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Vaccine- who will have it?


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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

Here's a question;

Where has transmission been taking place?

We have had over 1500 cases to date. While its impossible to say for sure where each person became infected a pattern must be emerging from contact tracing which shows the types of location where contact with an infected person has taken place. Where do we need to avoid?

I guess that with the isolation rules, most transmission is probably in the home (which would be a little ironic given that we're supposed to stay at home to stay safe), but outside of the home, where are the places that we need to take extra special care/precautions? 


Initially in schools. Thereafter households and then the usual places where folk congregate in large numbers.

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I had mine yesterday and I've woken up this morning feeling like I've had a severe workout, arms, back and legs are all aches and pains. Nothing else though so hopefully it'll all pass.

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3 hours ago, Newbie said:

Can't remember which jab I had, but all seems well


Why have you drawn a picture of genitalia on the front of the trousers. Is this for a new dating website .......

Asking for a friend.

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:
  10 hours ago, piebaps said:

LOL. Well a week after my AZ jab and there are no noticable side effects.


Hang on a minute.....is that the new look Howard.......? 

Given in and moved to the dark side then I see.


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