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Vaccine- who will have it?


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11 hours ago, wrighty said:

News from a large UK hospital - personal communication from a contact. Not Noble’s before anyone stupid suggests it is. 

Maternity unit - 4 patients on ventilators with covid. All had to be delivered early. At least one going for withdrawal of treatment imminently. All unvaxxed. 

I know this wasn't your intention but we need to be careful about not victim blaming here.   The advice that pregnant women should get vaccinated was only changed in mid-April, before that advice was against.  Given the gap then between jabs, not that many pregnant women will have had the chance to be fully vaccinated.

And that's without the problem that many health professionals appear to be unwilling to encourage pregnant women to vaccinate or even opposed.   It seems to be part of this rather sentimental idea that pregnancy should be as 'natural' as possible and any form of medical intervention is frowned on unless absolutely required.

The annoying thing is that this problem was clear more or less from the start.  I pointed out in April 2020 that you could see from the ICNARC figures that while problems in most of pregnancy were low, a disproportionate number of women who had recently given birth were ending up in ICUs.  At the time I assumed this was a post-partum problem but it may have had more with women in their third trimester having to be delivered early and then treated. Other people should have noticed this and prioritised pregnant women rather than putting them off.

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@Roger Mexico certainly didn’t intend victim blaming with regard to the cases in pregnancy.  The JCVI advice in April probably didn’t adversely affect them as they wouldn’t have been in the vaccinated age groups before then. I posted it in part as a wake up call to those that still think covid only kills 80 year olds, and maybe to influence a few to get vaccinated, pregnant or not.

You’re right about healthcare reluctance. Probably being defensive, worried about another autism ‘scandal’ years hence, or getting blamed for the odd coincidental miscarriage.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Qanon/Icke bollocks

I believe that the majority of 'opposition' writers / speakers in this general subject area are controlled opposition, gatekeepers, etc. QAnon and Icke are easily identifiable as such. Others are more subtle and can take longer to sift out.

There's no substitute for research (e.g. mortality data from ONS, EuroMOMO, review of medical literature) in order to reach informed conclusions on a subject like this.

I would encourage people to be sceptical of online comments when we know nothing about the writer's qualifications, motivation and integrity. However for truth-seekers, online comments and links can be useful as a starting point for research. As we know, the learning process involves trial and error. For complex subjects like this it can also require a lot of time.

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5 minutes ago, WTF said:

personally, i'm quite happy for everybody else to have the vaccine.   😁

My reading suggests that globally the percentage of vax "refusal" is substantially higher than stated in mainstream media. This would be consistent with the vax refusal of almost everyone in my social network.

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2 hours ago, Ann said:

My reading suggests that globally the percentage of vax "refusal" is substantially higher than stated in mainstream media. This would be consistent with the vax refusal of almost everyone in my social network.

Except in IOM refusal appears to be much lower than even the government claims

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