There was definitely a rush when that was announced. It was announced on the Sunday to take effect at midnight on the Tuesday, so a lot of people with kids at private schools and so on got them on the boat on the Monday.

Yes, but they had to go into 14 day quarantine. Gold standard, you’ll remember, until they decided it needed 21

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4 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Yes, but they had to go into 14 day quarantine. Gold standard, you’ll remember, until they decided it needed 21

No, there was a window between the announcement and mandatory isolation. If you got back on the Tuesday 17th, you could return without isolation. The boats were apparently heaving that day.


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I don't want to pretend that I understand what has been going on here. Suffice to say, I believe that our government and PS are total idiots. They allow things to fester without intervening or getting involved at the beginning and let things blow up into a total bloody disaster, time after time after time. My opinion of the PS is that it is manned at the top by a bunch of incompetents who spend their working lives protecting their jobs and empires. Come the revolution, they will be taken out and shot!  

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7 hours ago, rachomics said:

The real delay was when they had decided to close the border and then spent a week at the briefings giving weighted warnings that if you had relatives in the UK they might want to come back soon. They should have just shut it on or around the 20th/21st March. 

The WHO announced the global pandemic on the 30th January 2020. Most of us in the West thought it couldn't happen here. We should all have acted sooner.

Next time we just might. Lesson learned. HNY. 😃

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20 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

No, there was a window between the announcement and mandatory isolation. If you got back on the Tuesday 17th, you could return without isolation. The boats were apparently heaving that day.



6 hours ago, John Wright said:

Only those arriving after 00.01 on 23/12

As we are seeing now, there is a problem with announcing advanced warnings of further restrictions. People trying to beat the deadlines and looking for loopholes.

The virus don't respect no deadlines. 

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24 minutes ago, Barlow said:


As we are seeing now, there is a problem with announcing advanced warnings of further restrictions. People trying to beat the deadlines and looking for loopholes.

The virus don't respect no deadlines. 

The 00.01 23/12 deadline was announce before mid day on 22/12. There really wasn’t much time to rush anywhere, you were either en route to an airport or Heysham, or about to board.

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