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Vaccine- who will have it?


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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

But that assumes we won’t be getting deliveries for the next two weeks, either.

The system is that IOM receives an allocation and then has to draw it down, get delivered and in to people’s arms. With Jersey, and Wales so far ahead, we’re either not getting allocated or we’re not drawing down.

I forecast that on 14 June an additional 20,000 doses will miraculously appear in inventory, and there’ll be much celebratory “didn’t we do well” back slapping.

They've been doing it cack handed for weeks. Chester Street only Mon to Fri, Airport only Fri Sat Sun.

We've physical capacity to deliver 2,000 a day. We achieved that. Once. Why have we hovered at a 1,000 a day delivery rate for 2 months. Why build infrastructure for double deliverable capacity.

In fact, why build semi permanent infrastructure at all when everywhere else uses hospital screens

So, is this hiatus planned all along? I am due for my second in 17 June, did they not book any second doses for the first two weeks at all? If they did this means they foresaw the hiatus in March when the first doses were given and second doses booked, possibly the knock on effect of the supply blip? 

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

So, is this hiatus planned all along? I am due for my second in 17 June, did they not book any second doses for the first two weeks at all? If they did this means they foresaw the hiatus in March when the first doses were given and second doses booked, possibly the knock on effect of the supply blip? 

It was planned when they increased the interval from 10 to 12 weeks. They hadn’t the sense to then fill the gap with first doses, or the capability to say, when the UK JCVI reduces interval to 8 weeks to invite people who are waiting dose 2 to turn up early and free slots later.

Ive had my 2 doses, but now apart from a card which doesn’t identify me, no photo, no biometric data, I can’t get a vaccination passport.

Its the total incompetence that’s becoming apparent. I’ve supported what’s been done for most of the last 15 months but I’m getting totally pissed off now.

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7 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It was planned when they increased the interval from 10 to 12 weeks. They hadn’t the sense to then fill the gap with first doses, or the capability to say, when the UK JCVI reduces interval to 8 weeks to invite people who are waiting dose 2 to turn up early and free slots later.

Ive had my 2 doses, but now apart from a card which doesn’t identify me, no photo, no biometric data, I can’t get a vaccination passport.

Its the total incompetence that’s becoming apparent. I’ve supported what’s been done for most of the last 15 months but I’m getting totally pissed off now.

Agree entirely

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6 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It was planned when they increased the interval from 10 to 12 weeks. They hadn’t the sense to then fill the gap with first doses, or the capability to say, when the UK JCVI reduces interval to 8 weeks to invite people who are waiting dose 2 to turn up early and free slots later.

Ive had my 2 doses, but now apart from a card which doesn’t identify me, no photo, no biometric data, I can’t get a vaccination passport.

Its the total incompetence that’s becoming apparent. I’ve supported what’s been done for most of the last 15 months but I’m getting totally pissed off now.

Apparently I have been told by the 111 line that after you have had your second jab you can request a letter from your GP stating your COVID vaccination record. 

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1 minute ago, 2112 said:

Apparently I have been told by the 111 line that after you have had your second jab you can request a letter from your GP stating your COVID vaccination record. 

Yes, but whether it will be internationally acceptable…

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13 minutes ago, John Wright said:

We've physical capacity to deliver 2,000 a day. We achieved that. Once. Why have we hovered at a 1,000 a day delivery rate for 2 months. Why build infrastructure for double deliverable capacity.

In fact, why build semi permanent infrastructure at all when everywhere else uses hospital screens

The old saying applies: The purpose of a system is what it does.  The DoI exists to provide very well-paid jobs for people who justify them by inventing a stream of 'projects' for them to manage.  These projects all employ the same, very well-paid contractors.  Producing or maintaining facilities needed by the public is only an excuse that doesn't even need to be justified by results.

The vaccination 'hubs' were clearly designed for the benefit of the DoI, which is why they used DoI-owned properties, even though other more appropriate ones were available.  The real question is why the DHSC and the politicians went along with it.

