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Vaccine- who will have it?


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4 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Or they could have done it in the Villa and even if the numerous waiting areas inside were full, they've still got the colonnade. 

Mind you if the DoI had been left to build outside shelters, it would probably take them six months and half a million quid to produce a leaky tarpaulin.

And have outside drop-off points and a bus stop outside.

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Just now, quilp said:

How difficult would it be to employ a steward or two to check the appointment times of attendees? A little bit of shuffling around and they'd be at least a little closer to some sort of proper order...

By employers sent round a note asking for volunteers for stewarding at UK centres. The finance and gambling sectors would love a similar opportunity to get social conscious brownie points.

Had the Villa been chosen you'd only need a shuttle mini bus between Chester Street carpark and the Villa to fix any parking problems.

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The Airport must be able to accommodate waiting and queueing, surely. Say, from the luggage pickup area down to the purpose built seated waiting areas.


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It does seem rather OTT for a very simple procedure - despite the Minister making it sound like brain surgery. They do it by sticking your arm out of your car window in the States. We could have repurposed the drive through at Maccies. A double health benefit.

Edited by madmanxpilot
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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

Back to the OP - not Germans aged over 65 apparently. 

Not with the Oxford/AZ vaccine at any rate.   There was some fuss a couple of days ago when one German media source announced that the vaccine was only 8% effective in the over-65s.  This turned out to be untrue as the real figure is apparently minus 655%.

Now obviously this rather unlikely result[1] is really meaningless as it is because of there being not enough data and other indicators are encouraging, including proxy measures such as antibodies generated are promising in older recipients (unlike some other cases such as flu vaccine where older people don't respond as well as younger).  But it does highlight that the Oxford/AZ trials were a bit shonkier than you would have liked them to be.  So you can see why the Germans might want to use the Pfizer vaccine for older patients - the opposite of here of course.


[1]  Though not impossible - a negative result would imply vaccination was worse than doing nothing.

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8 minutes ago, Banker said:

According to Ashie today a few oldies were even coming for a dry run to check it out before their appointments next week adding to the crowds!!

Its a shame the people responsible for building it didn't do a dummy run too. They would have identified many of the teething  troubles before exposing (literally) our seniors to them.

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The old vaccine thing is bringing out the worst in everyone. We seen it here with the hubbub around the start of the vaccinations and the green eyed monster about who got jabbed first. The EU thing is simply the same but on a bigger scale, and without doubt fanned by the bellends who keep crowing about how many their country have jabbed and the regular country by country league tables.

The reality is that this is a global pandemic and until the whole planet has been jabbed, there will always be issues with the virus. Who gets what first is academic to a certain degree. The important jab will be the last one.

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