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Vaccine- who will have it?


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10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Presume all you want.

I don't know what the apparent hold up is, no one does, but if they're booking appointments then they must be confident that they'll be able to carry them out. Imagine the outcry if people had appointments booked for next week and they got cancelled.

It's pretty clear that the prep work wasn't really done fast enough, everything should have been in place a couple of months ago really seeing as everyone knew that once available mass vaccination was going to happen. Fuck knows what the paperwork issues are, just sounds like excuses to me, everything should have been ready, but this is the Isle of Man and it never is. 

But the fact is that you can't just magic the stuff out of thin air, and if they don't have it they can't give it. People keep going on about '6 trays in the freezer' or whatever but it really does make sense to keep a little in reserve, so that the schedule can be kept. The global demand is huge, there are bound to be supply issues, I suspect we'll see more than just the one mentioned by JW earlier as time goes by. A couple of storms in the same week in Feb are always pretty likely too, causing further disruption. And there's always the chance that the UK gov will decide it needs it all, after all it's been reported we're not even paying for it. Drugs for free are pretty rare.

I'm beginning to sound like a defender of the gov, which I'm not and I hate myself for, but I'm sick of the shrieking nonsense about this. People are being ridiculous. 

I fear the over 80’s not being offered first dose until mid February may be connected with the first dose cohort in weeks one, two and three is getting second dosage in weeks 4, 5 & 6. It ties in.

If so it’s a total abdication of responsibility.


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12 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Presume all you want.

I don't know what the apparent hold up is, no one does, but if they're booking appointments then they must be confident that they'll be able to carry them out. Imagine the outcry if people had appointments booked for next week and they got cancelled.

It's pretty clear that the prep work wasn't really done fast enough, everything should have been in place a couple of months ago really seeing as everyone knew that once available mass vaccination was going to happen. Fuck knows what the paperwork issues are, just sounds like excuses to me, everything should have been ready, but this is the Isle of Man and it never is. 

But the fact is that you can't just magic the stuff out of thin air, and if they don't have it they can't give it. People keep going on about '6 trays in the freezer' or whatever but it really does make sense to keep a little in reserve, so that the schedule can be kept. The global demand is huge, there are bound to be supply issues, I suspect we'll see more than just the one mentioned by JW earlier as time goes by. A couple of storms in the same week in Feb are always pretty likely too, causing further disruption. And there's always the chance that the UK gov will decide it needs it all, after all it's been reported we're not even paying for it. Drugs for free are pretty rare.

I'm beginning to sound like a defender of the gov, which I'm not and I hate myself for, but I'm sick of the shrieking nonsense about this. People are being ridiculous. 

Are you a defender of the government:D

I like your optimisation though.

If they were more transparent we wouldn't be so worried. Does anyone know how much AZ we have and why we have not used a single drop

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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well we should hopefully get some answers next week from Tynwald questions that Ashie will have to give detailed responses to  rather than the waffle he gives at press conference.

I wouldn't bank on it but we can live in hope. You never know we might even get some information on Monday at the briefing. 

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10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Presume all you want.

I don't know what the apparent hold up is, no one does, but if they're booking appointments then they must be confident that they'll be able to carry them out. Imagine the outcry if people had appointments booked for next week and they got cancelled.

It's pretty clear that the prep work wasn't really done fast enough, everything should have been in place a couple of months ago really seeing as everyone knew that once available mass vaccination was going to happen. Fuck knows what the paperwork issues are, just sounds like excuses to me, everything should have been ready, but this is the Isle of Man and it never is. 

But the fact is that you can't just magic the stuff out of thin air, and if they don't have it they can't give it. People keep going on about '6 trays in the freezer' or whatever but it really does make sense to keep a little in reserve, so that the schedule can be kept. The global demand is huge, there are bound to be supply issues, I suspect we'll see more than just the one mentioned by JW earlier as time goes by. A couple of storms in the same week in Feb are always pretty likely too, causing further disruption. And there's always the chance that the UK gov will decide it needs it all, after all it's been reported we're not even paying for it. Drugs for free are pretty rare.

I'm beginning to sound like a defender of the gov, which I'm not and I hate myself for, but I'm sick of the shrieking nonsense about this. People are being ridiculous. 

According to people who have contacted 111 to book appointments, the delay is due to the fact that many of the slots before then are taken up with people having their second injections. At least, that is what they are being told and the timing seems to fit.

I don't disagree with what you are saying, but given that this is the situation we are in, a pragmatic approach of giving more first injections and delaying the second injections a bit until the vaccine supply improves seems like a sensible option to me. I guess we will have to agree to disagree 🙂

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Just now, Newbie said:

According to people who have contacted 111 to book appointments, the delay is due to the fact that many of the slots before then are taken up with people having their second injections. At least, that is what they are being told and the timing seems to fit.

I don't disagree with what you are saying, but given that this is the situation we are in, a pragmatic approach of giving more first injections and delaying the second injections a bit until the vaccine supply improves seems like a sensible option to me. I guess we will have to agree to disagree 🙂

My last word honest...

If that is true then fair enough. But why don't they they say this. We were supposed to get a tray a week. 1000 a week. If that's right then we have plenty. If it's not we don't. But we don't know.

