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Vaccine- who will have it?


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Jersey are saying that they expect to start vaccinating their population by April next year. I would guess that the time-frame will apply to this Island also, though as yet there doesn't seem to be any estimates from our equivalent department.

By that time, can we assume that the efficacy and any dangerous side-effects of whichever vaccine we'll be using, will be apparent?


Will Ashford declare this another, 'wait-and-see' situation? 

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Russia now claiming that their vaccine is 95% efficient; well they would, wouldn't they? Anybody else fancy a quick jab of Vladimir's best? A long track record in injected substances, usually in the athletics field IIRC....including giving women facial hair.... :lol:

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9 hours ago, quilp said:

Jersey are saying that they expect to start vaccinating their population by April next year. I would guess that the time-frame will apply to this Island also, though as yet there doesn't seem to be any estimates from our equivalent department.

By that time, can we assume that the efficacy and any dangerous side-effects of whichever vaccine we'll be using, will be apparent?


Will Ashford declare this another, 'wait-and-see' situation? 

You have totally misquoted the article. It actually says:-

"The Island is aiming to be ready to roll out a vaccine within days, so will be well positioned once one becomes available. It is planning for a possible start date in January."

That seems to be quite closely aligned to what the UK are working towards.


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16 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

You don't actually understand how vaccination works or what it is meant to do.  It's not about protecting the individual, it's about protecting the population as a whole.  Because no vaccine works 100%, you need a high percentage of the population to get vaccinated to protect the vulnerable, you prioritise those but (nearly) everyone needs to take it.  You can get away with a small proportion who can't take it or whom it turns out not to protect (this is what the famous herd immunity is all about), but it needs to be pretty near everyone. 

You've also missed my point about ICUs.  If they are full with patients suffering from Covid then they can't be treating anyone else and those patients will die.  Patients under 65 may be more likely to survive but they will be taking up space in ICUs for a long time (most elderly patients don't even get into ICU as younger ones will get priority).

I’m just revisiting this response Roger as it’s been playing on my mind somewhat. I need further educating on it.

I understand the need to vaccinate ‘x’ % of the population to eventually provide some kind of overall immunity to the virus BUT in the short term & in the interests of getting the world moving again (the economy primarily), given over 90% of Covid deaths recorded were aged over 65, is it not prudent to have them prioritised?

I’m also listening to your comments on the levels of ICU occupation but on checking, hospitals across the country are coping relatively well & if the over 65’s are vaccinated first, the strain & burden will ease further.

Regular testing must still be maintained & reasonable precautions (masks, SD, limited gatherings etc) continued until the ‘x’ % is reached?


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