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The Cost Of Living


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While the British Government have put a limit of £11k pay out for the loss of a life in the London Bomb blasts, rumours within the news agencies are saying that the Government have paid out over $20k to relocate a family member of one of the bombers :angry:

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The family members of the bombers are at immediate risk, the family members of the victims aren't, simple as. If one of your family members went out and did something like that without your knowledge would you be happy to accept the constant abuse off strangers and death threats because "well it is my fault for being related to him and not stopping him doing it, despite not knowing any of his plans!"


Why should the Govt. pay compensation to the victims family members? Its not like it is the Govt's fault (okay a point that can be argued till the cows come home, but you get my meaning).


With your attitude do we stop all benefits to the children of criminals....for being related to them. You can't help who your family is, why the hell should you be pilloried for mistakes others have made.

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The family members of the bombers are at immediate risk, the family members of the victims aren't, simple as. If one of your family members went out and did something like that without your knowledge would you be happy to accept the constant abuse off strangers and death threats because "well it is my fault for being related to him and not stopping him doing it, despite not knowing any of his plans!"


Why should the Govt. pay compensation to the victims family members? Its not like it is the Govt's fault (okay a point that can be argued till the cows come home, but you get my meaning).


With your attitude do we stop all benefits to the children of criminals....for being related to them. You can't help who your family is, why the hell should you be pilloried for mistakes others have made.



Point taken, BUT

whos life is worth more the families of those killed or the Bombers

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Point taken, BUT

whos life is worth more the families of those killed or the Bombers


The families of the bombers are just as much victims as the families of the dead. But the families of the bombers are more likely to be in immediate danger.


How awful to find out that your child or brother did that.

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Point taken, BUT

whos life is worth more the families of those killed or the Bombers


Well, considering that $20k is £11,268 at today's exchage rate, we're only talking about 268 quid.

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Point taken, BUT

whos life is worth more the families of those killed or the Bombers


The families of the bombers are just as much victims as the families of the dead. But the families of the bombers are more likely to be in immediate danger.


How awful to find out that your child or brother did that.



Well said.

There are victims other than the dead. The relatives of ALL the dead are victims, one way or another.

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It might be worth mentioning that the limit for victims of a plane crash is a lot higher than the (questionably low) £11k mentioned above:


Compensation in the case of death or injury

There are no financial limits to the liability for passenger injury or death. For damages up to 100,000 SDRs (approximately £82,000 or EUR123,000) the air carrier cannot contest claims for compensation. Above that amount, the air carrier can defend itself against a claim by proving that it was not negligent or otherwise at fault.


Source: BA


This amount is pretty much industry standard and I am very surprised to see that (more or less) privat companies are expected to fork out more than the body that ultimately governs them..


As no amount of money will ever be able to compensate for the loss of a loved one, the amount of financial compensation should at least be tailored to the actual needs of the receipients, taking into account the possible loss of earnings, costs for a funeral, etc...

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And do you agree with this.


The common law wife and mother of two whos partner was killed in a bomb blast is to recieve no compensation as the MOD do not consider Common law wifes to be family. The funeral was paid for by the sqaddies mates.

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And do you agree with this.


The common law wife and mother of two whos partner was killed in a bomb blast is to recieve no compensation as the MOD do not consider Common law wifes to be family. The funeral was paid for by the sqaddies mates.


If there are no other facts to be added to that, then it deserves utter condemnation.

It would, however, be interesting to see the criteria used for that decision (e.g. are they his children, how long had they been together etc) before making any definitive comment.

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I think it is to do with the fact that they were killed by a criminal act so doesn't it come out of the Criminal Compensation (whatever) lot? Unlike an airline you can sue for example.


And do you agree with this.


The common law wife and mother of two whos partner was killed in a bomb blast is to recieve no compensation as the MOD do not consider Common law wifes to be family. The funeral was paid for by the sqaddies mates.

Yes I agree with it. In the British Army it is:

Officers and their Ladies

Sergeants and their Wives

Other Ranks and their Women


A bit harsh I would say. Surely a long term partner normally has the same legal rights as a married one?

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I think it is to do with the fact that they were killed by a criminal act so doesn't it come out of the Criminal Compensation (whatever) lot? Unlike an airline you can sue for example.


And do you agree with this.


The common law wife and mother of two whos partner was killed in a bomb blast is to recieve no compensation as the MOD do not consider Common law wifes to be family. The funeral was paid for by the sqaddies mates.

Yes I agree with it. In the British Army it is:

Officers and their Ladies

Sergeants and their Wives

Other Ranks and their Women


A bit harsh I would say. Surely a long term partner normally has the same legal rights as a married one?


Not in the British Army, this was a very high profile case, covered by all the TV stations and if I remember rightly she was given notice to quit the Army house within six weeks after his death.


On Radio one two news today, they were taliking about the £11000-00 compensation pay out and it was said that was not for each direct family member but was to be shared out by the whole family.

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