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Vaccine- who will have it?


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Quite PK. The briefing was late today because Keys overran. Spewin Juan as presiding officer refused to allow HQ to leave for the scheduled 4pm start.

Now I get that the Keys business is important but with the whole IOM waiting with bated breath for the lockdown announcement, sure the Speaker could've allowed an adjournment. He's clearly the like for like replacment for rodent as President. Equally full of his own self importance.

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10 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Quite PK. The briefing was late today because Keys overran. Spewin Juan as presiding officer refused to allow HQ to leave for the scheduled 4pm start.

Now I get that the Keys business is important but with the whole IOM waiting with bated breath for the lockdown announcement, sure the Speaker could've allowed an adjournment. He's clearly the like for like replacment for rodent as President. Equally full of his own self importance.

Quite, they need to remember who voted them in and who pays their wages.

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6 hours ago, Newbie said:

There was also another person who died shortly after having the vaccine, but the investigations carried out showed that there was no link between the vaccine and the patient subsequently dying

That's what they say everywhere since they started vaccination - immediately after - "absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine" - Also immediately "definately died from covid"

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"The Isle of Man’s Covid-19 Vaccination Programme will be prioritising jabs for people aged 16 and over who live with adults who have weakened immune systems, following guidance from the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccinations & Immunisations (JCVI). This includes conditions such as blood cancer, HIV and those on immunosuppressive treatment including chemotherapy."

The new guidance is based on evidence that susceptibility to infection is reduced in those who have been vaccinated, and so vaccinating individuals aged 16+ living with an adult who is immunocompromised is considered to be a beneficial approach by increasing protection."


Why would healthy 16 + year olds need to be vaccinated and their health put at risk for the sake of people they live with who have been VACCINATED? - if the vaccine worked then they would be protected, if it doesn't work why would healthy teens need to be vaccinated? - especially since most young people throw covid off like it's nothing and two of the vaccines that were "declared safe" have already been discontinued in lots of countries due to blood clots.


Who knows what long term problems with the other vaccines will arise (as there has been no long term testing) -







There has been talk that the Pfizer vax doesn't work well with the African variant (already in London) -



If that really turns out to be true then taking the vaccine (and the risk thereof) might be pointless anyway.

Also why does it seem to be 16 year olds and up here but 17 and 18 up in the Channel Islands (at least from what I've read)?  Then again they are testing Pfizer on 2 year olds now in America so that will be what's pushed next -


And it seems from the schedule we might race ahead of even the UK with young people with no idea of the long term implications -



If it was a choice between my health and life and risking the health of all the islands young people - I'd take the risk and protect their health.

Also they are now pushing "Vaccines alone will not stop Covid spreading" - Here's the BBC's retarded cheese analogy -


And Boris - https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-lockdown-is-main-reason-for-drop-in-coronavirus-cases-and-deaths-not-vaccinations-says-boris-johnson-12274266

So it won't "return to normal"  even if everyone gets it.



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3 hours ago, Lagman said:

Why would healthy 16 + year olds need to be vaccinated and their health put at risk for the sake of people they live with who have been VACCINATED? - if the vaccine worked then they would be protected, if it doesn't work why would healthy teens need to be vaccinated?

The clue is in the statement. The vaccine works by getting the body's immune system to react and thereby develop an immunity to covid-19. If someone has a weakened immune system due to some other medical condition, their immune system may not react as well as would normally be expected, meaning that they wouldn't develop a full immunity. Under those circumstances, young people living in the same household may well feel that they would want to do all they could to help protect their family members. Transmission between family members is one of the commonest causes of covid spreading. If a healthy 16yr old is vaccinated, there would be a reduced risk of them catching covid and passing it on to a family member who hasn't developed a full immunity.

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11 hours ago, John Wright said:

After the mess he’s made with announcements today DA should resign.

It is clear Ashford has revelled in his higher profile during the pandemic.  This has led to him portraying himself as a leading authority in all matters covid or pandemic related.  His cockiness is leading to more and more faux pas.  Yesterday's pronouncement, delivered in his usual egocentric manner, was cringeworthy.  He seems to be acting beyond his competence and the vale of bluster is clearing.  

