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Vaccine- who will have it?


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Today's trivia... When the airport "hub" was opened the gov. proudly announced that there are 10 vaccination cubicles.

The attached photo shows the first 5 cubicles closest to the camera, and the others are on the far side of the width-ways partition.

When I was there, the first 5 cubicles were not being used. That first area is where documentation is checked and where people sit and wait to be called into the far side. The cubicles are taking up space that should be used to gain a bit more physical separation space for the people waiting. I suppose it is par for the course for gov. design. It does make one wonder what else they have screwed up.


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13 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I only know a few people who've been for their jabs at the airport, but they've all been impressed (and surprised!) at how smooth and efficient it all went.

Sometimes I think people just complain for the sake of it.

I suspect this time with the outbreak - more people are crapping themselves and trying to get themselves on the system.

Little wonder it is bunged up currently.

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46 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I suspect this time with the outbreak - more people are crapping themselves and trying to get themselves on the system.

Little wonder it is bunged up currently.

That's more than enough contradictory scatalogical metaphors in that post I think.

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Must just be Airport Hub today, Chester st has workmen knocking about, maybe putting second coat on skirtings.  Thus far 147 done and 144 second doses according to dashboard.   Wonder when this ramp up increase is coming?  Maybe as people cant get through to make appointments there is a lag.

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Today's trivia... When the airport "hub" was opened the gov. proudly announced that there are 10 vaccination cubicles.

The attached photo shows the first 5 cubicles closest to the camera, and the others are on the far side of the width-ways partition.

When I was there, the first 5 cubicles were not being used. That first area is where documentation is checked and where people sit and wait to be called into the far side. The cubicles are taking up space that should be used to gain a bit more physical separation space for the people waiting. I suppose it is par for the course for gov. design. It does make one wonder what else they have screwed up.


over engineered and over priced.... par for the course. I said so when they made the announcement that they were going to create it. We all knew it would be. Nothing less than wastrels.

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Could be that the reason they only did 39 was because nobody can get through to book a bloody appointment

Probably. Nay very likely.

After multiple tries (20 ish) I eventually got on the holding pattern listening to that synthetic music for half an hour.

At exactly 30 mins it cut off. So back down the snake to the start and now it's not answering at all and this is mid afternoon.


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2 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Probably. Nay very likely.

After multiple tries (20 ish) I eventually got on the holding pattern listening to that synthetic music for half an hour.

At exactly 30 mins it cut off. So back down the snake to the start and now it's not answering at all and this is mid afternoon.


I'd stop trying



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"Government says the 111 line is experiencing 'unprecedented' levels of calls "

So they send out letters, and people respond to the letters by phoning in. That cannot be unprecedented.

Unless there are hundreds of people phoning in because they have Covid symptoms. That's a bit worrying...

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