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Vaccine- who will have it?


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The latest from Ashford on the vaccine etc.

What puzzles me is Ashford saying once again that the vaccine has to be treated as if it was nitroglycerin, i.e.- it cannot be shaken or subject to too much vibration. Surely, a liquid (presuming it IS in liquid form in the vials), when it's transported at -70 degrees, surely it becomes frozen solid? I'm not the brightest penny in the till so maybe I'm missing summat...



Hey, Paul Moulton, if you're reading this, why not fix Ashford's bloody mic on the correct lapel and introduce a compressor to ensure the volume levels of your interviewees remain the same as your booming self. Ashford's a whisperer at the best of times during interview. 



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A quick search reveals that the vaccine is deep frozen, at -70 degrees. Surely then, in a frozen state it is less likely to be subject to vibration and movement. This flies in the face of Ashford's continuing claim that it requires complete stability in transit. What is he talking about? 

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22 hours ago, Lagman said:

I am a little concerned with them being exempt from liability for a  rushed new (RNA) type of vaccine that the UK is being guinea pigs for, yes.

Does anyone know if any of the following comment is true? -

"What Pfizer has NOT provided: The ingredients, The results data, An independently peer-reviewed study! To save you reading the 120-page study design, here's the summary: · The vaccine has NOT been tested on children, pregnant women, people taking medications and individuals with comorbidities · Pfizer doesn’t plan to release the results data for independent scrutiny for another 2 years · Pfizer did not assess vaccine reactions in all 43,000 participants (just a random subset of 8000) · Pfizer only reported severe reactions that occurred in more than 2% (860 people). In other words, if 800 people suffered a severe immune reaction, they did not have to report it because it occurred in less than 2%!! · Pfizer will not submit the study for peer-review until they’ve completed their analysis of safety data.  – the vaccine is approved and they have not finished analysing the data! The government have indemnified them they have no liability for injury or death."

Would like to know.


It is immensely sensible that liability is limited, if not the vaccine would not have been released by Pfizer.  They are, after a commercial operation, and their own insurers may not cover liability.  At the end of the day in matters like this, governments are the "insurers" of last resort.  A, or several, vaccines are needed and it would be outrageous if they were withheld because they did not fit a risk profile. 

It doesn't strike me as an indicator of high risk, just not something that fits into a risk profile. 

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16 minutes ago, quilp said:

A quick search reveals that the vaccine is deep frozen, at -70 degrees. Surely then, in a frozen state it is less likely to be subject to vibration and movement. This flies in the face of Ashford's continuing claim that it requires complete stability in transit. What is he talking about? 

No one seems to know what his concerns are, every area in UK plus CI have started vaccinated programme . Is Ashie delaying delivery because of concerns a deep frozen vaccine will get rocked a bit on the boat or plane?

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12 minutes ago, Banker said:

Is Ashie delaying delivery because of concerns a deep frozen vaccine will get rocked a bit on the boat or plane?

Apparently it was coming in by jet ski last week but no-one can find it now. 

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14 minutes ago, quilp said:

How can the vaccine get rocked about when it's in a solid, frozen state, that needs clarifying. Otherwise he's telling porkies... 

exactly! Guernsey are also due their second batch this week so is Ashie & his advisers concerns delaying our roll out as no one else on an island seems concerned or impacted?

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

A quick search reveals that the vaccine is deep frozen, at -70 degrees. Surely then, in a frozen state it is less likely to be subject to vibration and movement. This flies in the face of Ashford's continuing claim that it requires complete stability in transit. What is he talking about? 

It’s a question I often find myself asking as soon as he opens his mouth.


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8 minutes ago, quilp said:

Moulton asked him that very question in the interviews I posted up earlier. Ashford declined to confirm it.

Why don't people read links or watch even the shortest, informative videos on this site..? 

I properly can't stand either Moultan or Ashford, so I can't bring myself to watch the videos. I'm also not that keen on watching video news anyway, I'd rather read a transcript.

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