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Vaccine- who will have it?


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12 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

That will still happen.  Of the 10,453 50-64 year olds who have received their first dose, 9153 did so before or on 7 April.  That means they will get the second dose on or before 30 June.

30th June is too late if the borders are going to open. That's the big point you don't get. The real fact is the O50s are still programmed to be complete for 2nd week July.

You said yourself that it takes 2 to 3 weeks to take effect. That takes us to end July before we have protected all our vulnerable

12 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:


So the danger is that a lower level of supply and then a complete stop for a week could leave them without any in late June of July if they move everyone forward  They also have to take into account the balance between the different vaccines and the need to vaccinate vulnerable people who haven't been booked in. And the administrative burden of re-scheduling 32,000 appointments.

It's not a danger. I cant see how you are not understanding this. They wont be without them  because they will have already been done...earlier. it doesnt then matter if we run out. All the shots we have are in use. That's the best you can do.

Edited by Happier diner
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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Here’s the excuse ! Could have done second doses in 2 weeks holidays, idiots!!


Quite right. The man is talking absolute nonsense. As already said, just let anyone willing to bring their appointment forward, and has a second jab booked, to ring 111 and re book. Anyone who wants to leave it as it is let them do that. If you don't ring your appointment stays the same.

If that is near impossible then God help us.

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19 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Quite right. The man is talking absolute nonsense. As already said, just let anyone willing to bring their appointment forward, and has a second jab booked, to ring 111 and re book. Anyone who wants to leave it as it is let them do that. If you don't ring your appointment stays the same.

If that is near impossible then God help us.

Why? Just take it on a day by day basis. Anyone over 65 who has not had a second jab come to one of the hubs today. Anyone over 64 who has not had a second jab come on Sunday. Over 63, Monday. 62, Tuesday, etc. All done and into the 40s by the 14th June. 

I think Ashy thinks the virus has gone to Portugal to escape the TT. 

This situation is appalling! 

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15 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Why? Just take it on a day by day basis. Anyone over 65 who has not had a second jab come to one of the hubs today. Anyone over 64 who has not had a second jab come on Sunday. Over 63, Monday. 62, Tuesday, etc. All done and into the 40s by the 14th June. 

I think Ashy thinks the virus has gone to Portugal to escape the TT. 

This situation is appalling! 

That could work as well. They would have to run AZ and Pfizer days and also there could be queues, but hey nothing is impossible,  or near impossible (what ever that even means)

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"Government says bringing second doses forward to fill the two week gap would have required 18,000 appointments to be rescheduled, a task deemed 'near impossible'."

These clowns need jobs in the Real world.

text/email everyone telling them their jab is exactly two weeks earlier than it was going to be and with the new date.  Times and days of week stay the same.

If not convenient contact 111.

Hardly difficult

Edited by trmpton
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24 minutes ago, trmpton said:

"Government says bringing second doses forward to fill the two week gap would have required 18,000 appointments to be rescheduled, a task deemed 'near impossible'."

These clowns need jobs in the Real world.

text/email everyone telling them their jab is exactly two weeks earlier than it was going to be and with the new date.  Times and days of week stay the same.

If not convenient contact 111.

Hardly difficult

Uk & Jersey managed it without too many difficulties!!

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28 minutes ago, Banker said:

Don’t miss your second doses, really important for travel etc , but we’re not doing them sooner!!!


Of course travel would be easier if we had an internationally agreed form on paper and app to prove vaccination.

Its six weeks since he said IOM was in talks to piggy back the English NHS ones, on the NHS App. Nothing!

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18 minutes ago, Gladys said:

What is the reason for the two week hiatus? As I read it, it is no jabs for anyone for the next two weeks.  Why?

No spare jabs for first doses (apart from the moderna ones which for sone reason they are not giving out until mid June) and they can't be arsed bringing forward around 18000 second doses as it would be near impossible apparently

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20 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No spare jabs for first doses (apart from the moderna ones which for sone reason they are not giving out until mid June) and they can't be arsed bringing forward around 18000 second doses as it would be near impossible apparently

So the supply slowdown in April (or thereabouts) is being felt now?

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18 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No spare jabs for first doses (apart from the moderna ones which for sone reason they are not giving out until mid June) and they can't be arsed bringing forward around 18000 second doses as it would be near impossible apparently

But that assumes we won’t be getting deliveries for the next two weeks, either.

The system is that IOM receives an allocation and then has to draw it down, get delivered and in to people’s arms. With Jersey, and Wales so far ahead, we’re either not getting allocated or we’re not drawing down.

I forecast that on 14 June an additional 20,000 doses will miraculously appear in inventory, and there’ll be much celebratory “didn’t we do well” back slapping.

They've been doing it cack handed for weeks. Chester Street only Mon to Fri, Airport only Fri Sat Sun.

We've physical capacity to deliver 2,000 a day. We achieved that. Once. Why have we hovered at a 1,000 a day delivery rate for 2 months. Why build infrastructure for double deliverable capacity.

In fact, why build semi permanent infrastructure at all when everywhere else uses hospital screens

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