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Vaccine- who will have it?


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16 minutes ago, Banker said:

Government providing real time information on how many had it, ages etc which is good .


this must be the singularly most transparent thing they have ever done

well done to those involved



Edited by snowman
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6 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

You're wrong there fella.

You're absolutely right - I was wrong (doesn't happen often but when it does I'll fess up)

For years, I was under the impression that a vulgar fraction was synonymous with an improper or top-heavy fraction.  Now I know better.

Sorry Albert.

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On 1/24/2021 at 3:03 PM, quilp said:

Black Lives Matter. Those Black lives matter even more now. My hope is, that the BLM organisation and its affiliates, with their massive outreach and message direct their efforts into educating those they represent. Seeing the Birmingham mosque open its doors as a vaccination centre was a great step forward, setting a fine example...


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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

Ta Andy, that's great news. Some influential figures in there too getting the message across, insha'allah... 

It's worth saying that the whole way this survey has been spun in the media has been very misleading.  Which in itself is likely to make people of colour sceptical about the information they receive from the media of course.  As ever you have to look at the actual survey, what questions were asked and who replied and what they said.

The figures actually come from a paper called Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK Household Longitudinal Study.  This actually discussed vaccine hesitancy, rather than refusal.  The question that was actually asked (online last week in November) was: 

“Imagine that a vaccine against COVID-19 was available for anyone who wanted it. How likely or unlikely would you be to take the vaccine?” Possible responses were “Very likely”, “Likely”, “Unlikely” and “Very unlikely”.

Now there's no "Don't know" option there.  This is important because some groups are more likely to chose this option when asked any question in a survey: women more than men; young people rather than older; working class rather than middle class; black rather than white.  This often doesn't mean that they won't eventually make a decision (or example about who to vote for) just that they are more willing to admit uncertainty.

In this case all these groups are more 'vaccine hesitant' (women 21.0% versus men 14.7% for example) with age particularly being a big difference.  There's a big discrepancy between the profile of the vaccine deniers in the media (older, middle class, white males) and those which this survey seems to show.  Which suggests that the 'hesitant' are just that - not refusing but wanting to know more before they decide - something the survey didn't let them choose.

There's an addition problem with those identifying as Black in this survey, there were only 190 of them in total. Which makes any figures based on their opinion at best likely to be inaccurate and possibly totally unrepresentative.   So the survey should be taken with a lot of caution, which of course hasn't happened.

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Ashford says the cost of the airport "vaccination hub" will be released and "won't be a secret". He didn't say when though.

He can feck off if he thinks I'm waiting 10 years for that release...

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