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Vaccine- who will have it?


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19 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Except in IOM refusal appears to be much lower than even the government claims

John I expect that in due course we will see accurate numbers provided by independent researchers.

In the meantime, people who attended the Castletown Festival yesterday will have noticed how difficult it was to find anyone wearing a "face covering." I estimated a maximum of 1 or 2 people per hundred complying with Chief Minister Howard Quayle's advice (5 Aug 2021) that people wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces.

What could be the reason for this dismissal of government advice? Government loss of credibility? General public awareness of relevant facts? I know the answers because I asked people about their views on this subject. Moderators would not allow me to state the answers here.

In short, a big shift in public mood is underway. Not yet as strong as in Germany and France, but headed in that direction.

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20 minutes ago, Ann said:

Chief Minister Howard Quayle's advice (5 Aug 2021) that people wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces.


but is that crowded and enclosed  at the same time,  or  crowded or enclosed ?   a crowd outside isn't enclosed and enclosed with not too many isn't crowded.

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1 hour ago, Ann said:

John I expect that in due course we will see accurate numbers provided by independent researchers.

Is this a realistic assumption considering the performance to date? Why is it so confusing and imprecise presently? Why not now instead of "due course?"

1 hour ago, Ann said:

In the meantime, people who attended the Castletown Festival yesterday will have noticed how difficult it was to find anyone wearing a "face covering." I estimated a maximum of 1 or 2 people per hundred complying with Chief Minister Howard Quayle's advice (5 Aug 2021) that people wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces.

The wearing of face-coverings is not mandatory. Quayle specifically outlined this in the advice he stated.

1 hour ago, Ann said:

What could be the reason for this dismissal of government advice?

See above, the lack of face-coverings at Castletown could hardly be described as a "dismissal of government advice" hardly anarchism at play, people are allowed to make that decision for themselves.

1 hour ago, Ann said:

Government loss of credibility?

If social media is to believed it appears to indicate that this administration has a good deal of support and credibility in its handling of the pandemic. It could absorb any loss and remain untarnished in the eyes of the majority. If social media trends are to be believed, that is.

1 hour ago, Ann said:

General public awareness of relevant facts?

But there are so many "relevant facts" though, some facts more relevant than others, depending on personal bias. Wouldn't you agree..? What do you consider as ergo fact?

1 hour ago, Ann said:

I know the answers because I asked people about their views on this subject. Moderators would not allow me to state the answers here.

This statement is classic conspiracy-theorist psychology. That you're privy to esoteric information (whether 9/11 'truthers" Ickeophiles, et al). In its own way an attention-seeking device. So why not post up your truth and see what the moderators think? If the information you're in possession of is "relevant fact" then publish and be damned (or not)! Oh the intrigue!

1 hour ago, Ann said:

In short, a big shift in public mood is underway. Not yet as strong as in Germany and France, but headed in that direction.

All part of the plan according to that link you posted; setting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, social unrest at the subliminal behest of some obscure, chosen and shadowy (reptilian!) elite lurking behind everything. Russian bots, paid influencers, etc. Anyway, it'd never happen here, certainly not on a rainy Wednesday afternoon... 

Edited by quilp
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1 hour ago, Ann said:

. Moderators would not allow me to state the answers 


7 minutes ago, pongo said:

This seems highly unlikely.

Have you asked? Unless you’re AoM who is on moderator preview.

If you, and AoM want to put up a Covid Conspiracy and Vaxx Denier topic we could keep all that stuff there, a bit like 5G and Flat Earth topics.

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1 hour ago, Ann said:

What could be the reason for this dismissal of government advice? Government loss of credibility? General public awareness of relevant facts? I know the answers because I asked people about their views on this subject. Moderators would not allow me to state the answers here.


I read an interesting article last night about trying to encourage people to have the vaccines. The clear message was that the message has to include empathy and explanation was the most successful tool to use when coaxing people into changing their minds.

Shouting at people to just have the damned vaccine or using scare stories actually hardens reluctance and reduces greatly the encouragement needed. 

We have not learnt that simple fact yet. 

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1 minute ago, Apple said:

I read an interesting article last night about trying to encourage people to have the vaccines. The clear message was that the message has to include empathy and explanation was the most successful tool to use when coaxing people into changing their minds.

Shouting at people to just have the damned vaccine or using scare stories actually hardens reluctance and reduces greatly the encouragement needed. 

We have not learnt that simple fact yet. 

An anti-vax stance comes from many viewpoints - apathy, genuine concerns about unknowns, and conspiracy theorists being 3 examples. Each needs a different approach. The apathetics - pay them. The concerned - that’s where your empathic explanation can work. Believe it or not I’ve tried it, successfully. The conspiracists - probably nothing you can do really, but perhaps seeing an ITU full of their online pals might help. 

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1 minute ago, wrighty said:

Each needs a different approach.

I know and agree. So why isn't the Government / DHSC using those types of approach. ?  


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Whose truth are we now supposed to believe?

1) Vaccines are good, because they save a lot of people from suffering serious illness and/or death

2) Vaccines are bad, because they include dangerous chemicals, magnets, computer chips, 5G, etc....

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Part of 'living with the virus" (stupid phrase by the way as if there is any other choice 😀) is that people have to determine eventually for themselves which information makes sense to them and behave accordingly.

There is so much miscommunication and delusion out there alongside those who profess to have all the right answers. They don't. Neither do I.

We pays our money and we makes our choice. 

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I’ve put @Ann @AoM and @Not a paid influencer on indefinite moderator preview.

They can post their “Covid conspiracy and Anti Vaxxer” stuff in a new topic instead of clogging up this and distracting.

There have been a number of complaints and reports.

They'll no doubt be like the 5G and Flat Earth threads, but everyone will know where to go to read and agree/disagree.

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52 minutes ago, Apple said:

I read an interesting article last night about trying to encourage people to have the vaccines. The clear message was that the message has to include empathy and explanation was the most successful tool to use when coaxing people into changing their minds.

Shouting at people to just have the damned vaccine or using scare stories actually hardens reluctance and reduces greatly the encouragement needed. 

We have not learnt that simple fact yet. 

I think the French & Italian way is best for encouragement, you’re not getting into indoor hospitality, gyms, inter regional trains etc unless vaccinated or medically exempt!! Also Ireland have introduced for indoor hospitality 

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