7 hours ago, piebaps said:

Quite PK. The briefing was late today because Keys overran. Spewin Juan as presiding officer refused to allow HQ to leave for the scheduled 4pm start.

Now I get that the Keys business is important but with the whole IOM waiting with bated breath for the lockdown announcement, sure the Speaker could've allowed an adjournment. He's clearly the like for like replacment for rodent as President. Equally full of his own self importance.

It was totally amateurish to have delay after delay to the yesterdays press briefing.  It highlights the self serving environment HoK operates with in.  Their arrogance and lack of public awareness is breath-taking.

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26 minutes ago, Hmmmm said:

It is clear Ashford has revelled in his higher profile during the pandemic.  This has led to him portraying himself as a leading authority in all matters covid or pandemic related.  His cockiness is leading to more and more faux pas.  Yesterday's pronouncement, delivered in his usual egocentric manner, was cringeworthy.  He seems to be acting beyond his competence and the vale of bluster is clearing.  

It was totally amateurish to have delay after delay to the yesterdays press briefing.  It highlights the self serving environment HoK operates with in.  Their arrogance and lack of public awareness is breath-taking.

That will be down to Rodant I suspect (and none of them with any commonsense suggesting a temporary recess) - Tenner says Rodant's been recommended for an upgrade to his OBE in the Queen's birthday or by Xmas (most likely June).

Pompous ass. Added zero or minus value during most of his 'service'. Grrrr!

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51 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

That will be down to Rodant I suspect (and none of them with any commonsense suggesting a temporary recess) - Tenner says Rodant's been recommended for an upgrade to his OBE in the Queen's birthday or by Xmas (most likely June).

Pompous ass. Added zero or minus value during most of his 'service'. Grrrr!

It was HOK and Watterson who denied CM permission to leave at 4 so assume he just ignored him later to do briefing.

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1 hour ago, Hmmmm said:

It is clear Ashford has revelled in his higher profile during the pandemic.  This has led to him portraying himself as a leading authority in all matters covid or pandemic related.  His cockiness is leading to more and more faux pas.  Yesterday's pronouncement, delivered in his usual egocentric manner, was cringeworthy.  He seems to be acting beyond his competence and the vale of bluster is clearing.  

It was totally amateurish to have delay after delay to the yesterdays press briefing.  It highlights the self serving environment HoK operates with in.  Their arrogance and lack of public awareness is breath-taking.

One of the media I think Manx Radio suggested that Quayle could have made the announcement to Tynwald about the new reductions in the COVID restrictions then adjourn the media conference till today Friday.

Seemed a sensible suggestion but wait a minute!

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56 minutes ago, Whatnonsence said:

One of the media I think Manx Radio suggested that Quayle could have made the announcement to Tynwald about the new reductions in the COVID restrictions then adjourn the media conference till today Friday.

Seemed a sensible suggestion but wait a minute!

Why did Quayle have to do it? Should have delegated the task.

No, hang on, that would mean he couldn't bask in the glow of "triumphantly taking us out of lockdown".

Sorry, don't know what I was thinking

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

It was HOK and Watterson who denied CM permission to leave at 4 so assume he just ignored him later to do briefing.

Can't help thinking that Watty may have forced the delay to show HQ who really is in charge in The Keys. 

Having said that, the sensible thing would have been to suspend the sitting for an hour or two to allow the press briefing to go ahead as planned. It's not as if The Clerk and Mr. Speaker weren't aware that a press briefing would happen. We're in the middle of a pandemic, what could be more important than that?

They could have, should have, worked into the evening to finish the days work. It's not like they're actually in Tynwald, they're all at home.   

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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Having said that, the sensible thing would have been to suspend the sitting for an hour or two to allow the press briefing to go ahead as planned. It's not as if The Clerk and Mr. Speaker weren't aware that a press briefing would happen. We're in the middle of a pandemic, what could be more important than that?

Any member could have called for an adjournment but clearly no-one wanted one. It usually is not up to the Speaker alone.

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