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3g Consoles!


What next gen gaming box are you going for?  

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Voted PS3 - for me, a PC is there to work and maybe surf the net, consoles are for fun - as ans said: switch'em on and play, without upgrades and configuration hassle..


Coming to think of it - which one was your first console?


Still remember my good old SEGA Master System with the likes of "Hang On", "My Hero" and "Wonderboy" on it - loved it!


Or the good old NES - Ice Climber and Zelda - oh the memories :rolleyes:


Actually bought a few Nintendo64's a few years ago - Index was throwing them out at 10 quid a piece (!) including second controller and Pokemon Stadium - never used them and have them stored in my attic with all the seals intact - there will be a day when people pay a lot of money for antiques like this on ebay...

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When you show me an Xbox that allows image/video editing, handles word and excel documents (to give some basic examples) and allows the use of a printer and I'll retract the statement.


I'm willing to accept that there is a vast market for consoles and that they are better at some things than a PC, something your blinkered eliteism wont let you recognise.



So am I, at no point did I say all console fans should be taken out and shot and their evil evil devices burned to keep me warm at night. All I said was that I couldn't see a good reason for owning one and to be honest I still can't but that's MY opinion and it can live in uneasy harmony with the existence of a console market and I realise it must be vast - if it wasn't then it wouldn't be profitable and this debate about 3G consoles wouldn't exist. My eliteism doesn't accept alot of things but the existence of consoles is too minor a thing for me to start raising armies over, burberry now there's something that deserves to be eradicated...


Oh and I tried the link that you gave but it wasn't working. Don't shout at me if I'm wrong but I assume to get Linux, Open Office, etc working you have to wipe the Xbox and then install the O/S etc. Surely this just makes it a PC in all but beigeness? After all you're installing a PC O/S on PC components, my point about limited functionality is more an out of the box thing not a with a bit of modding thing. No doubt you'll correct me if my assumptions are wrong, wouldn't mind seeing the article though.


I owned/possibly still own a C64 (not really a console I know), NES, Mega Drive and N64, the Mega Drive was the only one I really like though the NES was fun for a while even if it did take 12 attempts to get a cartridge to load :angry:

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Oh and I tried the link that you gave but it wasn't working. Don't shout at me if I'm wrong but I assume to get Linux, Open Office, etc working you have to wipe the Xbox and then install the O/S etc.


Odd. It works for me. And no, you can dual boot.


That aside, it would be easy enough to get office applications and print services on it. I have a modded XBox that has FTP clients, emulators, IRC clients and a whole host of stuff which runs from the Xbox dhasboard. Getting MS Office readers on it would be a relatively trivial matter, although I can't imagine typing out a letter on your joypad would be much fun.


I owned/possibly still own a C64 (not really a console I know), NES, Mega Drive and N64, the Mega Drive was the only one I really like though the NES was fun for a while even if it did take 12 attempts to get a cartridge to load :angry:


The Xbox is my first console in over 20 years of home computing. You, the console hater, have owned more. Go figure.

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I owned/possibly still own a C64 (not really a console I know), NES, Mega Drive and N64, the Mega Drive was the only one I really like though the NES was fun for a while even if it did take 12 attempts to get a cartridge to load :angry:


The Xbox is my first console in over 20 years of home computing. You, the console hater, have owned more. Go figure.


Oh dear God you try to be civil and it gets you nowhere.


I don't hate consoles, if I did this would have been a "LETS BURN ALL CONSOLES AND SLAP THEIR OWNERS" thread with a poll on the best type of accelerant. I just don't see a need to own one. If you want to deconstruct why I own(ed) so many consoles look at the ones I have listed. The C64 wasn't even a console in all honesty and the rest are all a decade or so old when PC gaming was in it's infancy and when I was a youngster doing his first paper rounds and ripping up the town on his BMX (what a wonderous bike that was).


Since PC Gaming really exploded and I gots me my first computer '96/7ish I haven't gone back to consoles and as I said I don't see a reason to. Yes I see a market for them - I remember when I was an excitable pre-teen running down to Woolies to buy the lastest Mega Drive games - I just don't, in my opinion, from my point of view, just talking about me here and trying to make it as obvious as possible see a want or need to buy a modern console not when I look at the alternative PC Gaming.


Now before you start latching on to random comments I am FULLY aware that the console market isn't just for pre-teens and in many respects isn't for them at all. Does this mean I want to stab out the eyes of console owners for daring to posess one after the age of 12? No it's just not for ME but each to his/her own as the politically correct version of the saying goes.


As for the N64 'blip' in my console life I'll say one word - Goldeneye.

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Playing an FPS with a joypad just doesn't work for me...


As for the N64 'blip' in my console life I'll say one word - Goldeneye.




Some games are so good they transcend the limitations of their platform, most fail miserably. I have known but one to succeed it is given above. Of course you must deal in absolutes and black and whites ans, what a frightening court that would be...

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FPS's generally (IMO) don't work on consoles, purely because of the joypad issue, it has to be designed and built from the ground up for pads, which is why for me goldeneye was great (BGE!) and halo wasn't so good (although the PC version makes up for this) as halo to me was a pc game but on a console, goldeneye was a console game on a console, (and so to an extent was timesplitters (dev'd by practically the same team as GE)).


anyway; PC's rule, consoles suck (or something like that, feh!)

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I've got to admit the price annoucement is very very tempting... :huh:


I'm definately gonna wait, EDGE magazine gave a very insightive review of both machines ( even touching on Nintendo's effort ). I've got to admit as being blown away by the footage of the Killzone and other demos for PS3 and have yet to see anything of that quality from Microsoft but then again Bill and the boys seem to be showing more in-game footage than Sony... :unsure:


I'm edging my bets...need to rush...lets see the first generation of games on these next generation of consoles and then make a decision! :blink:


It looks good though, for all video game players :lol:

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