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Vaccine- who will have it?


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On 12/13/2020 at 10:37 AM, Banker said:

Jersey starting vaccinations today, Guernsey early coming week.

not sure why our supply is so far behind the others, another Ashie & Howie muck up?

I'm ok with this, we have a little grace period/time with a low number of cases - I want to see if there are anymore coincidental deaths or bells palsy developments -



Or alergic reactions - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55244122




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On 12/13/2020 at 3:51 PM, Banker said:

Guernsey same position as us , have the vaccine ready to go , proper borders plan published which includes families allowed to visit now subject to quarantine regulations 😀

Apparently there's a new strain in the UK now anyway -




Taking the current vaccine may turn out to be worthless anyway despite -


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16 minutes ago, Lagman said:

Well if you listened to Director of health on yesterday news conference the new strain is expected and the vaccine will still work so stop panicking!!

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1 hour ago, Lagman said:

Another classic case of people not even bothering to read or listen to their own links. He says he hasn't received it yet because he doesn't yet qualify and it would be unethical to jump the queue, but that he would and he might take it in advance if it was thought to reassure people.

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Another classic case of people not even bothering to read or listen to their own links. He says he hasn't received it yet because he doesn't yet qualify and it would be unethical to jump the queue, but that he would and he might take it in advance if it was thought to reassure people.

I know what he said. Let's see if he actually does take it.

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6 minutes ago, Lagman said:

I know what he said. Let's see if he actually does take it.

If he does take it, what would it change? Anyone who was fine with the vaccine anyway won't be swayed, conspiracy nuts will say he was injected with saline. Pointless.

As for your other links, you would expect 4 people in ~30,000 to develop Bell's Palsy with or without a vaccine. It's also not a surprise that people so allergic to their surroundings that they must carry an epi-pen have had an allergic reaction. It's also not surprising that some people died after having the vaccine (eventually, everyone who has the vaccine will die.)

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On 12/13/2020 at 11:19 AM, Banker said:

No just pointing out both Channel Islands have their supply & starting vaccinations, why are we so far behind?

The boxes that leave the production line have five trays of 195 vials, each vial containing 5 doses, so that's 4875 doses per box. Each box is sealed and surrounded by dry ice to ensure the requisite temperature. If (as reported) splitting the box into individual trays for distribution is a massive challenge, it's perhaps unsurprising we haven't had any yet. Maybe the CI feel more confident in being able to administer 4875 doses quickly?

Perhaps IOMG are have their fingers and toes crossed that the Oxford/AZ vaccine is given the EUA within the coming days to make things a lot easier (?)


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43 minutes ago, HeliX said:

conspiracy nuts

I am a little concerned with them being exempt from liability for a  rushed new (RNA) type of vaccine that the UK is being guinea pigs for, yes.

Does anyone know if any of the following comment is true? -

"What Pfizer has NOT provided: The ingredients, The results data, An independently peer-reviewed study! To save you reading the 120-page study design, here's the summary: · The vaccine has NOT been tested on children, pregnant women, people taking medications and individuals with comorbidities · Pfizer doesn’t plan to release the results data for independent scrutiny for another 2 years · Pfizer did not assess vaccine reactions in all 43,000 participants (just a random subset of 8000) · Pfizer only reported severe reactions that occurred in more than 2% (860 people). In other words, if 800 people suffered a severe immune reaction, they did not have to report it because it occurred in less than 2%!! · Pfizer will not submit the study for peer-review until they’ve completed their analysis of safety data.  – the vaccine is approved and they have not finished analysing the data! The government have indemnified them they have no liability for injury or death."

Would like to know.


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1 hour ago, Lagman said:

I am a little concerned with them being exempt from liability for a  rushed new (RNA) type of vaccine that the UK is being guinea pigs for, yes.

Does anyone know if any of the following comment is true? -

"What Pfizer has NOT provided: The ingredients, The results data, An independently peer-reviewed study! To save you reading the 120-page study design, here's the summary: · The vaccine has NOT been tested on children, pregnant women, people taking medications and individuals with comorbidities · Pfizer doesn’t plan to release the results data for independent scrutiny for another 2 years · Pfizer did not assess vaccine reactions in all 43,000 participants (just a random subset of 8000) · Pfizer only reported severe reactions that occurred in more than 2% (860 people). In other words, if 800 people suffered a severe immune reaction, they did not have to report it because it occurred in less than 2%!! · Pfizer will not submit the study for peer-review until they’ve completed their analysis of safety data.  – the vaccine is approved and they have not finished analysing the data! The government have indemnified them they have no liability for injury or death."

Would like to know.


Ingredients list is here for you:


RNA vaccines have been tested, we're quite lucky in that COVID has really been a pandemic we've had the technology for. Especially with the outbreak of SARS meaning that coronaviruses have kept attention.

Pfizer don't do the analysis for approval. The regulators receive that data, usually it'd be packaged and sent off for review and approval. This time, given the time pressure, the regulators have had a real-time feed into all the data as and when it has been appearing.

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4 hours ago, Banker said:

Usual shambles from DHSC! Doesn’t bode well for vaccine roll out when we can’t even let surgeons know their operations are cancelled!!!

Mr Ashford sounded furious on the radio. Don't blame him really. And I know he is serious about poor communication systems with and from clinical staff asI have heard his frustrations about this before. Probably best not to go down the route though of the previous CEO and Hospital Manager !

As for referring to the Leadership team members then forget it - I have been told there is a small group of managers there who want to control everything, and in their way. I don't think even Mr Ashford can shift them now.

I am glad though that a Consultant has blown that particular whistle - time more did I think.

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