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56 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No spare jabs for first doses (apart from the moderna ones which for sone reason they are not giving out until mid June) and they can't be arsed bringing forward around 18000 second doses as it would be near impossible apparently

They don't need to bring forward all 18000 though do they. Leave most where they are. They could just bring forward the last 2 weeks worth. That would be last week June first week July. Do them in the next two weeks. All done in time for border opening.

That cohort would be 8 weeks jab. Right on the sweet spot. 

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Don’t miss your second doses, really important for travel etc , but we’re not doing them sooner!!!


This is really weird. He has us by the balls. E.g. I want my second jab now. Its 8 weeks since my first. So I wont be able travel but I cant have my second because we are having two weeks off.

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38 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It always has been before, for travel to tropical countries etc.

Yes, I’ve got all sorts of them, yellow fever, hep, all sorts. But different times, different circumstances.

The old way was for fewer travellers and from a non digital age. 

We are now looking at mass travel, huge numbers, budget airline Check-In. A QR code will do fine.

We were told we’d be on the English NHS App, our data is there. My vaccination record is there. But not the digital certificate. It’s a few lines of code and political will and determination.

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DA has the appearance of a naughty school boy told to stand up in class and take it for his mates of late.


They don't want people travelling - 'so lets make a story up that not having a 2nd jab will make travel difficult'.

'oh, and we wont give 2nd jabs for the half term holiday - we don't want all that money going off island'.

'You tell them David .. they listen to you - I've already said I am not standing so fuck 'em'.

Not anymore Ashford - people are fed up with you, Hettie and Quayle for basically telling us all fibs and trying to cover it all up.


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

But that assumes we won’t be getting deliveries for the next two weeks, either.

The system is that IOM receives an allocation and then has to draw it down, get delivered and in to people’s arms. With Jersey, and Wales so far ahead, we’re either not getting allocated or we’re not drawing down.

I forecast that on 14 June an additional 20,000 doses will miraculously appear in inventory, and there’ll be much celebratory “didn’t we do well” back slapping.

They've been doing it cack handed for weeks. Chester Street only Mon to Fri, Airport only Fri Sat Sun.

We've physical capacity to deliver 2,000 a day. We achieved that. Once. Why have we hovered at a 1,000 a day delivery rate for 2 months. Why build infrastructure for double deliverable capacity.

In fact, why build semi permanent infrastructure at all when everywhere else uses hospital screens

Or busses even and we've no shortage of them!

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

What is the reason for the two week hiatus? As I read it, it is no jabs for anyone for the next two weeks.  Why?

It's the inevitable consequence of decisions taken months ago.  Firstly moving from 10 to 12 weeks by blindly following the JCVI recommendation[1], meant that a two week gap automatically opened up.  Secondly, because they made the decision to book both appointments together and with the maximum gap, this meant rescheduling all the second ones would now need to be done if a gap was to be filled.  That's 32,000 appointments, maybe half the adult population[2].

There may be something else going on as well to do with stock levels.  Although they have about 10,000 doses in stock it could well be that most of these are Pfizer rather than AZ.  There have been over 13,500 doses given in the last three weeks (overwhelmingly second jabs) and 83% of those have been AZ. 

Again this is a consequence of decisions taken months ago to increase the gap between doses, which was first only done with the AZ vaccine.  So even if it looks as if they have enough doses for two weeks, they might not be able to vaccinate the next two weeks-worth of people due because they mostly need AZ and what they have in stock is Pfizer and maybe Moderna.  

Obviously they could still use some of those stocks to start vaccinating younger groups with their first doses, especially as Pfizer and Moderna are preferred for such groups[3].  But they have known that this gap was coming as well and it could be that they have taken the opportunity to give staff the holidays they have been due for a long time.


[1]  Which was only ever about the maximum gap allowed, not the optimal one.  What (scanty) evidence there was suggested that protection dropped after 10 weeks.

[2]  You can only imagine the chaos that would happen, and the stress on 111 and vaccination staff, if all these people were ringing up to re-book appointments or even worse just turning up on spec demanding to be vaccinated.

[3]  This is due to the blood-clotting thing with AZ, which is about about twice as likely in under-40s, though still very rare (ie 1 in 50,000 as opposed to 1 in 100,000).

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