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Spat between Chief Minister and Dr Glover

Manx Bean

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53 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

The lower the price of the test the more people will be willing to take the test, nobody is going to waste £50 on a test unless they absolutely have to.

I think you’re missing part of the puzzle. You only have to pay for a test if you’ve travelled off island, and would rather do 14 days with 2 tests than 21 days isolation with no tests. 

Tests if you have symptoms, or have been advised by 111 to be tested are free. They’re also free for patient transfers etc 

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4 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think you’re missing part of the puzzle. You only have to pay for a test if you’ve travelled off island, and would rather do 14 days with 2 tests than 21 days isolation with no tests. 

Tests if you have symptoms, or have been advised by 111 to be tested are free. They’re also free for patient transfers etc 

In that scenario they’ve got you by the short and curlies, it like saying would you rather have an extra week off work unpaid or would you like to earn £50 less instead.

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If you've chosen to travel for non-essential reasons in the winter during a global pandemic then it's entirely right you should pay for your tests. If you've traveled for medical reasons then it is entirely right you should not. It really is that simple.

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5 hours ago, Uhtred said:

They’re not clever enough; they cannot communicate adequately, especially Quayle who performs like a ‘speak your weight’ machine;

That's very unfair on 'speak your weight' machines which are usually more fluent...

and always more accurate...

and possibly more intelligent.

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7 hours ago, Roxanne said:

It’s too late now. Too late to turn the tide. They are too entrenched in the positions that they’ve created for themselves. The closest they got was having their faces on a swimsuit. It’s going to take a lot more than that to turn it around this time.

A woman posted last night, “ just tell us the truth - we can handle it.”  This is where we’re at. The trust has gone. 

Been like that since then the start of this administration. Real political leadership is non-existent. It's just an extension of the executive.

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4 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Been like that since then the start of this administration. Real political leadership is non-existent. It's just an extension of the executive.

And that’s because a bent CM election, involving disgraceful behaviour by the then LegCo, and foisted on us by the connivance of the detestable Rodan as ‘President’ (not to mention the ludicrous presence of the contemptible Beecroft on the ‘ballot paper’) left the talent bereft Quayle as CM. From that moment the 2016 to ‘21 administration was the deadest of dead ducks.

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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Been like that since then the start of this administration. Real political leadership is non-existent. It's just an extension of the executive.

Since before this? I think it started towards the end of the first Gelling administration.

Then we had the curtailed Corkill (replaced again by the "tiller steadying" Gelling, then Brown and then Bell administrations.

Some people decided that it would be better if they were running the show?

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58 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

Will Rodan preside over the next CM election or will a new President be in place?

No, after the next general election the election for Chief Minister takes place in the Keys not in Tynwald. It'll be whoever is Speaker at that time who presides over the election 

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Back to topic -

What difference would it make to our current situation if Dr Glover had been allowed to continue working within the DHSC.

Would we further ahead than where we are today ? 

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Not unless he’s re-elected as President. His term ends July 2021.

Convenient in that it gives him time to campaign for the Keys in Sept. Also means his re-election to the post by the current Keys rather than the new Keys after the election of new MHKss who might not agree with his continuence in his role?

Quite apart from this, do we need a Speaker AND a President??? A 60 k saving!

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12 minutes ago, Apple said:

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What difference would it make to our current situation if Dr Glover had been allowed to continue working within the DHSC.

Would we further ahead than where we are today ? 

I don't know if we'd be further ahead. But I do think that our Govt. would have been in receipt of some authoritative, credible and above all else, qualified input into the subject matter. Which may have influenced some decisions.

But that is anaethema to the "tailor the facts to suit the policy" of the IoM CS culture across the board. None of whom have Dr Glover's credentials in the matter.

I find Dr. Glover's new suggestions that a longer incubation period may be part of an increased transmissibility very interesting. Is anybody else in our public service qualified or knowledgeable enough to comment on this?

Edited by Non-Believer
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12 minutes ago, Apple said:

Back to topic -

What difference would it make to our current situation if Dr Glover had been allowed to continue working within the DHSC.

Would we further ahead than where we are today ? 

We'd have known before NYE if it was the new strain or not. We may also have a clearer plan of who to test, when and why.

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23 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

We'd have known before NYE if it was the new strain or not. We may also have a clearer plan of who to test, when and why.

would we?

Genuine question, how do you know we would?

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