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Vaccine- who will have it?


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20 minutes ago, quilp said:

Hmm. Surely the threat of infection and spread crosses all races, religions and cultures? I don't see how decolonisation, BLM, etc actually matter in this crisis as the message is going out to all colours and creeds. It's not the virus that discriminates. It's up to minorities to come forward and include themselves in the vaccination programs. There's no barriers to access. Are you suggesting that a minority within the minorities will refuse to be included 'because whitey says so'? 

And I'd agree with that, but this is a national emergency, a matter of sensibilities should prevail and not dependent on who is giving out necessary advise and guidelines, which it seems to be. The 72% of blacks who have said they won't have the vaccination is verging on belligerence and quite frankly, insane and divisive by nature. Do they seek inclusion by their own volition or not? They're excluding and discriminating themselves without any social pressure being brought to bear to comply and this will only feed into the ideologies and biases of racists and far-right groups leading to who knows what if the crisis becomes a blame-game. There'll be trouble...

This applies to every race of every colour, creed and culture. It isn't exclusive advice to White people.

They’re all inter related. It’s about trust. And if the people who are asking you to trust them are the ones you have no reason to trust, because of history, how you and your ancestors have been treated, because “whitey”, as you term him, hasn’t done anything to make you trust him, including how he uses language, then yes, you get.    ‘ “whitey” speak with forked tongue distrust’ 

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5 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Imagine if Chris Whitty was a muslim of Somali descent with a big beard. Would there have been even less acceptance of what's going on and adherence to the rules if he was on the telly everyday?

That would obviously depend on who was listening and an acceptance that the virus doesn't discriminate who it infects. We're seeing a stubbornness in the understanding of all things covid. Personally, it wouldn't matter if Whitty wore a big red nose and massive shoes as long as the advice he giving out was the truth.

We're not in a situation here where you can read between the lines and make your own mind up about what the reality is. 

1 minute ago, John Wright said:

They’re all inter related. It’s about trust. And if the people who are asking you to trust them are the ones you have no reason to trust, because of history, how you and your ancestors have been treated, because “whitey”, as you term him, hasn’t done anything to make you trust him, including how he uses language, then yes, you get, “whitey” speak with forked tongue distrust.

I didn't actually need it explaining but thanks anyway. It's completely fucked up, and in a roundabout way, those who refuse to comply on that basis are effectively disempowering themselves. Will those refusing the vaccine and subsequently see half their loved ones succumb to the virus see it as a race issue also?

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4 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

This is another reason that messing with the dosing schedule is dangerous. There are a great many people who need to be convinced. So do it right, if you mess around too much and it doesn't work properly, people will never ever trust any kind of vaccine ever again.

Just messing with the dosages is enough to trigger distrust, regardless if it affects the efficacy. 

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10 minutes ago, quilp said:

That would obviously depend on who was listening and an acceptance that the virus doesn't discriminate who it infects. We're seeing a stubbornness in the understanding of all things covid. Personally, it wouldn't matter if Whitty wore a big red nose and massive shoes as long as the advice he giving out was the truth.

We're not in a situation here where you can read between the lines and make your own mind up about what the reality is. 

I didn't actually need it explaining but thanks anyway. It's completely fucked up, and in a roundabout way, those who refuse to comply on that basis are effectively disempowering themselves. Will those refusing the vaccine and subsequently see half their loved ones succumb to the virus see it as a race issue also?

Black Lives Matter. Those Black lives matter even more now. My hope is, that the BLM organisation and its affiliates, with their massive outreach and message direct their efforts into educating those they represent. Seeing the Birmingham mosque open its doors as a vaccination centre was a great step forward, setting a fine example...

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33 minutes ago, quilp said:

The last paragraph in that press cutting shows how badly organised that vaccination centre managed its program. 

Actually one worrying thing about that report is that they ended up with a different vaccine from the one they were promised[1].  You can see a lot of people getting 'mixed' vaccinations (ie one shot from two different vaccines) if they're not careful and that's definitely sub-optimal.


[1]  Pfizer rather than Oxford-AZ.  Though we see yet again that the Isle of Man appears to be the only place where the Pfizer vaccine can't be brought out to people in the community.

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Imagine if Chris Whitty was a muslim of Somali descent with a big beard. Would there have been even less acceptance of what's going on and adherence to the rules if he was on the telly everyday?

I think the uk has done quite well with the diversity of people conducting their briefings. JVT, Pritti Patel, amongst others. They have even had a couple of gingers on. Before you say the presenters are still mainly white, well yes. The uk is nearly 75% white. 

The problem is not just trust. It is cultural. Until their community leaders endorse the vaccine, ethnic minorities will not trust it. 

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32 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually one worrying thing about that report is that they ended up with a different vaccine from the one they were promised[1].  You can see a lot of people getting 'mixed' vaccinations (ie one shot from two different vaccines) if they're not careful and that's definitely sub-optimal.


[1]  Pfizer rather than Oxford-AZ.  Though we see yet again that the Isle of Man appears to be the only place where the Pfizer vaccine can't be brought out to people in the community.

Did Ashford iterate that once we had the Oxford vaccine the process would gather pace? Have they any plans in place to facilitate this, I wonder. If it's the case then I think for public confidences sake we should be told. 

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