Nuff said from me

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18 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I fear the over 80’s not being offered first dose until mid February may be connected with the first dose cohort in weeks one, two and three is getting second dosage in weeks 4, 5 & 6. It ties in.

If so it’s a total abdication of responsibility.


Yeah, if that's the case then people have a right to kick off.


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24 minutes ago, Newbie said:

According to people who have contacted 111 to book appointments, the delay is due to the fact that many of the slots before then are taken up with people having their second injections. At least, that is what they are being told and the timing seems to fit.

I don't disagree with what you are saying, but given that this is the situation we are in, a pragmatic approach of giving more first injections and delaying the second injections a bit until the vaccine supply improves seems like a sensible option to me. I guess we will have to agree to disagree 🙂

Ashford seemed to be unaware of the over 80's having appointments for mid Feb.  If this is to afford the second doses at  minimal or no increase in dose 1 vaccination's, between now and mid Feb. then the whole process needs revisiting.  They are being reactive when all the infrastructure (Airport & Douglas hub) should have been ready for 1 Jan.  This really highlights the mis management of what should be a relatively straight forward process.  The question needs asking who at the hospital is running this show (not politically but actually hands on calling the shots).

Edited by Hmmmm
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4 minutes ago, Hmmmm said:

Ashford seemed to be unaware of the over 80's having appointments for mid Feb.  If this is to afford the second doses at  minimal or no increase in dose 1 vaccination's, between now and mid Feb. then the whole process needs revisiting.  They are being reactive when all the infrastructure (Airport & Douglas hub) should have been ready for 1 Jan.  This really highlights the mis management of what should be a relatively straight forward process.  The question needs asking who at the hospital is running this show (not politically but actually hands on calling the shots).

At a recent media briefing he stated categorically that first and second jabs would happen in parallel ie that first doses would continue at the same pace whilst second jabs were given.

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32 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I fear the over 80’s not being offered first dose until mid February may be connected with the first dose cohort in weeks one, two and three is getting second dosage in weeks 4, 5 & 6. It ties in.

If so it’s a total abdication of responsibility.


That’s exactly what’s happening, we have vaccinated everyone remotely connected to health including 2 I know who work in offices of charities whose work involves vulnerable adults.

We will have all health care workers fully vaccinated bit none of the most vulnerable fully vaccinated until March.

we are going against what every other country is doing which is vaccinated over80s first .

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7 minutes ago, Hmmmm said:

Ashford seemed to be unaware of the over 80's having appointments for mid Feb.  If this is to afford the second doses at  minimal or no increase in dose 1 vaccination's, between now and mid Feb. then the whole process needs revisiting.  They are being reactive when all the infrastructure (Airport & Douglas hub) should have been ready for 1 Jan.  This really highlights the mis management of what should be a relatively straight forward process.  The question needs asking who at the hospital is running this show (not politically but actually hands on calling the shots).

I think he is aware. He didn't know in the last press briefing but he posted it on his FB page afterwards, although in fairness he doesn't give the reason. 

This is from his FB page

Todays press briefing.
At questions I was asked about the time for the over 80's vaccination and people receiving invites for mid February. Unfortunately I didn't have the vaccination schedule with me (unusual for me!!). It is correct that people will be receiving appointments for Mid February. Based on the delivery schedules of the Vaccine to the island and our entitlement as part of the UK's receipt of vaccine it does mean it will take towards the end of February to fully vaccinate the 4,800 people in this category.
It is start of March that the delivery schedule and the Islands entitlement to vaccine ramps up in line with the UK's own receipt of vaccine and we will be on course to have vaccinated all over 50's and those in the vulnerable category by the end of May.


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

The fact that we have a Vaccination Board that has had a programme for delivery since at least 21/12 and it still hasn’t been published 4 weeks later is not acceptable.

It's not just the schedule though.  We've known that there were vaccines coming available at the end of the year since the Summer.  So there was plenty of time to sort out the legal side of things, work out procedures for care homes and all the rest.  Yet nothing seems to have been done and the lack of preparation is being used as a reason for delays.

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1 minute ago, Newbie said:

I think he is aware. He didn't know in the last press briefing but he posted it on his FB page afterwards, although in fairness he doesn't give the reason. 

This is from his FB page

Todays press briefing.
At questions I was asked about the time for the over 80's vaccination and people receiving invites for mid February. Unfortunately I didn't have the vaccination schedule with me (unusual for me!!). It is correct that people will be receiving appointments for Mid February. Based on the delivery schedules of the Vaccine to the island and our entitlement as part of the UK's receipt of vaccine it does mean it will take towards the end of February to fully vaccinate the 4,800 people in this category.
It is start of March that the delivery schedule and the Islands entitlement to vaccine ramps up in line with the UK's own receipt of vaccine and we will be on course to have vaccinated all over 50's and those in the vulnerable category by the end of May.

But that is untrue.  If some over-80s are only receiving appointments to have their first jab in mid February (eg the 17th), then they can't be "fully" vaccinated by the end of February because there is a minimum of 21 days between shots.  We've got to the stage where simple maths or the use of a calendar seems beyond these people.

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37 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

My last word honest...

If that is true then fair enough. But why don't they they say this. We were supposed to get a tray a week. 1000 a week. If that's right then we have plenty. If it's not we don't. But we don't know.

Nuff said from me

1000 a week for 85,000 people twice will take more than three years!

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