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Vaccine- who will have it?


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4 hours ago, quilp said:

Both parties were of the opinion that pinning it down to the stroke being a vaccine side-effect (CVST) was difficult to determine. Walton said they had seen other patients where it was very likely that they were just some of the "unlucky" ones whose strokes, in their opinion, were apparently directly related to the vaccination and suggested it was a possibility in her case. How they can tell I don't know but at the end of the day she'd had stroke and presumably treating it would be no different regardless of the cause. Why it happened being immaterial at that time, no point in pursuing it. There was also a difference of opinon over the meds prescribed; Walton queried why she'd been put on a particular drug, not that it was wrong just whether it was necessary, and why she wasn't being given the pain-relief here as prescribed to her over there. She had been in severe pain for days and over there given Oramorph as a palliative but for some reason Nobles decided against it and just stopped giving it to her, prescribing cocodamol instead. Apart from possible withdrawal symptoms from immediate cessation of the Oramorph, her pain levels shot up, becoming almost unbearable. But it was sorted quickly. The nurse-specialist at Walton advised me to request that the doc at Noble's call her, which he did very promptly, and that was that. Clear and swift communication between both hospitals and myself greatly helped.

I said it my earlier post, the stroke team at Noble’s were, and still are, providing excellent care, beginning with saving her life to the phone calls now to ask how we're getting on and if they can help in anyway.

For what it's worth, whether the stroke was a product of the vaccine or not has become an irrelevancy. 

Wow Quilp, you have both been through these past few months.  Best wishes to Mrs Q for a sustained and quick recovery. 💐

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Both parties were of the opinion that pinning it down to the stroke being a vaccine side-effect (CVST) was difficult to determine. Walton said they had seen other patients where it was very likely that they were just some of the "unlucky" ones whose strokes, in their opinion, were apparently directly related to the vaccination and suggested it was a possibility in her case. How they can tell I don't know but at the end of the day she'd had stroke and presumably treating it would be no different regardless of the cause. Why it happened being immaterial at that time, no point in pursuing it. There was also a difference of opinon over the meds prescribed; Walton queried why she'd been put on a particular drug, not that it was wrong just whether it was necessary, and why she wasn't being given the pain-relief here as prescribed to her over there. She had been in severe pain for days and over there given Oramorph as a palliative but for some reason Nobles decided against it and just stopped giving it to her, prescribing cocodamol instead. Apart from possible withdrawal symptoms from immediate cessation of the Oramorph, her pain levels shot up, becoming almost unbearable. But it was sorted quickly. The nurse-specialist at Walton advised me to request that the doc at Noble's call her, which he did very promptly, and that was that. Clear and swift communication between both hospitals and myself greatly helped.

I said it my earlier post, the stroke team at Noble’s were, and still are, providing excellent care, beginning with saving her life to the phone calls now to ask how we're getting on and if they can help in anyway.

For what it's worth, whether the stroke was a product of the vaccine or not has become an irrelevancy. 

Smack's of usual IOM penny pinching!

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In November 2020 Mr Hancock - then UK health secretary - said in the House of Commons: "This vaccine will not be used for children. It hasn't been tested on children. And the reason is that the likelihood of children having significant detriment if they catch Covid-19 is very, very low.. This is an adult vaccine, for the adult population.” There were multiple appearances in the media by Hancock, Boris Johnson and Prof Chris Whitty - many since removed - confirming that only the elderly and vulnerable were at risk from covid 19.

The UK governments’ Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has now said the minuscule risk to children from covid 19 does not justify vaccination, but this has been over-ruled by the governments’ senior medical advisors, primarily Chief Medical Officer Prof Chris Whitty and Chief medical Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance. Our own government and Public Health service is now pushing ahead with a vaccination program for the islands’ children.

Prior to being appointed UK govt. chief scientific advisor Sir Patrick Vallance was a vice president and head of research and development at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - retaining £600k of shares in that Co. In April 2020 he was charged with heading the new ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ - the aim of this taskforce was to “drive forward, expedite and co-ordinate efforts to research and then produce a coronavirus vaccine.” In July 2020 the UK Government signed a contract with GlaxoSmithKline to secure 60 million doses of an untested, experimental “vaccine” treatment that was still being developed to combat SARS-CoV-2.

Prior to becoming UK govt. chief medical officer Chris Whitty was professor of Public and International Health at London school of hygiene and tropical medicine - a body that has received over £30m of funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation - an organisation that has focussed almost entirely on promoting vaccination.

Some might wonder if these facts may be connected?
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The 'Vaccine Harms Bill' is currently going through the House of Commons - Sir Christopher Chope below relaying some of the statistics, which include 1632 deaths (within 3 months of being vaccinated).

Full figures are not available - Public Health England says it will publish these "in due course". A stark contrast to the "covid cases" and deaths, which have been drummed into us by the media at every opportunity. An interesting contrast..




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So they've gone and done it then. Vaccines to be offered to UK kids 12-15. Here's Whittys explanation which includes things like this


 In those aged 12-15, COVID-19 rarely, but occasionally, leads to
serious illness, hospitalisation and even less commonly death. The risks of
vaccination (mainly myocarditis) are also very rare. The absolute advantage
to being vaccinated in this age group is therefore small (‘marginal’) in the view
of the JCVI. On its own the view of the JCVI is that this advantage, whilst
present, is insufficient to justify a universal offer in this age group



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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

The 'Vaccine Harms Bill' is currently going through the House of Commons - Sir Christopher Chope below relaying some of the statistics, which include 1632 deaths (within 3 months of being vaccinated).

Full figures are not available - Public Health England says it will publish these "in due course". A stark contrast to the "covid cases" and deaths, which have been drummed into us by the media at every opportunity. An interesting contrast..




This adds to my worries. My bags are packed for a quick escape when the awakening goes ballistic.

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